And now farewell, true friend and companion in my toils; for indeed I die, and Phoebus hath lied unto me, prophesying falsely.
Cassandra also opened her mouth, prophesying evil; but no man heeded her, for that was ever the doom upon her, not to be believed, though speaking truth.
But every woman praying or prophesying with her head unveiled dishonors her head.
He then refers to the similar example of Hector prophesying the death of Achilles, xxiii.
And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo.
Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.
And now farewell, true friend and companion in my toils; for indeed I die, and Phœbus hath lied unto me, prophesying falsely.
It is Samuel's last act, and his last appearance, except for the mention of David's flight to him from the court of Saul, and that weird scene of Saul prophesying and lying naked before Samuel and David for a day and a night.
Brethren, men being what they are, and God being what He is, there can be no divine message without a side of what the world calls threatening, or what Ahab called' prophesying evil.
In the second year of his Reign the Jews began to build the Temple, by the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah, and finished it in the sixth.
And then when they Were nothing fearing, and God's peace was in the air, And none was prophesying harm, The vast disaster fell: Where stood the temple when the sun went down Was vacant desert when it rose again!
The early prophets were like dancing dervishes in their prophesying and influenced others to do as they did.
The instruction concerning inspiration and prophesying was received by A.
And she was still without any intimation of my need when she received the instruction concerning inspiration and prophesying of which the following is a portion.
It is expressive of deep truth that first in order is named, as the cause of success, 'the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah.
Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head.
But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head; for it is one and the same as if she was shaved.
With that wonderful thought falling off into deep, sweet sleep--it might be into that mysteriously conscious sleep, informed by prophesying dreams, which is the walking of God through sleep.
But we shall probably be right in making a distinction between the prophesying which frequently took place in the first Christian congregations, and those special interventions of the Holy Spirit of which we read occasionally.
Hence it is obvious also, that we are not at liberty to ask why it is just to the sons and daughters that the prophesying is ascribed, etc.
It was no word of Zeus that thou spakest, prophesying my doom, but thou soughtest to cheat me, terrifying me by thy words.
Cassandra also opened her mouth, prophesying evil: but no man heeded her, for that was ever the doom upon her, not to be believed speaking truth.
The rapidity with which the contagion of convulsive prophesying spread was extraordinary.
The two principal objects of this vision is the city of Jerusalem with its holy temple and worshipers, and two witnessesprophesying for twelve hundred and sixty days.
He hath spoken in that chapter of assembling in the church, prophesyingand preaching, praying and praising there.
They then took their seats, each quorum seating themselves in their respective places and continued in fasting and prayer, prophesying and exhortation until evening.
In this prophesying great blessings were pronounced upon the faithful, and also great cursings upon the ungodly, or upon those who had smitten us.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prophesying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.