It is perfectly good manners to ask noble guests to share the same rooms with the family; and a couple of the baroness's maids will sleep on pallets within her chamber, with the baron's favorite squire just outside the door.
His family sleep on thin pallets of straw laid on the ground, with a few ragged blankets.
The forklift engine roared; his hands blurred; pallets leaped into perfect piles, ten feet high.
He had watched Joe stack empty pallets with a yellow Hyster and then he'd motioned Joe out of the seat.
In the hurry of their retreat, the Muscovites seem to have carried in dead men to get them out of the way, and to have put them on pallets in horrid mockery.
Us had peg beds for de old folks and just pallets on de floor for de chillun.
All the lodgings were filled, all the pallets occupied, and not only by one, but often by two persons.
To the fifteen beds ranged along the walls and the seven mattresses filling the central space, some fresh pallets had been added, and on all sides there was a confused litter of ragged garments, old baskets, boxes, and valises.
Human forms rose from pallets of suffering; trembling arms were stretched forth; clenched hands seemingly desired to clutch at the miracle on the way.
I was then wandering about the village in a state of destitution, in which I must have perished but for the kindness of the poorest among the poor, who shared their crusts and their pallets with me.
It was a large bare room, warmed and lighted by a fine wood fire, and furnished only with a few pallets made of dried leaves, with blankets thrown over them.
The slaves slept on pallets mostly and wore long cotton shirts.
Ev'y ev'nin' at three 'clock ol' mistress would call all us litsy bitsy chillun in an we would lay down on pallets an have to go to sleep.
The furniture consists of a square table, with a couple of straight-backed wooden arm-chairs, and three or four wooden palletscovered with matting on the least dirty of which you will presently lay your bed.
A pig-tailed Chinaman wanders to and fro, aloof and saturnine, while on wretched pallets lie stupefied the victims of the drug.
The mud walls were covered with dirty whitewash, here and there worn away, and all round on wooden pallets were straw beds for the coolies who were the inn's habitual guests.
It was small, with pallets covered with tumbled straw lining the walls, and was used as a rule only by coolies.
Women, who had volunteered for the service, passed swiftly over the creaking boards, or knelt beside the pallets as they bathed the shattered limbs with steady fingers.
For a moment he stood staring at the straw pallets along the wall; then he spoke in a queer voice.
In fact, we retired to our pallets on the poop-deck feeling that we had not one friend on the ship, outside of the gunner, who was heavily subsidized.
When our ship reached the warmer latitudes our hole became unbearable and we moved our pallets to the poop-deck, where we managed to get some sleep in spite of the terrific rainstorms we ran into.
The worst case is pallets of subsistence contaminated by liquid droplets during an attack.
Pre-position M9 chemical agent detector paper in food storage areas; especially on the least protected pallets and in areas where droplets may enter, such as near doors or windows.
Defn: A track along which pallets carrying newly molded bricks are conveyed to the hack.
Defn: the wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch) into the teeth of which the pallets play.
The flimsy pallets rot in a couple of years but obtaining more free pallets is easy.
The wheels are set so that the pallets may lie between, and the pallets fall with the pendulum clear of all other contact.
The angle of the detent planes can be set so as not only to offer no resistance to the unlocking, but to give an actual impulse in the same manner as the impulse pallets of a dead escapement.
The above illustration represents a regulator escapement as it would appear in a front view; the pallets are lifted by the three central pins.
It has a crown-wheel escapement with teeth on its edge, and the pallets working upright instead of over the top like a verge escapement.
But for this maintaining power during the winding-up, whilst the pendulum is vibrating to and fro, the pallets are liable to catch the teeth of the wheel, and these are so fine as to be readily injured.
The horizontal pieces projecting from the top of the palletsform the adjustment for the arc of the pendulum.
This pin fits with great nicety into a notch or opening in the end of the lever c, upon which are firmly fixed the two pallets b b, into which are secured rubies very finely polished.
The organ pedals are connected to the palletsby an action similar to that of the keys.
The escape-wheel teeth are locked and unlocked by the pallets P P^1 projecting from a lever which moves on a pivot (Fig.
The two pallets a and b are so designed that only one can rest on the teeth at one time.
Long pallets and a large and steady body of air below each pipe are deemed essential.
The palletswere connected to the keys by a series of levers, known as the tracker action.
Their beds consist, usually, of pallets made of soft and beautiful Persian rugs.
The pallets are not concentric to the axis a, and therefore a slight recoil of the wheel takes place after the escape of a tooth (whence the name escapement).
The pallets are concentric with the axis a, and thus while a tooth is against the pallet the wheel is stationary.
When the pallets leave a tooth, the teeth slide along their surfaces, giving an impulse to the pendulum.
The locking faces of the pallets were arcs of circles struck from the pallet centers.
Pallets may be divided into two kinds, namely: equidistant and circular.
If we were drawing a circular pallet, one-half the width of pallets would be placed on each side of E B and F B.
We have not noticed a draft of the lever escapement, especially with equidistant pallets and club teeth, which would act correctly in a watch.
We must now consider the relation which the locking faces will bear to E B in the engaging, and to F B in the disengaging pallets when unlocked.
Pallets with draw are more difficult to unlock than those without it, this is in the nature of a fault, but whenever there are two faults we must choose the less.
Drop equals the amount of freedom which is allowed for the action of pallets and wheel.
Illustration] In both the equidistant and circular pallets the locking face S N of the disengaging pallet deviates more from the locking circle M N than does the locking face Q M of the engaging pallet, as will be seen in the diagram.
The draw or draft angle was added to the pallets in order to draw the fork back against the bankings and the guard point from the roller whenever the safety action had performed its function.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pallets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.