You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompence of their labour, than when you give money merely in charity.
They cannot deprive Me of more then I am content to lose, when God sees fit by their hands to take it from Me; whose mercy I beleive, will more then infinitely recompence what ever by mans injustice, he is pleased to deprive Me of.
But men are prone to have such high conceits of themselves, that they care not what cost they lay out upon their opinions: especially those that have some temptation of gain, to recompence their losses and hazards.
Nor can they easily recompence or remedie the inconveniences and mischiefs which they have purchased so dearly, and which have, and will ever necessarily ensue, till due remedies be applied.
I cared not to lessen my self in some things of my wonted Prerogative; since I knew I could be no loser, if I might gain but a recompence in my Subjects affections.
He wrote federal other occasional pieces against this gentleman, who, in recompence of his enmity, has mentioned him twice in his Dunciad.
Blood, rapines, massacres, were cheaply bought, So mighty recompence your beauty brought.
They are great theeues, and wil steale all that they may, and you shall haue no recompence at their hands.
There are many things to discourage a faithful minister; but yet this may encourage us, that we serve the best Master, and that is a surerecompence of reward that is abiding us.
Nor is there any thing within to be seen sufficient to recompence your Trouble of getting up to it, the Building being confused, and the Rooms very ill contrived.
In recompenceof those things which they had receiued of vs, as shirts linnen cloth, &c.
We in the meane time buissie ourselves in the good of our country, which will recompence us badly ffor such toyle and labour.
For where the recompence exceeds this, it becomes an act of extortion or oppression.
But the exchange of labour branches out into various kinds of recompence or return.
To stipulate for a recompence in return for a loan, or for the service of labour or commission is doing no wrong, but constitutes a kind of mixed contract, partaking of the nature of a gratuitous act, and an act of exchange.
Nor can anyrecompence of this kind be branded with the name of usury.
When we for recompence haue prais'd the vild, It staines the glory in that happy Verse, Which aptly sings the good Mer.
It were a bad recompence for your loue, to lay any of them on you An.
If you but said so, 'twere as deepe with me: If you sweare still, your recompence is still That I regard it not Clot.
This is to giue a dogge, and in recompencedesire my dogge againe.
I must not yeeld to any rights of Loue, For my Profession's sacred from aboue: When I haue chased all thy Foes from hence, Then will I thinke vpon a recompence Dolph.
Nor your Mistris Euer a friend, whose thoughts more truly labour To recompence your loue: Doubt not but heauen Hath brought me vp to be your daughters dower, As it hath fated her to be my motiue And helper to a husband.
That men erroneously their glory call, The recompencethat arts or arms can yield, The bar, the senate, or the tented field.
This was the recompence of the ruinous and expensive service in which the officers had engaged; of the unexampled sufferings and dangers which they and their brave men had undergone.
And although I doe complayne of mine vnhappy fortune, yet I meane not to accuse you, onely contented that eche man doe know, that firme affection and eternall thraldome do deserue other recompence than a farewell so cruell.
And I by vertues might, Full recompence thereby shal haue and stand still in good Fame, And she like caitif wretch shall liue, to hir long lasting shame.
Herein offended the good Prynce of the Iewes Dauid, when to vse his Bersabe without suspition, he caused innocent Vrias to bee slayne, in lieu of recompence for his good seruice, and diligent execution of his behests.
Wherefore I do suppose that hys grace (a skilfull Gentleman to way and esteeme the vertue and valor of ech man) cannot chose but reward and recompence the well doer to his singular contentation and comfort.
It is al that I doe craue at your handes in recompence of the trauayles, paynes, and afflictions suffred for your sake.
His brother Jorge died in Madrid in 1540, while soliciting his majesty for a recompence of his services.
The eldest son of Don Pedro, while on a voyage along with his relation the younger Juan, to solicit a recompence for his fathers services, was lost at sea.
And I doute not but theirrecompence is with y^e Lord.
Of y^e one, ther may be hope of recovery, but y^e other no recompence can make good.
Sutch was the ende of the troubles of maister Thorello, and hys wel beloued Wyfe, and the recompence of their franke and honest curtesies.
Now then I say, that you going about by large desert and manifold curtesie to binde mee to recompence the same, you seeke thy next waye to cut of the meane whereby I should be liberall.
Who then sayd, that neither the king nor she were so happy in seruauntes as the Bastarde was, that had not wherewith to recompence such fidelitie.
The king thought that Ariobarzanes did not the same so much for curtesie, as to bynde his soueraigne lorde and king by benefit to recompence his subiecte's like behauiour, which he did not very well like, and therfore would play no more.
The daily or weekly recompence which such labourers occasionally received from their masters, was evidently not the whole price of their labour.
Thirty or forty pounds a year cannot be considered as too great a recompence for the labour of a person so accomplished.
In order to put industry into motion, three things are requisite; materials to work upon, tools to work with, and the wages or recompence for the sake of which the work is done.
The proper performance of every service seems to require, that its pay orrecompence should be, as exactly as possible, proportioned to the nature of the service.
In those ancient times, a tod of wool would have purchased twice the quantity of subsistence which it will purchase at present, and consequently twice the quantity of labour, if the real recompence of labour had been the same in both periods.
In the inferior employments, the sweets of labour consist altogether in the recompence of labour.
If it is not augmented, their real recompence will evidently be so much diminished.
The recompence of ingenious artists, and of men of liberal professions, I have endeavoured to show in the first book, necessarily keeps a certain proportion to the emoluments of inferior trades.
The money price of labour is lower in Scotland than in England, because the real recompence of labour is much lower: Scotland, though advancing to greater wealth, advances much more slowly than England.
When such occupiers were more numerous than they are at present, they are said to have been willing to give their spare time for a very smallrecompence to any body, and to have wrought for less wages than other labourers.
For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, the year of recompence in the controversy of Zion.
FIFTH VOICE Behold, the Lord GOD will come as a mighty one, And his arm shall rule for him: Behold, his reward is with him, And his recompence before him.
I Writ him a Letter of Thanks, and he told me in his Answer, that he desir'd no other Recompence for all he cou'd do for me, but to see me sometimes.
It was," answered Bermudo, "a recompence for the services I rendered Don Lope Gomez Arias.
In a moment the faithful Malique with a chosen band was mounted, and in a moment they started rapidly with the velocity that a hope of recompence or a dread of punishment inspires.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recompence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.