Then I, crauinge first the aduice of many of my brethren in the ministery, met togitherat an exercise, yealded to M.
That which is solemne or publike, is where witches come togither at certaine assemblies, at the times prefixed, and doo not onelie see the diuell in visible forme; but confer and talke familiarlie with him.
After they were joyned togither in comunion, he was a spetiall stay & help unto them.
I saw the two of them togither one day as happy as a pair of young love birds.
But the king called a great assemblie of his lordstogither at Glocester, that the matter might be more déepelie considered.
Goodwine in this meane time had got togither a great [Sidenote: Swaine.
Shortlie after, calling togither aswell lords spirituall as temporall he caused them, all to sweare fealtie to him and his heires after him in the possession of this kingdome.
Herevpon he raised his tribute, taking six shillings for euerie hide of land through out this realme, which amounted to a great masse of monie when it was all brought togither into his Excheker.
Albion there in the field, togither with his brother Bergion, and the most part of all their whole armie.
It was a step forward when allegory made way for concrete characters and manners, and the motives born of social intercourse; a further step when the dramatist ceased instructing and sought to amuse.
Then the earle assembling togither a great armie, returned againe to S.
We haue therfore determined within our selfe to send for our chancellour of England, and for other lords of our councell, yea and all other, togither within short time ripelie to common of these and other our great matters.
And after he had fortified that towne, he went to the towne of Lauall, and woone it, togitherwith the castell, sore punishing the townsmen for their cankered obstinacie against them.
The king assembled togither a great councell at Westminster to heare the accusations of the two dukes, the one obiecting to the other manie heinous and greeuous crimes.
When the bishop was come vnto them, and had declared his message, they first withdrew themselues apart, and fell togither in councell: and after they gaue answer by the mouth of the erle of Warwike, which consisted in three points.
Howbeit euerie daie endeth and night insueth, and so when night was come, the prince and his beautifull bride were brought and ioined togither in one bed, where they laie as man and wife all that night.
Iames and the holie father Innocent the eight, togither with the aids and succours of the great prelats, knights, and other gentlemen borne, and commons of their realmes and countries.
In which meane time, the earle of Lincolne had gotten togither by the aid of the ladie Margaret about two thousand Almains, with one Martine Sward, a valiant and noble capteine to lead them.
Sidenote: England and Scotland liklie to go togither by the eares afresh.
In all these matters they do vse lottes, the which they do make of two sticks, flat on the one side, and round on the other, and being tyed togither with a small threede, throwe them before their idols.
The most part of these theeues do die in the punishments, and many times there is whipped togither of theeues two hundred.
December, it fortuned, that in Sir William Cicells chamber, hir Highnesse Principall Secretarie, there dined togither these personages, M.
After the three Concordances learned, as I touched before, let the master read vnto hym the Epistles of Cicero, gathered togither and chosen out by Sturmius, for the capacitie of children.
We red than togither in the Greke tongue, as I well remember.
AFter the childe hath learned perfitlie the eight partes of speach, let him then learne the right ioyning togither of substantiues with adiectiues, the nowne with the verbe, the relatiue with the antecedent.
His distribution of this text, or rather context as he called it, because he said it was like Christs garment soe wouen togither that it might not be parted, was into five points: 1.
The creatures travayle togither with us, a metaphore taken from travayle with child: which is caused from syn, and is a desyre to be delivered.
Even the diuel must have his due; it was commendable that a legion of them could dwell togither in one man without discord amongst themselves; scarse a few in one house but some jar betwixt them.
They would meete togither on nights, and vowe amongst themselves to kill the next man they mett whosoever; soe divers murthers committed, but not one punished.
In the meane season, king Richard was crediblie aduertised, what promises and oths the earle and his confederates had made and sworne togither at Reimes, and how by the earles means all the Englishmen were passed out of Britaine into France.
And that Reginald Breie had collected and gotten togither no small summe of monie for the paiment of the wages to the souldiers and men of warre: admonishing him also to make quicke expedition, and to take his course directlie into Wales.
Afterward they consulted togither how to giue battell to king Richard if he would abide, whome they knew not to be farre off with an huge host.
Richards daies he had continued, whose life by the onelie helpe of sir Thomas Louell was preserued from all danger & perill in this troublous world, gathered togither a great band of men in Yorkeshire.
And in the last daies of Lewes the eleuenth, the earledome of Prouince, the dukedome of Burgognie, almost all Picardie, togither with the duchie of Britaine, were by a new mariage inuested in the power of Charles the eight.
The earle of Oxford, bringing all his band togither on the one part, set on his enimies; freshlie againe.
And the next day following uppon the same they were all burnt togither in the said towne of Beckles.
The names of such persons whoe have covenanted togither to walke ye of Christ according to Gospell Order, wth an account of such matters as haue occurred in ye Church att Beccles.
All those people did beare him companie, as also a great number that were there ioyned togither to heare the examination of those strangers, and also the Spaniards he commanded to go next vnto him.
And in the morning, when they saw that if they shuld buckle togither againe, the one part should vtterlie destroie the other, they fell to agréement in moderating ech others demands.
But whilest outward wars ceassed among the Britains, they exercised ciuill battell, falling togither by the eares among themselues, one striuing against another.
Onichelinus was the brother of Cinegiscus] in gouernance of the kingdome his sonne Richelinus, or Onichelinus, and so they reigned iointlie togither in great loue and concord (a thing seldome séene or heard of.
Hir corps notwithstanding (as before is recited) was interred togither with Arthurs, so that it is thought she liued not long after his deceasse.
These letters were not written onelie in his owne name, but iointlie togither in the name of the bishops Melitius and Iustus, (as followeth.
After this, the two kings and their councell assembled togither diuerse daies, wherein the first concluded agreement was in diuerse points altered and brought to a certeinetie, according to the effect aboue mentioned.
Then did they consult togither about their affaires, and appointed in all hast to fight with the Dolphin, and to raise the siege of Chartres which he had there planted.
By which meanes, he gathered togither a puissant armie, to the intent by battell (sithens none other waies would serue) at once to make an end of all.
They had louing and verie familiar talke togither a good space, both afore their companie, and secretlie alone, whilest their companie (of courtesie) withdrew somewhat backe.
The first daie they ran togither diuerse courses with sharpe speares, and departed with equall honor.
After this, both the kings enteruiewed togither at Picquenie on the water of Some three leagues aboue Amiens, shewing great courtesie either to other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "togither" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.