Now whereas king Stephan was the cause of all the troubles, in hauing vsurped an other mans rightfull inheritance, it pleased God to mooue his hart at length to desire peace which he had euer before abhorred.
When communication was had betwixt him, and the aboue mentioned sir Robert Clifford, as concerning Perkin, which falselie vsurped the name of K.
For which traitorie albeit he was once vanquished by Leonine Traheron, great vncle to Constantine: yet after the death of this Traheron, he preuailed againe, and vsurped ouer all Britaine.
During whose minoritie, one Makebeth a Scot traitorouslie vsurpedthe crowne of Scotland.
King Malcolme being slaine, Dunwald his brother vsurped the kingdome; but after a few dayes he was dispossessed thereof by Duncane, bastard son to K.
Gabriel the yonger brother of the house of Saluse, kept his eldest brother in prison, vsurped his estate, giuing foorth to the people that he was mad.
The vsurped possession of Harold[19] could not be defended, by alleaging a better title of a third person.
And as the diuell is woont to incumber the minds of men which delite in such diuelish fantasies, they said afterward, that that prophesie lost not his effect, when after king Edward, Glocester vsurped his kingdome.
Macedonia, which hauing dispatched Olimpias the mother of Alexander the great, and gotten Roxanes with Alexanders sonne into his hands, vsurped the kingdome of the Macedonians, and held it 15 yéeres.
And so was Britaine recouered by the foresaid Asclepiodotus about ten yeeres after that Carausius had firstvsurped the gouernment there, and about the yéere [Sidenote: 300.
Galienus not caryng for the state of the Empire, became so myserable as the Gouernors of the same gaue ouer their obedience, and in the tyme of hys raygne, there rose vp thyrty tyrants, whych vsurped the same.
Whych was the cause that the gouernours of the prouinces, and Captens general, seing him to be so vicious and neglygent, vsurped the prouinces and armies which they had in charge.
For suerlie, learned men of great science and knowledge say and affirme, that lineall descent, nor vsurped possession can nothing preuaile, if continuall claime be lawfullie made, or openlie published.
He also put to execution in Southwarke diuerse persons, some for breaking his ordinance, and other being of his old acquaintance, lest they should bewraie his base linage, disparaging him for his vsurped surname of Mortimer.
Then Haraldus the sonne of Godred Don vsurped the name of a king ouer the islands, hee banished also all the princes of Harald the sonne of Olauus and ordeined his fugitiues to bee princes and nobles in their stead.
That forren superstition was brought into China what time the Tartars inuaded the kingdome, and vsurped the gouernment thereof.
And so was Britaine recouered by the foresaid Asclepiodotus about ten yeeres after that Carausius had first vsurped the gouernment there, and about the [Sidenote: 300.
Cleremont, he accursed one Peter Fitz Leo, who had vsurped as pope, and named himselfe Anacletus.
Wherefore let men that receiue of women authoritie, honor or office, be most assuredly persuaded, that in so mainteining that vsurped power, they declare them selues ennemies to God.
Seing he hath commanded her to heare, and obey one, he will not suffre that she speake, and with vsurped authoritie command realmes and nations.
After this he sent Edgar Etheling with an armie into Scotland, that he might place his coosine Edgar the sonne of king Malcolme in the gouernement of that kingdome, and expell his vncle Duffnald, who had vsurped the same.
He caused the bishop to be sued, quarelinglie charging him that he had wrongfullie vsurped certeine possessions, togither with the citie of Lincolne, which appertained to the sée of Yorke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vsurped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.