Seems to me, though, that he makes a great many trips back into it!
They swam near the beach, they made trips to the village; they climbed over the rocks, and under Peggy's leadership they became acquainted with the literal ups and downs of the rocky paths around Steeple Rocks.
Elizabeth did look sober and warned Dalton that he was using money which should be saved for his further education; but she, too, was pleased with the thought of the trips that they would take together.
It will be necessary for me to make trips here from time to time to see that everything is being done correctly by the mechanics.
In order to oversee the work I should have to make short trips there from time to time.
These trips occurred at intervals of about six weeks, and in his casual allusions to them to Ned Murphy and Jim himself he had never mentioned their objective point.
It was not only that the store was so greatly diminished--his losses had made astonishing inroads in it--but he feared its discovery and he hated his trips there.
For many weeks he had heard but little else mentioned on the village streets on his infrequent trips after groceries and grain.
But we thought that under the circumstances we did not consider it safe to attempt to make another trip that fall or winter without an escort of that kind, and we couldn't expect those Indians to make the trips free of charge.
After lying around here watching for emigrants about two weeks longer, and making two differenttrips east on the emigrant trail, Capt.
We made five trips that fall and winter with the very best success, keeping those same four Indians with us all winter.
It was a craft built for comfort, and for long trips rather than for speed, though it could skim along very fast when necessary.
They lived in the New England town of Cresville, not far from Boston, and were well known in the country roundabout, for they made trips far and near.
Often on these trips they had unpleasant experiences with Noddy Nixon, a sort of town bully, and his crony, Bill Berry, as well as with Jack Pender, with whom Noddy chummed.
They made four trips from that place to the entryway beside the kitchen, each time bringing in all the logs they could carry.
The four boys made two trips to the woodshed, each time bringing all the logs they could carry.
His boxing and exercise in the gymnasium, and still more his outdoor expeditions, and huntingtrips in Maine, had made a well man of him.
He writes: "I was a sickly, delicate boy, suffered much from asthma, and frequently had to be taken away ontrips to find a place where I could breathe.
I swear they didn't take them unless they've been running daylight trips in noiseless and practically invisible 'planes.
It was on one of these coasting trips that von Loringhoven then a stripling of seventeen--was within an ace of losing his life.
We have always lived quietly on our farm, except for these trips into the forest.
It was on one of these hunting trips that I came upon a strange sort of grotto in the side of a cliff.
He and I soon made arrangements for a series of fishing and shooting trips along the south coast of Upolu, where the country was quiet, and as yet undisturbed by the war.
However, my crew were to be trusted, and they made several trips during the morning.
During one of my trips on foot across Upolu, with a party of natives, we sat down to rest on the side of a steep mountain path leading to the village of Siumu.
A motorcyclist would find inviting trips in Hokkaido, where the roads are not bad, though it is rather difficult getting there.
From Yokohama to Kamakura much of the way was through the paddy-fields, which reminded me of trips on the narrow roads between the canals of Holland.
It also makes one of the most beautiful trips out of Yokohama, for as one gradually rises above Atami the magnificent panorama of land and sea displays itself before one's eyes in ever widening circles.
The traveller with sufficient time at his disposal also finds various trips to be made by steamer, such as the one through the Inland Sea, which is described in this chapter.
There are a number of one-day excursions from Tokyo for cars, and still more one- and two-day trips for motorcycles.
During their many rivertrips the boys had taught the bear to box, wrestle and frisk about in the water.
The poem was published with the group of 1855, and in it mention is made of three trips to see the picture while the Brownings were at Fano.
Later trips were made to Rome, however, and it is very possible that Arezzo was made a stopping place on one of them, and the Pieve, after all, was not an exception to the general rule.
Jim made two trips without selling enough to keep them working overtime at the factory, and then he came into my office with a long story about how we were doing it all wrong.
You have had a wide-open chance during the last few months to pick up a good deal about the practical end of the business, and between trips now you ought to spend every spare minute in the packing-house getting posted.
Many times I accompanied Wakometkla in his trips beyond the valley, in search of those ingredients for his medicine, which could not be procured within its limits.
But the consumptive who can afford a winter neither in the Mediterranean nor at the frigid North may comfort himself that the value of such trips has been greatly overrated.
But she neither glides nor trips nor treads, as heroines invariably do, but walks in like a good Christian woman.
She turned with new zest to the entertainment of her guests; and with Bertram she planned many delightful trips for their pleasure.
If the ships carried five hundred passengers on the average, about fifty thousand trips have been made in the transfer.
That single craft, in her hourly trips from Ellis Island to the Battery,[13] carries more immigrants in a year than came over in all the fleets of the nations in the two centuries after John Smith landed at Jamestown.
Trips taken later may be used to verify conclusions and develop judgment in making selections as well as to create broader interests.
Trips taken very early in the unit or course can do little more than serve as a means of stimulating interest in the new phase of work.
Unless the trips to be made by the class are planned carefully they may become merely freedom from regular school routine.
Field trips that have a definite purpose and are well planned and arranged for in advance can make valuable contributions to the classroom training in art.
One class in a study of clothing selection made severaltrips to the local stores.
FIELD TRIPS Field trips in some form have been used to quite an extent in the teaching of many subjects and have been undertaken for a variety of reasons.
It was when returning from one of these trips that Tom brought with him the paper containing an account of the wreck of the Boldero and the sinking of the treasure she carried.
Returning from those trips to Paris I at once set about selecting the site of an aerodrome that should be all my own and in which the experience gained at such cost should be taken advantage of.
While this first of my balloon houses was under construction, I made a number of other successful trips in the "No.
I had started from Vaugirard with four invited guests in a large balloon constructed for me after I had tired of making solitary trips in the little "Brazil.
It was enough; and the proof of it is that I do not go higher on these trips of pleasure and experiment.
Do we even permit ourselves the solace of a cigarette on trips that last for many hours?
He has a good many hours of flying, but his trips are very short, for the whole idea is to familiarize one with the method of landing.
I shall have to make special trips to study the land and be able to make it out from my map which I carry on board.
A student makes a fewtrips up and down the field in a double-control Penguin, and learns how to steer with his feet.
After this, the student passes to the voyage machines, which are of almost twice the power of the machine used for the short trips and spirals.
Trips are made in squadron formation and sham battles are effected with other escadrilles, as the smallest unit of an aƫrial fleet is called.
Not a few of the passengers had made several trips in her and some, as they met in saloon and corridors, exchanged loud hearty greetings and hailed one another as old friends.
At the time of my Yukon trips this site was heavily covered with snow, and I could not see it; but it would undoubtedly well repay thorough excavation during the summer months.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trips" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.