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Example sentences for "polarisation"

Lexicographically close words:
poking; poky; polacca; polacre; polar; polariscope; polarised; polarising; polarities; polarity
  1. From time to time during the ascent I examined the polarisation of the sky.

  2. This was strengthened by the wish to make a series of observations from the greatest accessible elevation on the colour and polarisation of the sky.

  3. The light, I found, could be quenched so as to leave a residue as dark as the firmament upon a moonless night; but still there was a residue--the polarisation was not complete.

  4. It was to examine this colour that I ascended the Aletschhorn, and I wished to observe it where the hue was deepest and the polarisation most complete.

  5. And it was at right angles to the lunar rays: so that, as regards the polarisation of the sky, the beams of the moon behave exactly like those of the sun.

  6. Some, moreover, turned the plane of polarisation to the right, others to the left.

  7. Biot had observed the power of rotating the plane of polarisation would possess the crystalline dissymmetry revealed by the absence of superposability.

  8. By both helices and magnets Faraday caused the plane of polarisation in perfectly neutral liquids and solids to rotate.

  9. Marbach has discovered that chlorate of soda produces circular polarisation in all directions through the crystal, while in quartz it occurs only in the direction of the axis.

  10. As the optic action proper to the tartrates spoken of in his note manifests itself by a deviation of the plane of polarisation to the right, we have here a kind of dissymmetry which has nothing incompatible with the dissymmetry of form.

  11. It had, moreover, been proved by Biot that there existed two species of rock-crystal, one of which turned the plane of polarisation to the right, and the other to the left.

  12. I have separated the double paratartrate of soda and ammonia into two salts of inverse dissymmetry, and exerting an inverse action on the plane of polarisation of light.

  13. But the peculiarity of structure which enabled the substance to rotate the plane of polarisation to the right, also rendered it a fit aliment for the organism.

  14. Some important notes on the polarisation of the clouds were made.

  15. Although the polarisation of light is frequently employed as a means of chemical investigation, and is of the utmost interest to the philosophical inquirer, its consideration scarcely comes within the province of this work.

  16. When dissolved by the aid of an acid it forms a solution which, after decolorisation by a little purified animal charcoal, turns the plane of polarisation strongly to the left (cinchona turns it to the right).

  17. By accidentally looking through a prism of the same substance, and turning it round, Mains discovered the polarisation of light by reflection; and by placing thin chrystalline films between two similar prisms or rhombs, M.

  18. By accidentally combining two rhombs in different positions, Huygens discovered the polarisation of light.

  19. Of this twofold comatose flow, the immediate consequence is polarisation of the extremities; sleep is a remote, but not the remotest consequence, when effects similar to those by the flow are mesmerically effected.

  20. It is the polarisation of Spirit from the universal into the particular, carrying with it all its inherent powers, just as the smallest flame has all the qualities of fire.

  21. The neutral solution of narcotine turns the plane of polarisation to the left [[alpha]]r = 130.

  22. It turns the plane of polarisation weakly to the left.

  23. The only positive result ever supposed to be attained was in a very difficult polarisation observation by Fizeau in 1859.

  24. The idea that non-polarisable electrodes are meant to get rid of polarisation is not thus justified by the facts of the case.

  25. I now, however, beg to direct attention to two questions glanced at incidentally in the preceding pages--the blue colour of the sky, and the polarisation of skylight.

  26. In June 1871, after a brief reference to the polarisation of light by cloudy matter, I ventured to recur to the subject in these terms: What is the practical use of these curiosities?

  27. Footnote: Sir John Herschel suggested to me that this change of the polarisation from positive to negative may indicate a change from polarisation by reflection to polarisation by refraction.

  28. In all cases, moreover, this fine blue cloud polarises perfectly the beam which illuminates it, the direction of polarisation enclosing an angle of 90° with the axis of the illuminating beam.

  29. But unlike my observations on the laboratory air, and unlike the action of the sky, the direction of maximum polarisation in M.

  30. But the cloud which had thus ceased to polarise the light emitted normally, showed vivid selenite colours when looked at obliquely, proving that the direction of maximum polarisation changed with the texture of the cloud.

  31. Any particles, if small enough, will produce both the colour and the polarisation of the sky.

  32. But at no portion of the firmament was the polarisation complete.

  33. Commencing with distilled water, for example, a thick slice of light is necessary to make the polarisation of its suspended particles sensible.

  34. This system provides infinitely variable polarisation which optimises the down-link signal at any instant.

  35. That in fluid dielectrics the electric polarisation is accompanied by a tension in the direction of the lines of force combined with an equal pressure in all directions at right angles to the lines of force.

  36. Suffice it to state here that he showed that in the case of aray of plane-polarised light the effect of the magnetic force is to turn the plane of polarisation round the direction of the ray as an axis, through a certain angle.

  37. In thus separating the ray of light into two rays, the condition called polarisation has been produced, and by experiment we discover that the single ray has properties different from those of the compound or ordinary ray.

  38. If we turn the plate of glass round through 90°, when the plane of reflexion is parallel to that of polarisation the light is reflected.

  39. Again, plane polarisation may be produced by the double refraction of crystals.

  40. Supposing a plate of glass is presented at the angle 56° to a polarised ray, and the plane of incidence or reflexion is at right angles to the plane of polarisation of the ray, no light is reflected.

  41. If we turn the plate round another 90°, so that the plane of reflexion and of polarisation are parallel to each other, again no light is reflected; and if we turn it through another 90° the reflection of the ray again takes place.

  42. It was thought, for instance, that very large crystals, much larger than what occur in nature, would be required to show the polarisation of electric ray.

  43. He next demonstrated the rotation of the plane of polarisation of Electric Waves by means of pieces of twisted jute rope.

  44. In conclusion he gave an account of his discovery of the polarisation of electric rays by crystals.

  45. Finally Professor Bose explained his discovery of Polarisation of these rays by various crystals.

  46. Thus again the discovery of the polarisation of light led to experiments which ended in the discovery of the polarisation of heat--a discovery that could never have been made without the antecedent one.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "polarisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.