The lords thus hauing eftsoones changed their purpose, not meaning as yet to fight with the king, directed their waie streight towards Berkelie, trauelling all that night.
The lord Charles de Blois, hauing in the meane time woone Vannes, and other towns, brought his armie backe vnto Hanibout, and eftsoones besieged the same, and the countesse of Mountfort within it.
Thus was the peace concluded eftsoones betwixt earle John and the chancellour.
It is reported that if he had lingred by the way, he had béene eftsoones apprehended.
This Baldwme eftsoones folowed the king into Syria and Palestina, as one desirous to be partaker of his trauailes, paines, and perils in so holy a voyage.
Amongst other things which were concluded at this present time, the duke of Britaine, and the earle of March were made freends againe with the French king, and receiued eftsoones into his fauour.
Herevpon he returned to London, where the barons againe were entred, through fauour of the commoners, against the will of the cheefe citizens, and here they fell eftsoones to treat of agreement, but their talke profited nothing.
Edward, the king and the barons eftsoones met at London, holding a new parlement at Westminster, but no good could be doone.
Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles, but were constreined to go in some places a daies iournie off, to haue their corne groond.
Sidenote: The earle of Leicester senteftsoones into Gascoigne.
The earle of Leicester was eftsoones sent into Gascoigne by the king, who had not cared if he had fallen into his enimies hands, as should appeare.
Occa and Osca escaping also out of prison assembled eftsoones a power of Saxons, and made warre against the Britains, whereof Vter hauing aduertisement prepared to resist them, and finallie went himselfe in person [Sidenote: Harding.
About the same time, the Eastsaxons at the instance of Oswie king of Northumberland, receiuedeftsoones the faith which they had renounced, when they banished their bishop Melitus.
In the ninth yéere of the reigne of Certicus, he eftsoones fought with the Saxons at Certicesford aforesaid, where great slaughter was made on both parts.
Hereby did new malice increase, and mortall warre began eftsoones to be put in vse.
The king receiuing such answer in these words, or other to the like effect, was nothing contented therewith, and so commanded his standards eftsoones to aduance.
Eftsoones her steps she thereunto applyde, And came at last in weary wretched plight 8 Vnto the place, to which her hope did guyde, To find some refuge there, and rest her weary syde.
When nigh he drew vnto this gentle payre 2 And saw the Red-crosse, which the knight did beare, He burnt in fire, and gan eftsoones prepare 4 Himselfe to battell with his couched speare.
The Champion stout 8 Eftsoones dismounted from his courser braue, And to the Dwarfe a while his needlesse spere he gaue.
Eftsoones her goodly shield addressing faire, 2 That mortall speare she in her hand did take, And vnto battell did her selfe prepaire.
Eftsoones he perced through his chaufed chest With thrilling point of deadly yron brand, 8 And launcht his Lordly hart: with death opprest He roar'd aloud, whiles life forsooke his stubborne brest.
So hauing said, eftsoones he gan display His painted nimble wings, and vanisht quite away.
But the most varietie of yron commeth by the meanes of the water, wherein the yron red-hot is eftsoones dipped and quenched for to be hardened.
Shortlie after also, with their assent he gathered an armie, and with the same eftsoones came ouer into Britaine, to make new warre vpon his brother Beline.
Denmarke, where he made such warre with fire and sword, that the king of Denmarke with the assent of his barons was constreined to grant eftsoones to continue the paiment of the aforesaid tribute.
And thus eftsoones requiring and commanding you as aboue sayd, to performe my request, I bid you most heartily well to fare, and desire God to blesse you.
Touching the situation of the countrey and nature of the soyle, vnto the things eftsoones erst written, this one thing I will adde: in these Ilands, the sommer to be most hot, the winter extreme cold.
And now the sonne with the blacke cloudes did stryve, And shettynge on the grounde his glairie raie, The Abbatte spurrde his steede, and eftsoones roadde awaie.
Eftsoones I hope wee scalle engage yn fyghte; 485 Thanne to the souldyers all thou wylte bewreene.
For if the hunter see anie one to follow skilfullie, and with likelihood of good successe, he biddeth the rest to harke and follow such a dog, and they eftsoones obeie so soone as they heare his name.
Rome, is againe to hir restored, when she hath you eftsoones for hir founder.
If one of you win the battell, he pursueth him that is ouercome; and if he chance to be vanquished, he resteth not till he haue recouered new strength to fight eftsoones with him that is victor.
First she was buried at Rome without the walls of the citie with all funerall pompe, as to hir estate apperteined: but after hir corps was remoued and brought to Constantinople, where it was eftsoones interred.
As touching Caerleill it selfe it was sometime sacked by the Danes, and eftsoones repared by William Rufus, & planted with a colonie of southerne men.
The Romane lawes and those of emperours we may eftsoones reprooue, but those of God can neuer be found fault withall.
After this, the Britains bearing a malicious hatred towards the Romane souldiers, and repining to be kept vnder the bond of seruitude, eftsoones went about to recouer libertie againe.
Now so it was, that Maximianus, immediatlie after that his sonne Maxentius had taken the rule vpon him, sought meanes to haue deposed him, and to haue resumed and taken eftsoones into his owne hands the gouernment of the empire.
In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsooneswith the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.
About 14 daies after, king Ethelred and his brother Alured fought eftsoones with the Danish armie at Basing, [Sidenote: A battell at Merton.
About Midsummer the Scots eftsoones entred into England, dooing much mischeefe with fire and sword, in like sort as they had vsed to doo before time, not sparing (as some write) so much as those houses wherin women laie in childbed.
On our way, I mentioned my determination of setting off to Lady Gwyn's the very next morning, as Eftsoones had promised to meet me there.
The moment he addressed me, old Eftsoones slunk away; nor could I catch another glimpse of him during that night.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eftsoones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.