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Example sentences for "overstepping"

Lexicographically close words:
overstatement; overstating; overstayed; overstep; overstepped; oversteps; overstimulated; overstock; overstocked; overstocking
  1. No composer knew better than he how to obtain the best effects from instruments of percussion without overstepping the bounds of artistic refinement.

  2. She then made extraordinary efforts to persuade me that she was happy, and without overstepping the limits where I had made up my mind to stop, we got out of the bath highly pleased with each other.

  3. The wine was delicious, and we stayed at table till midnight, laughing and joking together, though without overstepping the bounds of propriety.

  4. One might fill several pages with examples of this kind--in each instance naming the time and place--without overstepping the boundaries of the province of Nizhni-Novgorod.

  5. That the spectator cannot laugh at the character is the artist's greatest punishment; in overstepping the just limits of the comic and the natural, he has made the figure insignificant.

  6. At seventy, I could follow my heart's desires, without overstepping the lines of rectitude.

  7. For from an early day he had mastered the art, so difficult to acquire, of pushing one’s self forward without overstepping the bounds of decorum.

  8. It is therefore the part only of genius to issue from the known without ceasing to be at home, or to enlarge the circle of nature without overstepping it.

  9. Nay, it were overstepping our commission If we attempted to instruct you in it.

  10. These sentiments are not only subjectively true, but also objectively they are not without value; they are sound sentiments issuing from a moral source, only reprehensible as overstepping the limits of human truth.

  11. To give an account of this blunder in its entirety cannot be attempted in this history; it would be overstepping the bounds of a record of events.

  12. Yet Boerne limited his love of liberty; he guarded himself from overstepping that narrow boundary at which the pursuit of an ideal turns to madness.

  13. In a few instances those who had fallen away from Judaism were restrained from overstepping the threshold into the Church, but it was not a remedy with permanent effect.

  14. The higher type of man, having gathered wide objective knowledge from the branches of polite learning, will regulate the whole by the inner rule of conduct,[19] and will thus avoid overstepping the limit.

  15. At seventy, I could follow the promptings of my heart without overstepping the mean.

  16. He did not seem to realize that he was overstepping the bounds of good taste in asking me, a stranger, such a question, and I realized more than ever that he was only an impulsive boy, although he had reached man's estate.

  17. He complained that without actually established facts forthcoming, on the strength of general rumour, people wished to attack the man on whom he bestowed his confidence: but Parliament, he said, was altogether overstepping its competence.

  18. In the debates on the contract the question was raised, how Sampson's hands could be bound, that is to say, how the King's prerogative could be so far restricted as to prevent him from breaking or overstepping the agreement.

  19. I am, perhaps, overstepping the bounds of etiquette in catechizing you thus, but I have a reason for it which I will explain presently.

  20. I don't know who you are or what you want with me, but you're overstepping your dooty.

  21. And with this demand they will meet in rare instances only, because, if not overstepping their province, they will very seldom come in touch with faith (cf.

  22. This is then the second direction which the Cyrenaic school has taken; the first was the overstepping of the principle itself.

  23. In both the first proofs, continuity in progression has the predominance; there is no absolute limit, but an overstepping of all limits.

  24. The discretion of space and time we also uphold, but there must also be granted to them the overstepping of limits, i.

  25. This rule of overstepping territory shall apply to both guards and basemen and for one foot or both.

  26. Any player overstepping the line drawn on the ground drops out of the game.

  27. Violation of the rules about overstepping territory constitutes a foul, and scores for the opposing team.

  28. Players may move about on their own side, but overstepping the boundary lines is a foul.

  29. The overstepping of boundaries in ways not allowed by the rules score one for the opponents.

  30. God's teaching, fall into errors, or, overstepping their due limits, invade and throw into confusion the domain of faith.

  31. Laugel, hardly overstepping the limits of the experimental world, follow the action of forces into their different modes and transformations.

  32. In the six following cases which he enumerates he professes to find sufficient grounds for dissolving the marriage tie, overstepping in the most autocratic fashion the limits of what is lawful to the manifest detriment of matrimony.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overstepping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.