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Example sentences for "brig"

Lexicographically close words:
briefly; briefs; brier; briers; briery; brigade; brigaded; brigades; brigadiers; brigalow
  1. The captain, a bluff Americanised German, met us at the gangway and guided us through the little brig from stem to stern.

  2. On the 18th of June the trading brig Hallie Jackson, belonging to W.

  3. One trip across the North Pacific in a small brig will furnish an inexhaustible supply of material.

  4. On the 28th of June, we were notified that the brig Olga had nearly all her cargo aboard, and would have "immediate despatch.

  5. Mr. Moran chose the most thrilling incident of the fight in depicting the firing of the brig on the approaching row-boats of the enemy.

  6. The boy was handed to the boat, the sailors following, and the brig was abandoned.

  7. They boarded the brig as the tide went down, and hoped to be able to get her off the sands at the next high water.

  8. When a boy at school at Ayr, I used to accompany my uncle to 'the meeting of owners' of the brig Eclipse, in which he held some eight or ten 64th shares.

  9. It was almost broad daylight before they could find the place where the wreck was lying, and when they discovered it, lost all hope, for the brig was found completely broken up, actually torn to pieces.

  10. Each time the brig sheers heavily to one side or the other she is brought up with a jerk that makes the steamer tremble from stem to stern, but that plucky little boat is not to be beaten.

  11. They raise the anchor, and passing a hawser on board, attempt to tow the brig from the Sands, but make little progress.

  12. She proved to be the Spanish brig Samaritano, bound from Antwerp to Santander, and laden with a valuable cargo; she had a crew of eleven men under the command of the captain, Modesto Crispo.

  13. To return to the life-boat, afloat within the circle of the bed worked by the brig in her wild careering.

  14. At midnight the wind veered to the eastward, gradually increasing until four o'clock Sunday morning, by which time the brig was under close-reefed topsails and foresail.

  15. Looking down from the heights above the Brig of Balgownie, you see the high broad arch thrown across the deep and dark winding Don.

  16. Westward of the Auld Brig the river meanders amongst the bold bluff banks, clothed to the summit with thick embowered wood.

  17. The brig Harmony, belonging to the Moravian Missionary Society, and bound to their settlement at Nain, on the coast of Labrador, was lying at anchor.

  18. The Missionary brig had parted company on the 22d of June.

  19. In obedience to the Governor's instructions, he took his brig on an exploring tour down the Hauraki Gulf.

  20. Stormy weather delayed the progress of the brig and brought much misery to those on board.

  21. The Active was a brig of 110 tons, and claims the honour of being the first missionary craft of modern times.

  22. The brig did not enter this dreaded haven, but, seeing an armed force on the coast to the south, Marsden resolved to land and to attempt to conciliate these hostile people.

  23. The brig Enterprise, William Burrows in command, fought the British brig Boxer, Captain Blythe, off Portland harbor, Maine.

  24. The brig Argus, while destroying merchantmen off the English coast, was taken by the British brig Pelican.

  25. Three old salts sat on me--two of them brig Commanders, the other a Post Captain.

  26. A 16-gun brig under all sail was one of the prettiest sights imaginable.

  27. That must have been the light'; besides, the brig had been lifting on a wide swell.

  28. We might have been about a mile, as was guessed, from where she was last seen, when the brig fired a gun to windward, still standing on under everything.

  29. Directly after, she asked whether that brig mightn't really have been a pirate, and taken off the poor general, Miss Fortescue, and the rest?

  30. The pilot-brig is spoken to windward next morning, even while the deep-sea lead-line is being hove to sound the bottom.

  31. I afterwards found that these despatches were brought to Cadiz from Philadelphia by the brig Hope.

  32. The brig kept on her course, and the government officers, who had come down to forbid her sailing, went back, each with something like a flea in his ear, having depended upon extorting a little more money from the owner.

  33. They were the ship Helen Mar, of New York, and the brig Mermaid, of Boston.

  34. This was my first day's duty on board the ship; and though a sailor's life is a sailor's life wherever it may be, yet I found everything very different here from the customs of the brig Pilgrim.

  35. The brig was never again seen on the coast, and the Avon arrived at San Pedro in about a week, with a full cargo of Canton and American goods.

  36. She was bound to Manilla, from across the Pacific, and George did seaman's duty in her until her arrival in Manilla, when he left her, and shipped in a brig bound to the Sandwich Islands.

  37. Here, too, was Henry Mellus, who came out with me before the mast in the Pilgrim, and left the brig to be agent's clerk on shore.

  38. Sam was afterwards lost in a brig off the coast of Brazil, when all hands went down.

  39. Nye's off too," said the captain to the mate; and looking astern, we could just see the little hermaphrodite brig under sail standing after us.

  40. When they came down to us, we found that they were Englishmen, and they told us that they had belonged to a small Mexican brig which had been driven ashore here in a south-easter, and now lived in a small house just over the hill.

  41. The little brig was close hauled upon the wind, and lying over, as it then seemed to me, nearly upon her beam ends.

  42. This was the brig which was driven ashore at San Pedro in a south-easter, and had been lying at San Diego to repair and take in her cargo.

  43. I recommend an armed brig to patrol these waters.

  44. When Lewis passed, a three-mast brig of two hundred and fifty tons and a smaller one of ninety tons were on the point of being finished to launch the following Spring, with produce for Philadelphia.

  45. It was not, however, till the 11th of October that the raft, the brig from Ticonderoga, and the new sloop were ready for action.

