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Example sentences for "chestnut trees"

  • He walked in front of me on the narrow path, and when he left me just before we came to the avenue of chestnut trees I knew that I loved him even more than Sister Marie-Aimée.

  • When their cart had disappeared down the avenue of chestnut trees, Pauline told Eugène what M.

  • I was afraid that you would not find the avenue of chestnut trees, and I hung up a lantern on each side.

  • She had just taken her sheep out, and she had hardly reached the end of the avenue of chestnut trees when we heard her shouting.

  • Vain, however, were all his endeavours, for in a few moments he was disarmed by the bandits and dragged, together with Sancha, into the wood of chestnut trees.

  • Chestnut trees or nuts from the eastern States, where blight is common, should not be shipped into the Rocky Mountain or Pacific Coast States.

  • Chestnut trees, like gray ghosts, still reach their naked arms high on many West Tennessee hillsides, and occasionally one finds a farmer splitting posts from their remains, for chestnut is an enduring wood.

  • The coach from this ascends the southern side of the Lenglas mountains, covered with vineyards, olive and mulberry trees, and farther up forests of chestnut trees.

  • On the side of the mountains facing the north are forests of chestnut trees, some very old and of most fantastic forms, while on the opposite side are forests of sombre cork oaks.

  • The coach having traversed the valley of the Dourbie, full of chestnut trees, reaches Nant, pop.

  • In the vicinity are coal-pits and rows of basalt columns supporting terraces covered with chestnut trees.

  • Then come the purple boulders among chestnut trees; then the double dolomite-like peak of Pitz Badin and Promontogno.

  • Roch, ascend a steep mule path, right, among the largest and best formed chestnut trees in the island, then rounding Mt.

  • The Orezza spring is in the centre of a small terrace in the narrow valley of the Fium'alto, whose steep banks are covered with chestnut trees, and ascended by dusty winding roads.

  • Picturesquely situated in a plantation of chestnut trees, surrounded by high mountain peaks.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chestnut trees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about noon; aqueous solution; chestnut blight; chestnut trees; chief priest; colonial administration; coniferous trees; each wagon; forget the; gesture language; great antiquity; great island; issue notes; kept secret; little pile; miles across; pure race; relatively late; singing school; smokeless powder; then occupied; touch them; tropospheric scatter