Several, who have lived rather intemperately in respect to fermented or spirituous liquors, become suddenly seized about the age of sixty, or later, with a total stoppage of urine; though they have previously had no symptoms of gravel.
He had lived rather intemperately in respect to wine, and was now afflicted with a tendency to inflammation of the mucous membranes.
Aristippus taking the model of this life not only struggled valiantly with poverty and toil, but also intemperately made use of pleasure.
They had power to take away a horse, or expel out of the senate any one who lived intemperately and out of order.
The pawnbroker, after some haggling, not so intemperatelycarried on as the bargain just concluded, advanced six shillings on them.
She inveighed intemperately against Anastasia for having refused her son, but then she would have inveighed still more intemperately had Anastasia accepted him.