Putrefaction is retarded according to the dose, and there is often a smell of carbolic acid.
Putrefaction is retarded in those cases in which a very large dose has been taken, but this is not a very noticeable or constant characteristic.
It has been observed that putrefaction in cases of death from sulphuric acid is slow.
Iso-amylamine occurs in the putrefaction of yeast, and is a normal constituent of cod-liver oil.
In cases of death putrefaction is rapid, the mucous membrane of the intestine is swollen, and the spleen enlarged.
Ammonia is one of the constant products of the putrefaction of nitrogenous substances; it exists in the atmosphere in small proportions, and in everything that contains water.
This retardation of putrefaction is what might, a priori, be expected, for arsenic has been long in use as a preservative of organic tissues.
Neuridine is a diamine, and is apparently the most common basic product of putrefaction; it has been obtained from the putrefaction of gelatin, of horseflesh, of fish, and from the yelk of eggs.
In order to detect this odour, it is well to open the head first, lest the putrefaction of the internal viscera be so great as to mask the odour.
According to Casper, after poisoning by sulphuric acid the bodies resist putrefaction for some time, owing perhaps to the acid neutralizing the ammonia of decomposition.
Putrefaction of the body is said to be remarkably retarded after death from arsenic.
It is usually met with combined with other gases, resulting from the putrefaction of animal matter.
And when these are shut up and corked, with still more and more solid, strong, hot, and styptic meats and drinks, is the corruption and putrefaction thereby lessened?
The process usually practised is known as "sweating"; this consists of hanging the moist skins up in a warm, badly-ventilated chamber and allowing incipient putrefaction to set in.
Soaking in brine may be advantageous, as it prevents putrefaction to some extent.
It consists of hanging the goods in a moist warm room until incipient putrefaction sets in.
The putrefaction of organic bodies gives rise, under certain circumstances, to nitric acid, which in general combines with calcareous earth wherever it finds it, and forms the so-called earthy saltpetre.
Who knows whether after putrefaction they were not taken out, and the colouring parts adhering to them washed off and collected?
If eggs are greased the oily matter becomes rancid, and infallibly hastens the putrefaction of the eggs.
Provisions of almost every description may be preserved fromputrefaction by being partially dressed and then closely stopped down, as has been fully demonstrated by Messrs.
Finding no matter liable to putrefaction to work on, it acts upon the best qualities of the flour, which it alters and corrupts.
It is some years since I proposed to combat intestinal putrefaction and its injurious consequences by means of lactic ferments.
Such putrefaction is not only capable of producing diseases of the digestive tube--enteritis and colitis--but even of becoming a source of intoxication of the organism in its most varied manifestations.
In the presence of such facts," says Metchnikoff, "it becomes exceedingly important to find some means of combating the intestinal putrefaction which constitutes so incontestable a source of danger.
Kephir, although in some cases certainly beneficial, cannot be recommended for the prolonged use necessary, if intestinal putrefaction is to be overcome.
The administration of cultures of this organism is indicated in all cases of intestinal ailments, caused by the excessive growth of proteolytic bacteria, and consequent putrefaction of foods in the alimentary tract.
The action of kephir in preventing intestinal putrefaction depends on the lactic acid bacillus which it contains.
But timber cut down while the sap is circulating in it, undergoes putrefaction sooner than other timber; and if by chance it is cut down at the full moon, men will certainly say it was the full moon that caused all the evil.
It is salt, and salt preserves from the putrefaction attendant on death.
Fresh infection could not take place without a power to force theputrefaction greater than the force that existed before the abscess broke into the cecum.
All fever would have disappeared had it not been that the intestinal putrefaction was kept alive by feeding.
The principles underlying fermentation and putrefaction which have been applied with great economic advantage to the preservation of food were many of them developed in the course of the study of the infectious diseases.
This capacity for spore formation is of great importance, and until it was discovered by Cohn in 1876, many of the conditions of disease and putrefaction could not be explained.
Changes such as putrefaction take place in the dead body, but they are changes which would take place in any mass similarly constituted, and are not influenced by the fact that the mass was once living.
The flowers, when dried and powdered, destroy worms more effectually than worm seed, whilst the leaves resist putrefaction and help to make capital antiseptic fomentations.
Lime also acts as mild antiseptic, stops any putrefaction and liberates ammonia formed by fermentation in transit to the factory.
