Thirdlie the consent of the estates of such realmes as haue approued the empire and regiment of women.
For mo realmes and nations, mo lawes and decrees published by Emperours with common consent of their counsels, haue established the one, then haue approued the other.
Yea that realmes or prouinces possessed by their mariage, is nothinge but vniust conquest.
And finallie by their practises and deceit, we finde auncient realmes and nations geuen and betrayed in to the handes of strangiers, the titles and liberties of them taken frome the iuste possessors.
Debora did rule in Israel, and Hulda spoke prophecie in Iuda: Ergo it is laufull for women to reigne aboue realmes and nations, or to teache in the presence of men[110].
Seing he hath commanded her to heare, and obey one, he will not suffre that she speake, and with vsurped authoritie command realmes and nations.
Doth such translation of realmesand nations please the iustice of God, or is the possession by such means obteined, lauful in his sight?
For what causes God permitteth this his distribution to be troubled, and the realmes of auncient nations to be possessed of strangiers, I delay at this time to intreate.
Howe then will he suffer them to reigne and haue empire aboue realmes and nations?
Sidenote 134: Realmesgotten by practises are no iuste posession.
These noblemen were sufficientlie furnished with authoritie, to conclude a perfect peace, both by sea and land, betweene the two realmes of France and England, and all their alies.
March and other traitors to his person, or else to banish them out of his realmes and dominions.
The Secund party salbe, Of the Tribulaciouns and Destructioun of the Four Principale Realmes grettest of the Warld, &c.
Iames and the holie father Innocent the eight, togither with the aids and succours of the great prelats, knights, and other gentlemen borne, and commons of their realmes and countries.
In this yeare the warre had like to haue beene reuiued betwixt the realmesof England and Scotland by a small occasion, as thus.
Sche will incontinent return to hir galayes; and what then shall all Realmessay of us?
To conclude, We requyre yow to advertise us of quhat mynd yow be, speciallie gif yow all continew in that mynd, that yow meane to have the peace betwix boith the Realmes perpetuallie keipit.
After the Epiphanie, when the truce failed betwixt the two realmes of England and Scotland, an armie of Scots entred England, and came into the bishoprike of Durham.
The chancellor of England made there a solemne oration in laud and praise of peace, concluding on a prophesie, which said that at Picquenie should be concluded a peace both honorable and profitable to the realmes of England and France.
He also shewed from the beginning, bow the Turkes haue increased in power, what realmes they had conquered, what people they had subdued euen to that day.
And also the king of Armenia shewed that by occasion of this warre he had lost his Realme of Armenia, therefore he desired for Gods sake that there might be some treaty of peace had betweene the two Realmes England and France.
And how that all the knights and Squires of both Realmes entended [Footnote: Attend to.
But the royal orders were peremptory; and thirty-two commissioners were appointed to "confer, treat, and consulte upon a perfyte Unioun of the realmes of Scotland and England.
I my self haue shewed þe þat realmes 2092 hem self ben ful of gret feblenesse.
And yif þat power of realmes be auctour {and} maker of blisfulnesse.
Also the same tyme at Brugges was tretid for a peas bitwixt the ij realmes Fraunce and England.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "realmes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.