After this the king held his Easter at Winsor, whither William the Scotish king came with his brother Dauid, to welcome him home, and to congratulat his happie successe in his businesse on the further side the seas.
Thus you heare what successe our ambassadours had in this voiage.
So it pleased God to giue vs the victory being but 42 men and a boy, whereof 2 were killed and 3 wounded: for the which good successe we giue God the only praise.
Sidenote: The prosperoussuccesse of the Frenchmen in Poictou.
My Lord Caes Go bid the Priests do present Sacrifice, And bring me their opinions of Successe Ser.
Our day is gone, Clowds, Dewes, and Dangers come; our deeds are done: Mistrust of my successe hath done this deed Messa.
Such was the successe of this second battell fought at S.
After the earle of Arundell had obteined so good successe in his enterprises (as partlie ye haue heard) he attempted another, which was the last worke and finall labour of his liuing daies.
Manie words he vttered, to put them in hope of good successeand victorie.
He shall not goe, Nor can I hope successe in any thynge (More then my sworde), & muche lesse be confyrmed.
I cannot rest till I be certified What good or bad successe my suite returnes.
Come, let our Nephew Lassingberg sleepe there, And, gentle Neace, come you to court with us, If you dare mixe your loves successe with mine.
Successe may make all fayre; He that for naught can hope should naught dispayre.
Successe in warre is but a pleasynge dreame From whence a drume may fryght us.
My mere knowledge in't Would tourne the hope't successe to an event That would fryghte nature & make patyence braule With the most pleasinge objecte.
My mere knowledge in't Would tourne the hope't successe to an event That would fryghte nature, & make patyence braule With the most pleasinge obiecte.
Pen told me that I need not fear any reflection upon my Lord for their ill successe at Argier, for more could not be done.
Found all things well, there happening nothing since our going to my discontent in the least degree; which do also please me, that I cannot but bless God for my journey, observing a whole course of successe from the beginning to the end of it.
A disposition & successe equally fatall to that house: for his sonne againe, the second Sir Ric.
A like prank vnder the like assumed names, and with like successe and boding, they plaied, when Octauius and Anthony were, with like meanes, to decide the like Soueraignty.
The next day trauelling to Dunkerk hee heard the thundering Ordinance of either Fleet: and the same euening being come to Dixmud, hee was giuen to vnderstand the hard successe of the Spanish Fleete.
A report of Master Robert Flicke directed to Master Thomas Bromley, Master Richard Staper, and Master Cordall concerning the successe of a part of the London supplies sent to my Lord Thomas Howard to the Isles of the Azores, 1591.
It remayneth now to relate our endeuours in accomplishing the order receiued for the ioyning with my Lorde Thomas Howard, together with the successe wee haue had.
And so I doe leaue you to the happy successe of your accustomed good exercises, earnestly wishing that there may be some better acceptance made of the fruits of your studies, then there hath bene of our hazards in the wars.
If hee had withall vaunted of his successe of his owne house, no doubt the argument would haue mooued much, and wrought great effect: which because, hee for that present forgot, I thought it good to remember in his behalfe.
The good successe whereof may encourage vs to take armes resolutely against him.
With which successe still increasing his furie, he turned his whole violence into Cambridgeshire, where he did exceeding great hurt.
King Iohn hauing gotten this victorie, and taken his nephue Arthur, he wrote the maner of that his successe vnto his barons in England, in manner as followeth.
Thus saith Meire: and Matthew Paris differeth not much from him touching the successe which chanced to the Englishmen by land.
On the other side he himselfe vsing the like good successe amongst the rebels at home, ouercame them, and chased them out of the land.
The continuall successe of victorie ought to be a prouocation vnto you to doo manfullie: the continuance of euil speed may be to yonder side an occasion to run away.
Thus came things to passe in sundrie places with so good successe as duke Henrie could wish, wherevpon meaning to follow the steps of prosperous fortune, he marched foorth to Stamford, [Sidenote: Stamford was taken.
God give him better successe than he used to have!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "successe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.