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Example sentences for "guarde"

Lexicographically close words:
guard; guarda; guardant; guardar; guardaroba; guarded; guardedly; guardeth; guardhouse; guardian
  1. The Guarde held a short council outside, and I soon heard their military step resounding down the hall.

  2. The Guarde sent a deputation of 150 officers to the prefet of the city, who ordered my immediate release.

  3. The following day 150 of the Guarde Mobile came to the hotel and demanded General Cluseret.

  4. Mr. Bemis went immediately to the Guarde Mobile, which was in sympathy with the Commune, the organization from which General Cluseret had been driven by Gambetta.

  5. VVhen the Cazike founde missing the two prisoners, he blamed muche the guarde or watch, and pretended forthwith to murther those that remayned.

  6. The Indian guarde of that streate receyued him with the honour which vnto such a noble man did appertayne.

  7. I drew neere vnto those which were their enemies, they warned mee thereof: and I found their centinels set vpon their guarde on their borders.

  8. But more of that hereafter: take it hence And let the ladyes guarde it tyll it be Interrd with publique sollempe obsequy.

  9. Nephewe, for you I give you freelye here the realme of Spayne And all domynions in it; for your guarde Ten thousand of our best Frenche gentyllmen.

  10. Men at armes Did ever guarde me: am I now forsooke?

  11. Right ouer against the inwarde court there was a gallerie, whereon was many souldiers which did guarde and keepe the person of the generall, who was in a mightie great and gallant hall, set in an iuorie chaire with great maiestie.

  12. The Guarde Civique had a rather inglorious time of it.

  13. They were the famous Guarde Civique of Belgium.

  14. Then in a flash the guarde and the cabman disappeared from sight and were seen no more.

  15. Uncle John doubled his fists and dared the guarde to touch him.

  16. During the time that the guarde had done his ambassage, the Lord of Mendozza went towardes the piller where the accusation was written, attending when the accuser should come forth.

  17. And a litle before midnight, fearing least his treason shoulde be discouered, toke with him three councellors, and certaine other of the guarde of the castell.

  18. In the morning newes came to the Duke that the bodye was taken awaye, who sent for the guarde to knowe what was become thereof.

  19. The guarde hearing the noyse that the woman made, ran into the house, and asked her what she lacked.

  20. The guarde seeing his hande all bloudy and cut, did belieue it to be true, and from thence went round about the liberties of the Citie, finding none that seemed to lament or bewayle that chaunce.

  21. The Bastarde beleued him, and vsed such diligence as the Captain of the Guarde could not finde him.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guarde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.