Bionomics show that every type must be adapted in structure to maintain its life under the conditions in which it lives, the primary requirements being food and oxygen.
There is no more striking example of the inadequacy of the current conceptions of Mendelism and mutation to cover the of bionomics and evolution.
In fact, the fundamental principles of physiology must be understood before the study of Bionomics can begin.
Other speculations in Biology are related to Taxonomics or Bionomics according as they deal with the structure of the dead organism or the action of the living.
In "Observations Upon the Bionomics of Fleas Bearing Upon the Epidemiology of Plague in Eastern Java," by N.
The nature of human tick fever in the eastern part of the Congo Free State, with notes on the distribution and bionomics of the tick.
Hewitt (1912) has presented a valuable study of the bionomics and of the larvae of these flies, a type of what is needed for all the species concerned in myasis.
General observations on the bionomicsof the rodent and human flies.
Comparable studies of the bionomics of the less-well-known species should add much valuable information to our knowledge of this ancient group.
Consequently, anything that increases our knowledge of the basic bionomics of cockroaches will be consulted widely for factual information and for clues to new approaches.
In spite of this extensive compilation, the limitations of present information about cockroachbionomics must be kept in mind.
Obviously, additional research is needed on the bionomics of all species.
The oviposition of Dermestes ater DeGeer, with notes on bionomics under laboratory conditions.
Observations on the life-history and bionomics of Phlebotomus papatasii.
The work of de Reaumur and de Geer on the bionomics and life-history of insects has been continued by numerous observers, among whom may be especially mentioned in France J.
Structure, Development and Bionomics of the House-fly, Muca domestica.
On theBionomics of Certain Calyptrate Mucidæ and Their Economic Significance with Especial Reference to Flies Inhabiting Houses.
Some New Facts on theBionomics of the California Rodent Fleas.
Verjbitski), "Observations on the Bionomics of Fleas with Special Reference to P.
The Nature of Human Tick Fever in the Eastern Part of the Congo Free State with Notes on the Distribution and Bionomics of the Tick.