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Example sentences for "pragmatic"

  • There is no obvious reason why Dewey should pass to the pragmatic theory of value through the medium of the practical judgment, since it could be directly considered on its own account.

  • The pragmatic philosopher, he says, is not opposed to objective realities, and logical and universal thinking.

  • Its devout, heart-stirring, noble language creates an atmosphere which is deadly for pragmatic egotism.

  • He is as hazy about the Hypostatic Union as are many laymen about the Pragmatic Sanction.

  • I am not here seeking to examine closely, still less to criticise, Professor James' pragmatic doctrines.

  • Here are pragmatic reasons with a vengeance why we should turn to truth--truth saves us from a world of that complexion.

  • The Pragmatic Sanction was condemned by the pope, but for three-quarters of a century after its issuance there were strained relations between the Church in France and the sovereign pontiff.

  • Early in his reign he promulgated a so-called Pragmatic Sanction which declared that the Habsburg dominions were indivisible and that, contrary to long custom, they might be inherited by female heirs in default of male.

  • One after another of his manifold principalities swore to observe the Pragmatic Sanction.

  • For in all other problems the fact of an idea being "freely used by common men" is, according to pragmatic principles, an enormous piece of evidence in its favour.

  • It certainly shares with the pragmatic philosophy a tendency to lay more stress upon the freedom of the will than is usual among philosophies.

  • When in such a dilemma one turns to the vitalistic and pragmatic speculations of a Bergson or a William James there is an almost more hopeless revulsion.

  • This scepticism of the pragmatic philosophy in regard to the "substantial soul" is surely an unpardonable inconsistency.

  • It is aware, in fine, that certain high and passionate intimations are roused to unmitigated hostility by the whole pragmatic attitude.

  • The pragmatic attitude, though it would be unfair to call it superficial, does not appeal to the philosophy of the complex vision as being one of the supreme, desperate struggles of the human race to overcome the resistance of the Sphinx.

  • The pragmatic philosophy judges the value of any "truth" by its effective application to ordinary moments.

  • It seems unable to discover in the pragmatic attitude that "note of tragedy" which the fatality of human life demands.

  • The philosophy of the complex vision seems to detect in the pragmatic attitude something which is profoundly unpleasing to its taste.

  • The means of attaining the former obtain expression in prudential or pragmatic laws that are empirically grounded.

  • After pointing out that opinion is not permissible in judgments of pure Reason,[1736] Kant develops the further distinction between pragmatic or doctrinal belief and moral belief.

  • As public policy is developed and implemented by the Federal government, cognizance of the work of the Conference should be taken as a pragmatic and essential step.

  • They represent a pragmatic rededication to social compassion and national excellence, in place of the combination of good intentions and fuzzy follow-through which too often in the past was thought sufficient.

  • And everywhere, should he slip off, were the pragmatic sharks lurking for the prey.

  • He had been discussing more to himself than to me the merits of Professor James and Monsieur Bergson, and had inquired was I aware of the nature of the Pragmatic Sanction.

  • If we apply the canons of the Pragmatic philosophy to these objects we will arrive at some conclusion which, although it may not justify their existence, will give a hint as to their expediency.

  • Modern scholarship shares with modern science the quality of not being pragmatic in its aim.

  • What there is surviving of this vulgar, non-pragmatic intellectual output takes the form of legends and folk-tales, often embroidered on the authentic documents of the Faith.

  • The foundations of pragmatic intelligence are not pragmatic, nor even personal or sensible.

  • It has not had force and time to eliminate certain elements of human nature handed down from an earlier phase of life, which are not in full consonance with the barbarian animus or with the demands of the pragmatic scheme of thought.

  • The present is nowise distinguished above other cultural eras by any exceptional urgency or acumen in the search for pragmatic expedients.

  • The theoretical output of the Schoolmen has necessarily an accentuated pragmatic complexion, since the whole cultural scheme under which they lived and worked was of a strenuously pragmatic character.

  • So that associated with the pragmatic attention there is found more or less of an irrelevant attention, or idle curiosity.

  • No doubt, the all-pervading pragmatic animus of the older and non-European civilisations has had more than anything else to do with their relatively slight and slow advance in scientific knowledge.

  • But there is no intrinsic antagonism between science and scholarship, as there is between pragmatic training and scientific inquiry.

  • The pragmatic knowledge of the early days differs scarcely at all in character from that of the maturest phases of culture.

  • The facts are conceived in an animistic way, and a pragmatic animus is imputed to them.

  • By a pragmatic of 1500, all persons, whether natives or foreigners, were prohibited from shipping goods in foreign bottoms, from a port where a Spanish ship could be obtained.

  • A pragmatic was passed, in 1491, at the petition of the inhabitants of the northern provinces, requiring English and other foreign traders to take their returns in the fruits or merchandise of the country, and not in gold or silver.

  • A pragmatic of similar import was issued by Henry III.

  • Her curiosity was excited to see this formidable minister, whose influence had induced his royal master to overthrow her dearest schemes, by affixing the guarantee of Spain to the pragmatic sanction.

