Yet experiments with the polariscope were interpreted in an adverse sense, and Bond's conclusion that the comet sent us virtually unmixed reflected sunshine was generally acquiesced in.
Thus the polariscope was found to have told the truth, though not the whole truth.
Arago somewhat hastily inferred from experiments with the polariscope the wholly gaseous nature of the visible disc of the sun.
Pickering's polariscope investigations come in with effect, for he found the light from the supposed seas to show no trace of polarization.
The polariscope should not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun during part of the day, and should not be near artificial sources of heat, such as steam boilers, furnaces, flues, etc.
With a little practice this may be overcome and the neutral point found, but when it cannot, the ordinary telescope of the instrument may be replaced by another, which is furnished with the polariscope and which carries a yellow plate.
Tourmaline is also used in the form of a polariscope called tourmaline tongs.
Defn: A polariscope arranged to be attached to a telescope.
Physics) Defn: That which polarizes; especially, the part of a polariscope which receives and polarizes the light.
But Abderhalden has found that the polariscopecan show it also.
And in this case only thepolariscope can show what chemistry cannot show when we reach the point of testing Senor Barrios's blood--if that becomes necessary.
Goddard's oxy-hydrogen polariscope is one of the most convenient, because either the reflected or refracted polarized rays can be rendered available; it consists of the apparatus shown at Fig.
When a uniaxial crystal is examined in a polariscope or polarizing microscope between crossed nicols (i.
A polariscope arranged to be attached to a telescope.
Tourmaline is also used in the form of a polariscope called tourmaline tongs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "polariscope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.