Footnote A: Studies in thePhysiology of Development II.
Now that many studies on the physiology and hygiene of reproduction of man have been made, and many investigations on degeneration have been conducted, we may face the problem of the betterment of the race, from a practical standpoint.
Political Geography and Arithmetic and Physiology and Spelling I was to be examined in," she said to herself.
But there were Physiologyand Arithmetic and History.
Why, you have only Spelling and Political Geography and Arithmetic and Physiology to pass.
I have been examined in Arithmetic and Physiology and History and Latin and Physical Geography and Grammar and Drawing, but not yet in Spelling or Political Geography.
And if they did let me come back, I would be taking Arithmetic and Spelling and Geography and Physiology over again, and you and Gertrude would be two classes ahead of me.
The latest deduction of both physiology and psychology is that smell and taste are the senses most employed, especially that of taste; but as yet there has been made no discovery of what it is that gives us the sense of smell or taste.
A knowledge of physiology and hygiene lies at the very foundation of the science of human welfare.
And as surely as every future grows out of past and present, so will the physiology of the future gradually extend the realm of matter and law until it is co-extensive with knowledge, with feeling, and with action.
Nevertheless there is an advance in knowledge in the assumption of this Cause which well admits of comparison with those advances which have been led to by certain results of the new physiology of the senses.
Wingfield was a Demonstrator in Physiology in the University of Cambridge, and his subjects were mainly candidates for the Natural Sciences Tripos.
In reviewing the phenomena of sleep, then, we found in the first place that it possesses a specific recuperative energy which the commonly accepted data of physiology and psychology cannot explain.
It is not to be supposed that any system of laws will entirely eradicate prostitution; history, social arrangements, and physiology alike forbid any such utopian idea.
One of the real improvements of modern times is the introduction of physiology as a branch of education in our schools.
When it is remembered that there was no scientific physiology upon which the ancients based their opinions, it is not at all surprising that, in the light of modern research, they are shown to be all wrong.
IN a previous chapter, the physiology of conception was explained, and it was shown to be an organic function, independent of and remote from the sexual act, and over which the parties to the act have no control.
As the world grows wiser, the physiology of the reproductive organs should form a part of its wisdom, and in proportion to this knowledge, will their functions become questions of sense, instead of sentiment and nonsense.
The work which has been described under this section is of interest as indicating the newer experimental work on the physiology of blood pressure.
To which Gerbert replies that physiology stands to physics as philology to philosophy, of which it is part.
One may recall how little knowledge of the physiology and habits of animals was shown in Pliny's Natural History.
Technical terms have been avoided, and only such facts of physiology developed as are necessary to the treatment of the effects of alcohol, tobacco, opium, and other truths of hygiene.
Physiology of Life, as illustrated by Respiration, Circulation, and Digestion.
If modesty did not render it unsuitable to speak of such topics here, it might be shown how feeble is his physiology when he has occasion to allude to the origin or generation of man.
In the teleological doctrine of physiology he considers that the foundations of a true theology must be laid.
What testimony doesphysiology offer on this point?
Of Plato's views of human physiology I can offer no better statement than the following from Ritter: "All in the human body is formed for the sake of the Reason, after certain determinate ends.
Examiner inPhysiology in the University of London, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, etc.
At Edinburgh, at Cambridge, and at Vienna he had laid the foundations of his great reputation, both in physiology and in zoology.
No wonder, then, that when the commercial city of Birchespool decided to create a medical school, they were only too glad to confer the chair of physiology upon Mr. Ainslie Grey.
Considerations on the terms Physiologyand Physics .
If we open a work on physics or physiology we shall note with astonishment how the above considerations are misunderstood.
This is an important law inphysiology discovered by Müller two centuries ago, and consequences of a philosophical order are attached to it.
Thus, it has borrowed from physiology the principle of its explanation, it has transported into the domain of thought the idea of function, and it has supposed that the soul is to the body in the relation of function to organ.
The physiology of infancy must be widely and insistently taught.
Physiology and hygiene are already contributing to the knowledge which makes for human betterment, but they also can be made to contribute much more than they have sometimes done.
Du Bois-Reymond, as has been said, had in his earlier years wandered into fields other than those of physiology and medicine, and in his later years he went back to some of these.
Still more is it true for the religious emotion, from the standpoint of nervous physiology the strongest next to the sexual emotion, that it can be the healing drug or the destructive poison.
It is the duty of physiology to elaborate such a clumsy scheme and to make us understand in detail how those processes in the neurons can occur and it is not the duty of psychology to develop detailed physiological hypotheses.
But it became clear that this view was only the outgrowth of the strong interest which physiology took in the sense processes.
This simple scheme of the physiology of association for a hundred years has given a most decided impulse to the progress of psychology.
You can even educate a healthy horse so far in physiology that he will take cold without his blanket.
James Braid; his early observations; his enunciation of the physiology of the hypnotic state; his connection with phrenology; his later views; his recognition of unconscious deception 205 VIII.
Physiology recognizes this distinction as one between lower and higher brain-centres.