  46. On the 10th of October, the brig arrived from Ticonderoga with eighteen guns; seventy seamen and sixty soldiers embarked as marines.

  47. Meanwhile Captain Loring still labored to strengthen the British naval power on the lake; he weighed some French bateaux which had been sunk, and constructed a brig with all possible dispatch.

  48. Over there it was true, far away in front of Agay, a brig was advancing towards us; I could distinctly see with my glasses her rounded sails puffed out by the wind.

  49. Overcome by the heat of the sun I closed my eyes, enjoying the deep repose of the sea, when Bernard said in an undertone: "The brig over there has a good breeze.

  50. Deed will you do somewhat less, Harry Wedderburn; if Raif thinks so little of his sister as to convoy her home disguised in liquor, e'en let him stand there on the shore, or else take his way home by the Brig of Dumfries!

  51. I was therefore much surprised, upon taking a look at the brig through my glass, to see that she had lowered and was manning a couple of boats.

  52. I therefore ordered the helm to be shifted, and gave instructions for the crew to go to quarters, to double-shot the broadside batteries and to open fire on the brig with our long eighteen the moment that we should come within range.

  53. The brig I took to be a craft of about our own size, say some three hundred tons, while the schooner appeared to be about two hundred tons.

  54. The brigantine was ours, and, my first thought being for the safety of all three of the craft, I at once gave orders for the grappling irons to be cast loose, and for the brig and schooner to haul off to a safe distance.

  55. This signal I acknowledged in like manner as the first, and, while doing so, saw that the brig had taken in her studding-sails and hauled her wind.

  56. So you really think that yonder brig is your own ship?

  57. I'm sailor man jus' 'shore from brig Juno in from Barbadoes.

  58. The brig is a small one, and if she hit on a rock, or was in a collision, it would not take much to knock her out.

  59. Probably there was a collision, or fire on board, so that the brig was in a sinking condition.

  60. I was in partnership with Blowitz, in several ventures, including the one in which a brig named the Rockhaven is concerned.

  61. To search for that derelict-- the brig Rockhaven!

  62. If you return with the brig I will pay you two thousand dollars.

  63. After the brig was loaded he sent these boxes aboard.

  64. The brig idly rose and fell on the long, heaving swells.

  65. I think he has heard of our voyage after the brig and has hired this tug to try and beat me.

  66. You know the whole story, about the brig and the offer Blowitz made.

  67. That brig and all on it is mine, by every legal claim, and I shall maintain my rights to the uttermost.

  68. If the deserted brig was anywhere in the vicinity, it must be pretty well out to sea, Mr. De Vere told them.

  69. Then a hunt was made in other parts of the brig and more boxes were found and cast into the ocean.

  70. Suddenly a long roller lifted the brig well up into the air.

  71. When I got the telegram, telling me the brig was still afloat, I thought it might be a good plan to go about among the fishermen, making inquiries.

  72. I did hope to be able to tow the brig into harbor, and save the cargo, but that is out of the question now.

  73. This all happened before the brig was abandoned and became a derelict, but I can't understand how that happened, as she was a very stout vessel, though small.

  74. The jib was run up instantly to help her round, and under this sail the brig was headed directly towards the shore.

  75. The sea was breaking round them now; but the brig was almost flat bottomed and drew but little water.

  76. Although under but a rag of canvas the brig was pressed down gunwale deep, and each wave as it struck her broadside seemed to heave her bodily to leeward.

  77. But the captain had no chart; he was afraid to trust his brig so deep among the islands; and the wind serving well, he preferred to go by west of Tiree and come up under the southern coast of the great Isle of Mull.

  78. The tenth afternoon there was a falling swell and a thick, wet, white fog that hid one end of the brig from the other.

  79. Ye shall come on board my brig for half an hour, till the ebb sets, and drink a bowl with me.

  80. I have never felt such pity for any one in this wide world as I felt for that half-witted creature, and it began to come over me that the brig Covenant (for all her pious name) was little better than a hell upon the seas.

  81. I asked him of the brig (which he declared was the finest ship that sailed) and of Captain Hoseason, in whose praises he was equally loud.

  82. His brig was like wife and child to him; he had looked on, day by day, at the mishandling of poor Ransome; but when it came to the brig, he seemed to suffer along with her.

  83. But if we stave on straight to the auld Brig of Stirling, I'll lay my sword they let us pass unchallenged.

  84. I'm thinking it was a judgment on the clan that the brig went down in the lump and didnae break.

  85. Who first found it out, or named it, I cannot tell you, Tandy, but I believe our own brig was the first that ever visited it in a black-birding expedition.

  86. And the mystery of that unhappy brig none can ever unravel.

  87. The best sailors on our brig could scarcely stand, far less walk.

  88. The brig was on fire and burning fiercely!

  89. Nor were any signs of that unfortunate brig seen next day.

  90. During Davey's government, two hundred female prisoners were brought down from Sydney, in the brig Kangaroo: proclamation was made, and the settlers were invited to receive them.

  91. The vessel, called the Fame, was found by the brig Glory in Twofold Bay.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brig" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    brig; cell; compartment; dungeon; freezer; galleon; gaol; guardhouse; hole; jail; junk; keep; lockup; pen; penitentiary; prison; reformatory; stir; stockade; vessel; yacht

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brigade from; brigade under; brigades were; bright and; bright blue; bright colors; bright colours; bright crimson; bright eyes; bright fire; bright green; bright light; bright lines; bright little; bright look; bright lookout; bright orange; bright rose; bright smile; bright spot; bright star; bright sunshine; bright yellow