The artificiality of the process which brings the two heroes together is apparent in the dreams of Gilgamesh which are interpreted by his mother as portending the coming of Enkidu.
In Gilgamesh's dream, portending the meeting with Enkidu, nothing is said of the woman who is the companion of the latter.
The reception of her Majesty by Og, Gog, and Magog had already driven away the sense of portending evil from his mind when he caught sight of a girl's face in the crowd.
Outside the covenant they are clouds of wrath, portending an eternal deluge of fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries of God.
The year 1797, which opened with events portending the overthrow of Austria and the financial collapse of England, brought a passing gleam of sunshine into the gray life of Pitt.
Landing on 20th June near Dublin, he heard news portending a speedy decision in Wexford.
Then like a comet blazing in the skies, How death-portending Amurath did rise, When he his horned crescents did display Upon the fatal plains of Servia; 70 And farther still his sanguine tresses spread, Till Croya life and conquests limited.
And it came to pass that a high and violent wind, piercing to the touch, and blowing about gravels, arose, portending battle.
Portending some great danger, these omens have appeared all around, indicating a fearful battle.
An eclipse has taken place, portending evil to the country, and libations have been poured out on days carefully selected as favorable ones.
As they asked him the signs portending this terrible destruction, so that they might know when it was nigh at hand, he immediately proceeded to point them out, and warned them to flee to the mountains of Judea for safety.
Here the judgment to which he refers had commenced, or at least the signs portending it had commenced, and it was to end upon the ungodly inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Dreams connected with Tamarinds are of ill omen, portending trouble, loss, and disappointment.
If a Sugar-cane should flower again at the end of the season, and produce seeds, it is looked upon as a funereal flower, and as portending misfortune to the owner of the estate or his family.
To dream of Onions is considered of evil augury, portending sickness and misfortune.
To dream of being surrounded by Thistles is a lucky omen, portending that the dreamer will be rejoiced by some pleasing intelligence in a short time.
A quite common belief in our own country is, that every Locust's wing is marked with either the letter W, portending War, or the letter P, portending Peace.
Clouds all overportending | | | storm and wind: N.
He bore a mark on his brow of a line of sandal, which, by its being pale from dryness, was like a digit of Love's waning moon portending his own destruction.
May it not have been during this lull in the portending storm of public discontent that royalty deigned to inspect a singular piece of mechanism, supposed to move of itself without any aid from external agency?
The sun of Freedom shows her smiling face Above the horizon of discontent, Portending happy day so long delayed.
Francos (drawing near): I bid thee happy morn, illustrious friend; A morn portending a most perfect day.
Hitherto an exceedingly warm winter, such as has seldom been known, and portending an unprosperous spring as to the fruits of the earth; our climate requires more cold and winterly weather.
What the further intention is, time will show; but doubtless portending some revolution.
Or like a blazing Star Portending change of State, or some sad War, Or death of some good Prince.
At this point the narrator is troubled by a dreamportending death to the lady of his love.