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Example sentences for "ported"

Lexicographically close words:
portat; portata; portato; portcullis; portcullises; portee; portemonnaie; portend; portended; portending
  1. The valve is of the double-ported type shown in Fig.

  2. James 'ported his slip up into the Pleiades, just as Garlock and Belle had done with theirs, and disappeared with it as they had; reappearing almost instantly.

  3. It was three days before Garlock and Belle 'ported themselves up into the Pleiades and the starship displaced itself instantaneously to Margonia.

  4. They 'ported into his room and he set the blocks.

  5. Belle and Garlock 'ported out into the Main, arms around each other like a couple of college freshmen.

  6. Before she could fall, he 'ported her back up into their quarters.

  7. Reluctantly he gave orders for the helm to be ported in order to yield to the palpably illegal tactics of the German ships.

  8. The "Pompey" had ported helm, while at less than twenty yards on the port beam the surface of the water was marked by a pair of diverging lines that indicated the track of a torpedo.

  9. What is an Allen ported valve, and what is its object?

  10. An Allen ported valve is an outside admission slide valve having an extra port from one end of the valve to the other, above the exhaust cavity and through the body of the valve.

  11. They are easily ported by boat into other shires.

  12. Began to hem him round with ported spears.

  13. The "Aphrodite," running at great speed, had ported her helm.

  14. As soon as the signal was observed the tramp's helm was ported as if she meditated flight, but ordering full speed ahead Captain Restronguet soon made it evident that the "Aphrodite" could go two knots to the steamer's one.

  15. Then, gathering speed, one of the German light cruisers ported helm and attempted to ram her lightly-built opponent.

  16. Suddenly the leading destroyer ported helm, turning so swiftly and listing so excessively that, for the moment, Crosthwaite thought that she had received a mortal blow.

  17. She 'ported on him to de sheriff, and he went to git him.

  18. At a distance of five hundred yards from the edge of the lagoon the leading boat ported helm and let fly a couple of torpedoes from her midship deck-tubes.

  19. Gripping the canteen in both hands, Morrison watched as the water, 'ported four thousand miles from Venusborg, appeared as a slender crystal stream above the mouth of his canteen.

  20. It will all be 'ported to you--if your claim is of sufficient value to warrant the outlay.

  21. The twilight had turned a deep gray when the Public Surveyor 'ported in.

  22. From a friend," and the pilot ported helm.

  23. At the critical moment, when it appeared the lugger was about to cut him down, the pilot suddenly ported helm, and ran his boat under the lugger's side.

  24. The wheel had gone round, and it ought to have ported the helm; but he knew very well it had not.

  25. He should not have to put any strain on the tiller until they ported to enter the bay; that was, of course, provided they did not encounter very much worse weather or the danger of a collision.

  26. But no; instead of reversing engines she ported helm, and at full speed was soon lost to sight in the darkness.

  27. A double ported valve is one in which there are two ports at each end of the valve.

  28. Double ported valves are employed in some cases to increase the admission of live steam to the cylinder, and in others to increase the exhaust openings also.

  29. A double ported steam port is one in which there are two openings or steam ports, leading into one steam passage.

  30. The Allen double ported valve is one in which the second port increases the port opening for the admission only, as shown in Fig.

  31. In engines which vary the point of cut off by reducing the travel of the slide valve, this is accomplished by using double ported valves or griddle valves.

  32. Then a groan of disappointment rose from the men as the cruiser ported helm.

  33. Suddenly she ported helm, just in time to avoid a collision with a long dark shape that proved to be an unterseeboot in the act of diving.

  34. Meanwhile, the lads, swimming strongly, saw the Tremendous heel as she ported helm.

  35. At this time a vessel arrived from Sian, and ported here on its way to an embassy at Manila.

  36. The flagship "Sancta Margarita," after the death of the general and most of the crew, ported at the Ladrones Islands and anchored at Zarpana.

  37. It seems probable that a change was initially made mandatory by their intention to utilize the ported exhaust feature, the value of which they had proved in the experimental engine.

  38. In locomotive engines, the valve universally employed is the common three ported valve.

  39. The ordinary three ported valve, and it is set on the top of the cylinder.

  40. The valve is of the ordinary three ported description, and both cylinder and valve faces are of cast iron.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ported" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.