The cylinders are mounted radially round a circular crank-case; the crank-shaft is fixed, and the entire mass of cylinders and crank-case revolves around it as outlined at Fig.
Polyp#, any radially symmetrical animal, but usually an individual in a connected colony.
Animals which do not have such differentiated surfaces are usually radially symmetrical, but sometimes asymmetrical (without symmetry).
State whether the animal is bilaterally symmetrical, radially symmetrical, or without symmetry.
The idea is that the fan blades when of this form push the air radially from the center to the circumference.
The crystals are deep blue in colour, and are usually radially arranged in hemispherical groups.
A disk of metal to be attached to the live spindle of a lathe, and which has on its face a set of dogs which move radially independently of each other.
A disk to be attached as above, provided with dogs which are connected so they move radiallyin unison with each other.
At each bearing, one or two small oil holes connect with this main artery and extend radially to the surface.
Another form of air-cooling system consists of pins or spines projecting radially from the surface of the cylinder.
Multi-polar revolving armature alternator with half coil winding, shown in radially developed diagram to clearly indicate the path of the winding.
Multi-polar revolving armature alternator with whole coil winding shown in radially developed diagram to clearly indicate the path of the winding.
The thick jelly-veil around it was radially striped and octahedral.
Protoplasm between nucleus and membrane, in the younger specimens finely granulated and radially striped; in the older specimens with numerous hyaline globules (vacuoles).
Spines of the surface partly very short, partly as long as the largest pores, either radially or obliquely inserted.
Disk with smooth surface, in the distal part radially sulcated.
Margin of the disk simple, smooth, thin, without peculiar equatorial girdle, radially striped by the prominent beams of the peripheral series of pores.
Equatorial girdle narrow, radially striped, connecting the points of the eight short, regularly disposed, marginal spines in such a manner that the whole shell forms a regular octagon with rectilinear sides.
Protoplasm of the central capsule forming a loose network between the large roundish alveoles, in the cortical zone radially striped and containing one layer of large dark oil-globules.
The skeleton of the Cannorrhaphida, on the other hand, is composed of many separate portions which are never radially arranged but are either placed tangentially to the surface of the calymma or scattered irregularly in its gelatinous mass.
If the iron be bent edgewise the breadth of the bar must be added to the diameter, for it is the thickness of the bar measured radially that is to be taken into consideration.
Radially from the centre of this disc were cut about six or eight slots, at equal distances from each other, and sufficiently large to contain each a bar-magnet.
Radially between these flanges, and at equal distances apart, are fixed partitions, which thus convert the periphery of the wheel into a number of chambers or divisions.
When the cutters require to stand far out from the head, the bar will work more steadily if the cutters, instead of standing radially in the head, are placed as in Fig.
It will be noticed here that the use of the emery stick and oil is entirely dispensed with; but for a less fine polish it may be used, providing it be kept in quick motion radially on the work.
The back of the box C meshes into the radial thread on D, hence, when D is revolved, the boxes C moveradially in the slots.
Such cutters, however, must have a cutting edge equal to the breadth of the surface faced by them, because the cutter cannot be fed radially to its cut.
This principle of moving the jaws radially by means of a cone sliding upon a cone is applied in numerous ways, thus sometimes the jaws are provided with wings that slide upon a cone or in slide ways that are at an angle to the chuck axis.
This slot and tongue, which are shown at E', are at an angle to the axis of F; hence if D be moved endways upon F the cases and dies are operated radially in or through the body F.
Carbon brushes may be placed end on or radially as at C, which is the position almost universally used in the case of traction or other reversing motors.
Carbon brushes are placed radially as at C when mounted in box holders, and inclined opposite to the direction of rotation when used with reaction holders.
The segments are wedge shaped so that when drawn radially inward they support each other like the stones of an arch.
Suppose water flowing radiallybetween horizontal parallel planes, at a distance apart = [delta].
The water enters the wheel radially with the velocity ui, and uo = Q/2[pi]ro do.
Here a number of magnets, N S, N S, are placed radially on each side of a metal disc D carrying on its rim a set of insulated coils, C C.
If such a radially subdivided disc were used it would be necessary to connect the spokes by a conducting rim or in any proper manner so as to form a symmetrical system of closed circuits.
This is unequal in different directions, being twice as great tangentially as radially and fifty times as great radially as longitudinally.
Structure of Wood The softwoods are made up chiefly of tracheids, or vertical cells closed at the ends, and of the relatively short parenchyma cells of the medullary rays which extend radially from the heart of the tree.
The panels were adjusted radially by wedges to give 1/8 in.
The bents were erected by hand and carefully plumbed and lined up, both radially and circumferentially.
Pores in late wood small, not radially arranged, being distributed singly or in groups.
This is as true of the cells of pith rays, which run radiallyin the log, as of the ordinary cells, which run longitudinally in it.
Running radially (up and down in the picture) directly thru the annual belts or rings are to be seen what looks like fibers.
But because the cells of pith rays do not appreciably shrink in their length, this fact tends to prevent the main body of wood from shrinking radially, and the result is that wood shrinks less radially than tangentially.
After they have grown somewhat radially, partition walls form across them in the longitudinal, tangential direction, so that in place of one initial cell, there are two daughter cells radially disposed.
The two are carried on a common frame, so arranged that a change in form of the spring causes a relative displacement of the disk and roller, the point of contact moving radially from or towards the centre of the disk.
Only one lobe or outgrowth of those radially disposed in the telostomiate organisms now persists.
Medusae, with which radially arranged sense organs may have been connected; and that in the Echinodermata this form of nervous system has been retained, while in the other types it has been modified.
The brushes are held in the brushholders radially and work equally well with armature running in either direction.
Ample light load adjustment or friction compensation is provided by means of the movable coil, which can be shifted horizontally or radially on loosening one screw.
The calymma is radially striped, contains numerous small xanthellae, and is surrounded by the spicula.
The spherical central capsule, with radially striped protoplasm, is enclosed in the inner shell, and exhibits in its centre the clear spherical nucleus.
Central capsule with concentric nucleus and nucleolus; the protoplasm is radially striped.
The shells of the colony bear a variable number of fenestrated radial tubes and are densely crowded in the jelly-sphere of the calymma, the cortical zone of which is radially striped.
The latter is enveloped by the octahedral calymma, which is radially striated and contains numerous xanthellae.
As power increased, there came a tendency toward placing cylinders radially round a central crankshaft, and, as in the case of the early Anzani, it may be said that the radial engine grew out of the horizontal opposed piston type.
The accompanying drawing shows the construction of the engine, in which the seven cylinders are arranged radially on the crank case; the method of connecting the pistons to the crank pins can be seen.
In order to prevent the beam from becoming unstable and striking the dee, the magnetic field must be strongest at the center and decreaseradially (Fig.
In a radially decreasing magnetic field, the lines of magnetic flux bow outward, as represented in Fig.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "radially" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.