  • Pragmatic Sanction," providing that the crown should descend to female heirs in the absence of male, he forged one of the most important links in the chain of events.

  • Musicians had been hired to celebrate the death of the renegade as tradition demanded, and all that the Pragmatic permitted of luxury was at hand.

  • These sombre-colored robes were second-hand, as the austere simplicity of the Pragmatic required.

  • Pragmatic Sanctions of 1438, against the protests of Eugenius IV.

  • The new pragmatic framework that the USA embodies does not automatically free it from the seductive embrace of the civilization it negates, and the current angst over the state of literacy is a manifestation of this.

  • The pragmatic requirement of optimally transmitting experience essential to a group's permanency was recognized as one of the main functions of language.

  • Names are usually identifiers resulting from the pragmatic context.

  • Like any other practical experience, the production of art belongs to the pragmatic framework.

  • These pragmatic elements no longer exist the way they did.

  • The main logical systems require our attention because they are related to what makes literacy necessary and, under new pragmatic conditions, less necessary, if not superfluous.

  • Changed working habits and new life styles are, as much as the appropriate language characterizing them, symptomatically connected to the pragmatic framework of our continuous self-constitution.

  • There are as many instances when a product dies because it is irrelevant to the pragmatic framework of our lives.

  • Since it is a form of human expression, it ascertains its condition as yet another sign system, or language, among the many participating in the practical experiences of our new pragmatic context.

  • The USA forgot the lesson of its own pragmatic foundation in imitating, as it did in Vietnam, the literate wars of Europe in a context of confrontation characteristic of the civilization of illiteracy.

  • The pragmatic framework was set up under the assumption of permanence, stability, centrality, and universality founded on literacy.

  • The need for specialization and mediation changed the nature of pragmatic relations.

  • To see in these only the negative, the low end, is easier than to acknowledge that previous backgrounds, constituted on the underlying structure of literacy, have become untenable under the new pragmatic circumstances.

  • He is as largely pragmatic as Sumner in his derivation of morality: Between the external world and our actions there exists only the simple and essentially non-moral relations of cause and effect.

  • Now the understanding, also having a pragmatic origin, limits our knowledge just as the eye limits our vision, and for the same purpose.

  • It is obvious that the adoption of the pragmatic principle, particularly in the extreme Bergsonian form, would radically alter our view of the past, and compel a rewriting or at least a rereading of history.

  • The work of James and Dewey prepared the way for Bergson in this country, for his philosophy may be regarded as a constructive system built upon pragmatic criticism.

  • As representatives of the pragmatic syndicalists may be mentioned George Sorel and Edouard Berth.

  • I call attention to this preliminary study of the sciences, because there is a danger that the anti-intellectualist tendency of the pragmatic movement should lead to a disregard of the importance of scientific research.

  • Articles on pragmatic Catholicism may be found in almost any volume of the Revue Philosophique and the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale during the first twelve years of the twentieth century.

  • A step in this direction is the study of the pragmatic movement by René Berthelot.

  • The pragmatic mode of thinking is practically universal among scientific men, but Ostwald is an extreme pragmatist.

  • Even if true, does it make a bit of difference to anybody or anything; or to put the query into the pragmatic form, can it be true if it does not make a bit of difference to anybody or anything?

  • In 1713 a “Pragmatic Sanction” was drawn up by the Emperor Charles VI.

  • For many years it had been the aim of Charles to secure the adhesion of the European powers to the Pragmatic Sanction, by which the possessions of the Austrian crown should pass to Maria Theresa.

  • It is, of course, BOUND to exist, on sound pragmatic principles.

  • Matter disappoints this craving of our ego, so God remains for most men the truer hypothesis, and indeed remains so for definite pragmatic reasons.

  • The narrower pragmatism may still be spoken of as the 'pragmatic method.

  • For the believer, Caesar must of course really exist; for the pragmatist critic he need not, for the pragmatic deliverance belongs, as I have just said, to another universe of discourse altogether.

  • If they would only follow the pragmatic method and ask: 'What is truth KNOWN-AS?

  • This forms one permanent inferiority of pluralism from the pragmatic point of view.

  • Using the pragmatic test of the meaning of concepts, I had shown the concept of the absolute to MEAN nothing but the holiday giver, the banisher of cosmic fear.

  • It seems obvious that the pragmatic account of all this routine of phenomenal knowledge is accurate.

  • THAT the thing is, WHAT it is, and WHICH it is (of all the possible things with that what) are points determinable only by the pragmatic method.

  • Reducing, by the pragmatic test, the meaning of each of these concepts to its positive experienceable operation, I showed them all to mean the same thing, viz.

  • The hope of the world is in the new gospel of pragmatic materialism.

  • Already had France opposed Rome with the pragmatic sanction, and the heads of the empire claimed to share in it.

  • The pragmatic sanction had been a great act of independence, and promised to prove the palladium of the Gallican liberties.

  • The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pragmatic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.