That day I found the first nest of the prothonotary warbler.
I've found out where the prothonotary warbler lives," he said once more.
Picking away the bark, I made it larger and a piece of the fresh green moss, from which the nest of the prothonotary warbler is always built, showed itself.
Sometimes we go south, and become acquainted with blue-gray gnatcatchers and prothonotary warblers and summer tanagers and mocking-birds and blue grosbeaks, and other birds which we never see here.
The prothonotary often lives near running water with streamside willows (Pearson 1936).
The prothonotary warbler in the Carolina Piedmont.
I remember one morning seeing a cheerful flock of prothonotary and parula warblers and noticing one of the former leave his companions and fly to a clump of willows where another less brilliantly colored, presumably the female, joined him.
Another of this family conspicuous for its brilliant coloring is the prothonotary warbler.
Prothonotary on this Circuit; in the latter, that of Hugh Leycester, Esq.
For a number of years he held the office of deputy prothonotary of the superior court, also deputy clerk of the circuit court and deputy clerk of the peace and of the crown for the district of St. Hyacinthe.
He started with the Grand Trunk Railway in the position of operator and stationmaster at Hadlow in 1863 and left that position to accept one in the office of the prothonotary for the Quebec district, in which capacity he served for six years.
Their mutual friendship dated from the time of Calixtus, for it was the prothonotary Giorgio Cesarini who, on the death of that pope, had helped Rodrigo's brother Don Pedro Luis when he was forced to flee from Rome.
Alexander lured the prothonotary to Rome and, having confined him in the castle of S.
Nicola, who had married Eleonora Orsini, died in the year 1494; consequently, next to the prothonotary Giacomo, Guglielmo Gaetani was head of the house of Sermoneta.
The bride's uncles, the prothonotary Giacomo, and his brother Don Nicola Gaetani were present.
From Innocent VIII he had secured his son's appointment as prothonotary of the Church and even as Bishop of Pamplona.
See the troubles of the year 1484, and the death of the prothonotary Colonna, in tom.
Given the appointment of prothonotary in Quebec, and held it throughout his life.
Appointed prothonotaryof the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, 1883.
Very little seems to have been recorded on the food of the prothonotary warbler.
The male Prothonotary Warbler selects the territory, selecting the nesting site before he becomes mated for the first nest, but thereafter both birds inspect the new nest sites.
Many and varied are the odd nesting sites occupied by prothonotary warblers.
The Prothonotary Warbler swarms during the winter in the mangroves at Sevillano and in the fresh swamps at Cienaga.
The prothonotary is not at all particular as to the species of trees, nests having been found in many kinds of trees, although perhaps a slight preference is shown for dead willow stumps.
The center of abundance of the prothonotary warbler as a breeding bird in this country is in the valleys of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, notably the Ohio, the Wabash, and the Illinois Rivers.
That it is loud, with a definitely ringing character, is agreed upon by all, and in this respect resembles the beautiful song of the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) another dweller of the cypress lagoons.
The prothonotarywarbler and Lucy's warbler are the only two American warblers that habitually build their nests in cavities, usually well concealed.
Skutch writes to me: "Unrecorded from Guatemala, the prothonotary warbler is a rare bird of passage and very rare winter resident in the more southerly portions of Central America.
Banding provides a hint as to the life-span of the prothonotary warbler.
The enterprise was difficult, but the power of her relation, the prothonotary of Aragon, and of the Count Duke de Olivares, overcame every obstacle.
Ephraim Douglass, the firstprothonotary of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, in a letter to Gen.
It was arranged to begin with the more regular attempt, and Gregory Da Casale, secretary Knight, and the prothonotary Gambara, were appointed to an extraordinary mission at the pontifical court.
Audouard, whose first minute rests in the vaults of the Prothonotary of Quebec.
When their verdict had been inspected by the judge it was given to the prothonotary to read.
Beneath him the prothonotary was busy writing in a big book.
The prothonotary will endorse a simple return on the writ, setting forth the production of the boy, and you may sign it.
The prothonotarycalled the jury list for the week.