In general, salvage of foods heavily contaminated with droplets of the blister agents, especially the arsenical blister agents, is not practical.
The worst case is pallets of subsistence contaminated by liquid droplets during an attack.
Vapors and droplets of liquids can be absorbed from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.
Liquid droplets and (less commonly) solids may be absorbed from the surface of the skin, digestive tract, and mucous membranes.
Pre-position M9 chemical agent detector paper in food storage areas; especially on the least protected pallets and in areas where droplets may enter, such as near doors or windows.
The pus may contain blood and droplets of fat derived from the marrow, and in some cases minute particles of bone are present also.
The mere interruption of the continuity of a nerve results in degeneration of its fibres, the myelin being broken up into droplets and absorbed, while the axis cylinders swell up, disintegrate, and finally disappear.
Some of the particles are tiny dust motes, others are fine droplets of water or bits of ice, and the rest are the molecules of the atmospheric gases themselves.
The beams are made visible by the presence of abundant dust or water droplets in the atmosphere, and the intervening dark spaces are the shadows of clouds.
If the latter consists of fine droplets of approximately uniform size, the colored rings will probably appear, and occasionally there is also a white fogbow outside of the glory.
As we have seen, the existence of nuclei in the air serves to explain why, when the conditions of temperature and humidity are right, moisture condenses in the tiny droplets that constitute clouds.
Incidentally it should be noted that they are rebuilt into tiny fat droplets during the process of absorption, so that what we find in the tissue fluids of the intestine are true fats and not digestion products of fat.
These tiny fat droplets pass away from the intestine by way of the lymphatic system.
As the drum spoke directly to the gods, the line of men passed by Atiba and he sprinkled each with liquor from a calabash, flinging droplets from his fingertips like shooting stars in the candlelight.
His voice trembled, and glistening droplets of sweat had begun to bead on his smooth forehead.
When the patient has diphtheria all these droplets of saliva and of mucus may, and usually do, contain many diphtheria bacilli.
The patient should cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, for a cough or sneeze will throw droplets of mucus to a distance of 10 or 12 feet.
But even when the patient talks, especially when he talks loudly, tiny droplets of mucus or spit are given off.
These droplets may have diphtheria bacilli on them.
When this cream is skimmed off and put into a churn, and shaken or beaten violently so as to break the little film with which each of these droplets is coated, they run together and form a yellow mass which we call butter.
A widely spreading air jet is used which draws the paint out of a receptacle, breaking it up into minute droplets that are projected as a mist against the surface, covering it with a uniform coating.
The water in a boiler boils violently when the steam is drawn off rapidly and tiny droplets of water are carried off in the steam, producing what is known as wet steam.
Droplets of coniine were applied to various parts of blow-flies, which were then placed under glass shades.
She had splashed water on her face, and the droplets gleamed on her cheeks and brow like jewels.
She reached her fingertips into the water and dabbed the droplets on her forehead.
Already, he saw, two or three droplets had formed on the darker spot where his heel had pressed.
The sidewalk all about them was covered with tiny droplets of moisture, he noticed.
It is only when cooled into tiny droplets that we can see it.
For it is made up of tiny droplets of water--so tiny that they float in air.
As it comes out into the colder air, it is cooled into the tiny droplets which form the puff.
She moves out of the way as Dooby shakes himself real hard, spraying water droplets in all directions.
A rain shower had passed shortly before and droplets festooned the web's strands and rainbow-sparkled in the morning sunlight.
These droplets would sometimes sparkle in a mild, unobtrusive way as they were nearing the light; and then they would dash against the pane and keep it dripping, dripping down.
But in it there floated myriads of droplets, like the droplets of oil in water.
So, by observing the drift of the droplets I could find at least an approximate meridian line.
Nor did noticeable bubbles form because there was no motion in the mass which might have caused the infinitesimal droplets to collide and to coalesce into something perceivable to my senses.
A few waterdroplets blew in through the open window to fall on the open pages.
Long enough for some of the droplets to coalesce and run down the wall, where they joined a line of dampness where the floor met the wall.
LIV Daoud suddenly realized that droplets of moisture had appeared on the grayish-yellow wall near his face.
The hub is formed of fine irregular webbing about an inch and a half in diameter, without the viscid droplets that cover the spirals.
If this emulsion be examined under the microscope, it will be found to be made of millions of littledroplets of fat, floating in the liquid.
Inasmuch as tinydroplets of oil are found inside the chlorophyll bodies in the leaf, we believe that fats, too, are made there, probably by a transformation of the starch already manufactured.
Its tanks contained water treated with detergent so that it broke into the finest of droplets when sprayed at four hundred pounds pressure.
For a minute or more it looked as if the scaffolds oozed blackdroplets which slid down its pipes.
When the droplets of water in a cloud are very close together, some may be jostled against one another by the wind.
The droplets get so close together that they shut out the sun's light from the earth, and people say that the sky is darkening.
Footnote 7: If mercury spills on the floor or table during this experiment, gather it all into a piece of paper by brushing even the tiny droplets together with a soft brush; squeeze it through a towel into a cup to clean it.
And those droplets of water make up our clouds and fogs; they join together to form our rain and snow high in the air, or gather as dew or frost on the grass at night.
And all this is accounted for by the simple fact that when water evaporates its vapor mingles with the air; and when this vapor is sufficiently cooled it condenses and forms droplets of water.
This water vapor changes into droplets of water when it gets cool enough.
The alcohol part of the denatured alcohol dissolves in the water well enough, but the denaturing substance in the alcohol will not dissolve in water; so it forms tiny droplets that make the mixture of alcohol and water cloudy.
Milk is an emulsion; there are tiny droplets of butter fat and other substances scattered all through the milk.
When warm air is cooled while it is down around us, the water vapor in it condenses into myriads of droplets that float in the air and make it foggy.
Then the water vapor in it condenses into droplets of water, and these form a cloud.
How the dropletsin a cloud scatter the rays of light.
Meanwhile some of the dropletsbegin to touch each other and to stick together.
But if the air as it expands becomes very cold, so cold that the droplets of water freeze as they form and gather together to make delicate crystals of ice, snow is formed.
However, they may prove to be a variety of mineral grains, droplets of organic matter and sulfur, as well as a small amount of contaminating terrestrial debris.
These droplets are characterized by the formation of a surface layer with altered structure and mechanical properties, thus providing a somewhat selective barrier in which to house a molecular system capable of replication.
Although these droplets are of microscopic size they are not actually in solution, and therefore not subject to the force of osmosis which only affects solutions.
These bits of living matter appear to seize hold of the droplets of oil by means of little processes which they thrust out, and then pass them through their own bodies to excrete them on their inner surface into the blood vessels.
In the day the dust is heated and the forming of the droplets in the afternoon is due to cooling.
Therefore a gray morning means a dry air above the water drops, and this means a fine day, for the dropletswill soon be evaporated by the rising sun.
Automatically formed aniline drops, showing the formation of droplets from the neck .
Automatically formed aniline drops, showing the formation ofdroplets from the neck.
The point of departure at which the liquid left the sphere is well marked, and a tangent from this point passes through the outermost conspicuous droplets that must have been projected from it.
Their faces were contorted in strain and sweat leaked in huge dropletsfrom their brows.
He licked the white and bloodied droplets from each of her breasts and smiled at her when he finished.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "droplets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.