Sensibility is conferred on this organ by a large branch from the fifth pair of nerves, which ramifies upon the different parts of the eye and its appendages.
It ramifies upon the muscles of the tongue, and is its motor nerve.
The origin of the external respiratory nerve, that ramifies on the pectoral and scaleni muscles.
When pressure is made on the trunk of a nerve, the sensibility of the part where the nerve ramifies is modified.
His influence ramifies out in every direction, notably into Germany.
This Cartesian influence ramifiesin so many directions and is related at so many points to the literary movement, and there has been so much confusion about this relationship, that we need to pause here to make a few distinctions.
Galeria a mule-path ramifies from the road to the hamlets of Tuarelli, Prunicciole and Chiorna.
The Coenurus cerebralis, or Brain-hydatid, ramifieslike the Polyps.
The skin is prolonged into, and ramifies towards, the body.
On the contrary, the tubes of the Sertulariæ must be held as being a tegumental excretion, within which the Polyp ramifies and produces ova-cysts.
The portal vein arises from the intestinal canal, collects into one trunk, and again ramifies in order to unite with the biliary ducts, which are only a ramified saccular eversion of the intestine.
The soft myxopodia, or pseudopodia without axial threads, are much more numerous than the others, and arise from the sarcodictyum or exoplasmic network which ramifies over the surface of the calymma.
By the name sarcoplegma, as distinguished from the remaining extracapsular sarcode, is understood the intracalymmar web of exoplasm or "ectosarcode network," which ramifies within the gelatinous mass of the calymma.
All this is true also of the secondary sarcodictyum, or the exoplasmic network which ramifies over the surface of the secondary calymma.
The road to it ramifies from the Corniche road at the west end of +La Turbie+.
The first road that ramifiesto the right, from the Gapeau valley road, leads up into the Vallée de Borel, in the heart of the Maure mountains.
The nearest way ramifiesfrom the Frejus road by the E.
From this a room ramifies at right angles, containing Greek and Roman statues, busts, friezes, vases, etc.
It is supported on ten tall slender columns, from which the groining of the roof ramifies in all directions.
Between the Via di Po and the Piazza Carlo Emanuele ramifies the Via dell’ Accademia Albertina, containing at No.
The Baths are up a steep glen, which ramifies southward from the Stura at the hamlet of Plancies, about 4 m.
The stalk divides and ramifies in a root-like manner within the body of the crab, from whose vital elements it absorbs its nourishment.
The sea-urchin has a nervous system, which starts in a ring around the mouth, ramifiesthrough the body, and terminates in the eye-plates.
This is a branch of the great cranial nerve, called the "fifth pair," which ramifies in all parts of the face.
When a nerve in a human body is cut by accident, or destroyed by disease, the part in which it ramifies loses both sensation and power of motion; or, in other words, it is paralyzed.
Besides this supply, which ramifies like a network over the whole metropolis, we find dotted about both public and private wells of various qualities.
Militant organization no less than militant action, is irreconcilable with pure equity; and the inequity implied by it inevitably ramifies throughout all social relations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ramifies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.