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Example sentences for "must endeavour"

  • And now, leaving the Present, I must endeavour in the same manner to put before you the facts that are to be discovered in the Past history of the living world, in the past conditions of organic nature.

  • We must endeavour to ascertain whether this is a true representation of the early development of the Church, and of the momentous history of the apostolic age.

  • The first point which we must endeavour to ascertain is exactly what the Apostle intends to say regarding the second visit which he mentions.

  • Turning now from the letter to the spirit of this decree, we must endeavour to form some idea of its purport and bearing.

  • We must endeavour to understand precisely what view the Apostles had formed of their position in regard to Judaism, and of the duty which devolved upon them of propagating the Gospel.

  • If we cannot ourselves produce the variations, we must endeavour, though it is an attempt which is seldom successful, to find them produced by nature in some case in which the pre-existing circumstances are perfectly known to us.

  • To determine that point, we must endeavour to effect a separation of the facts from one another, not in our minds only, but in nature.

  • We must endeavour to find some law of succession which has those same attributes, and is therefore fit to be made the foundation of processes for discovering, and of a test for verifying, all other uniformities of succession.

  • In the third place, we must endeavour, by means of our system of education, to increase the mobility of labour.

  • We must endeavour on the one hand to lessen the supply of unskilled labour.

  • Fourthly, we must endeavour to make our Elementary School system the basis and point of departure of all further and higher education.

  • At the same time, I must endeavour to throw the odium of the introduction of that system upon the justices in quarter sessions assembled--in case I should be assailed on the subject in the House.

  • We must endeavour to explain the nature of the feelings which the contents of the Prince's letter created within him.

  • True; but we must endeavour to conquer those feelings.

  • Believing, then, that acts of injustice cannot be divided into voluntary and involuntary, I must endeavour to find some other mode of classifying them.

  • We must endeavour to find a thread of order which will carry us through this comparative disorder.

  • Every thing being now prepared for the extraction, we must endeavour to make this resemble as far as possible the natural expulsion.

  • Coventry took me into the Gallery and walked with me an hour, discoursing of Navy business, and with much kindness, to and confidence in me still; which I must endeavour to preserve, and will do.

  • We must endeavour to reduce the daily performance to the lowest limit that our purpose allows.

  • On the remaining portion of the front we must endeavour to employ as little Cavalry as possible, and to supplement it in the duties of security by Infantry, whilst leaving reconnaissance to be dealt with by patrols.

  • As you have probably observed by this time, I am not much of a hand at describing people, but I must endeavour to give you some idea of what my sweetheart was like.

  • Not content with injuring me, he must endeavour to reflect on Captain Pomeroy, who is dead.

  • I must endeavour to remember that fact when next he and I meet!

  • We must endeavour to offer him something which will flatter his ideas; the king's hero is the Great Henry the Lion.

  • I must endeavour by the careful and prudent study of events to turn them to our advantage.

  • National agglomerations must take place, and we must endeavour to place such a weight in the balance as shall prevent its kicking the beam.

  • If that is so we must endeavour to make sure that he does not get that start," I replied.

  • If you are prepared to take up our case, we shall be under a life-long gratitude to you, but if you cannot, we must endeavour to find some one else who will undertake the task.

  • We must endeavour to discover who this man is, and also his reasons for acting as he has done.

  • Then I must endeavour to think of some other way," I replied, "but somehow I do not think I shall be unsuccessful.

  • We must endeavour to find scientific solutions of the great problems which deeply concern mankind.

  • We must endeavour to grasp history in the spirit of the psychologist rather than of the naturalist.

  • I must endeavour to develop from the history of the German past in its connection with the conditions of the present those aspects of the question which may guide us into the unknown land of the future.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must endeavour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    constant state; just wish; must accept; must away; must bear; must believe; must contrive; must endeavor; must ever; must fall; must get; must hasten; must have; must have been the; must hold; must insist; must keep; must kill; must mean; must meet; must remark; must say; must soon; must suppose; must then; really was