This assists materially in preserving the gelatine fromputrefaction during the critical period between extraction and concentration.
In the case of imported hides precautions to prevent putrefaction are essential, and some method of "curing" is always used.
Bad flaying and careless treatment of hides resulting in putrefaction are still more easily remedied.
Minor sources of material are tendons and cartilages, and also hides and skins which have been too much damaged by partial putrefaction or by accidents to make sound leather.
The curing of hides and skins is a temporary preservation from putrefaction until the opportunity is convenient for the permanent preservation (i.
This prejudice has arisen not merely from the objection to blood as food, but also from the fact that such foods have been particularly liable to putrefaction and hence to cause poisoning.
An essential principle is that the cooling or gelation should be done rapidly, not only to avoid putrefaction but also to avoid the action of heat on the elasticity of the gel.
In forming an opinion as to the probable date of death the extent of putrefaction is the chief guide.
Many elements combined may affect even the gaseous putrefaction that takes place in submerged bodies.
He has also shown that the later putrefaction sets in, the more slowly it progresses.
Putrefaction commences when a body is kept under the most favorable conditions, in from six to twelve days, as a slight greenish discoloration of the abdomen which gradually spreads throughout the body.
In conditions of putrefaction no redness or line of demarcation exists, and the green discoloration and other conditions of the skin will suffice to establish the diagnosis.
If access of air to a body be prevented in any way by its inclosure in a coffin, by closely fitting clothes, or by complete immersion in water, putrefaction is retarded.
Gilberti shows that in the drowned the lungs disintegrate rapidly, while the heart, in whichputrefaction begins chronologically, is relatively in a good state of preservation.
Given similar temperatures, the amount of putrefaction observed in a body dead one week and exposed to the air will about correspond to one submerged in water for two weeks or buried in a deep grave for eight weeks.
Putrefaction of such a wound must not be mistaken for gangrene.
Later on, just before putrefaction begins, the color deepens, and the change appears to proceed from an infiltration of blood pigment into the dependent parts of the body.
Putrefaction discolorations are those which are produced when putrefactive bacteria become active in the skin or subcutaneous tissue.
This gas is the result of putrefaction and fermentation in the alimentary canal.
One of the first external evidences of putrefaction is the production of a greenish color in the abdominal wall.
Putrefaction always means that there is present a great amount of putrefactive bacteria and if you are to arrest this condition you must resort to the most thorough embalming.
We notice that putrefaction progresses much more rapidly in the air than in the water and in the earth its progress is slower than in the water.
Although septic changes may take place before the death of a body, yet the term putrefaction is not applied until after the death of a body, and denotes those changes in color, consistence, and smell so clearly perceptible.
In the average case you will never see skin slip, because you will be called comparatively soon after death has occurred and the body will be embalmed and buried before this later form of putrefaction will manifest itself.
As soon as the body dies, it becomes as any other inanimate object, subject to putrefaction and decay.
In those climates with high temperature, but dry or absence of moisture, the tendency is to dry up the tissues, and instead of putrefaction we have mummification as the result.
Then, if for any reason the fluid has not reached a certain part, fermentation, and putrefaction will immediately set in.
Putrefaction is always accompanied by a great amount of odor, which is caused by the generation of gases the result of bacterial action.
Putrefaction then is organic decomposition or decay the result of putrefactive bacteria.
Now as lactic fermentation serves so well to arrest putrefaction in general, why should it not be used for the same purpose within the digestive tube?
Thus the earth is not only kept clean from the putrefaction of dead carcases, but at the same time, by this economy of nature, the necessaries of life are provided for many animals.
Hunter's experiments, that an impregnated egg is longer in freezing than an addle egg, and every one knows that the former remains sweet or free from putrefaction much longer.
The consequence of this is, that this same carbon in process of time is absorbed by a new race of vegetables, which it clothes with a new foliage, and which is itself destined to undergo similar putrefaction and renovation to the end of time.
He delights in putrefaction and revels in disease.
In perversion of smell he prefers the odours of putrefaction to the perfume of flowers.
Putrefaction is the decomposition of an organised body, first into its more immediate chemical constituents.
A function of the bile, not yet mentioned, is to stimulate these movements, and at the same time by its antiseptic properties to prevent putrefaction of the contents of the intestine.
One of a class of animal bases or alkaloids formed in the putrefaction of various kinds of albuminous matter.