His rich, full voice lingered on the soft Celtic syllables, dwelt tenderly on the diminutive endearments, while his heart, overcharged with sorrow and joy and romance and dreams, spilled over in an ecstasy of song.
The Methodist brother, who had been growing more and more overcharged with suppressed knowledge, could contain himself no longer.
I cannot tell you the story now, it is too sad a one for this our first evening at home:” as he spoke, his eyes met those of Lucy, and there he read all that his overcharged heart desired to know.
He looked on poetry as a vent for overcharged feeling, or a full imagination, or some imaginative regret, which had not found their natural outlet in life and action.
Isabella, feeble and awkward in narrative to a degree almost incredible in a student of Dryden and a pupil of Leigh Hunt, is overcharged with episodical effects of splendid and pathetic expression beyond the reach of either.
Yes, a long long sigh--a deep deep sigh--that is the natural language by which the overcharged heart utters forth the wo that else would break it.
But, while America has a nearly homogeneous country, and an admirable division of political labor between the States individually and the Federal Government, we are, in public affairs, an overcharged and overweighted people.
From her overcharged heart a voiceless and terrible prayer went up to heaven.
Have you not attended such a funeral, and has not your overcharged heart caused you to sob in your dreams as you lay in your cot close to mamma's bed?
My overcharged heart found the same relief, and I cried too.
This is likewise the case in the flame of reduction, but when overcharged the color is light grey, when the bead is cooled.
In the flame of reduction, borax is capable of dissolving more of the niobic acid, so that a bead overcharged and opaque in the oxidation flame appears quite clear when heated in the flame of reduction.
If overcharged with the thorina, the bead presents, on cooling, a milky hue.
This bead does not become opaque when overcharged with manganese.
Borax dissolves it in the oxidation flame to a clear colorless bead, which appears, whenovercharged and heated intermittingly, enamel-white when cold.
The bead should not be overcharged with the substance under examination, or it will become colored so deeply as not to present any transparency, or the color light enough to discern its hue.
Borax and microcosmic salt dissolve glucina and its compounds to a colorless bead which, when overcharged with glucina, or heated with the intermittent flame appears, after cooling, turbid or milk-white.
A bead overchargedin the flame of reduction, appears by cooling dim and bluish-grey.
When the bead has been overcharged with lime, by a less excess, or by an intermittent flame, we will perceive in the bead, when cold, fine crystals in the form of needles.
Rococo ornament with its assemblage of rich fantastic scrolls and crimped conventional shellwork wrought into irregular and indescribable forms, though overcharged and inorganic, yet possesses certain beauty and artistic quality.
My fancy is overchargedwith matter, for I have done wonders: wonders, Walter!
He wept long and bitterly; but though his tears, in the end, made his head ache again, they materially relieved his overcharged heart, and did more to assuage his passion than his most soothing reflections.
The piece is overcharged with mythology and rural painting, is untheatrical, and so far from pourtraying the genuine ideality of a pastoral world, it even contains the greatest vulgarities.
It was a complete collapse of heroic resolutions, of that unflinching courage and strength of mind which had sustained her so long; but it was also a blessed relief to the overcharged heart and brain.
Though docility was not the virtue of Dennis, his failing was probably overcharged in the Essay on Criticism, for unmeasured exaggeration was a usual fault in the satire of Pope.
If I say sooth, I must report they were As cannons overcharged with double cracks, So they Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe.
Sometime he talks as if Duke Humphrey's ghost Were by his side; sometime he calls the King And whispers to his pillow, as to him, The secrets of his overcharged soul; And I am sent to tell his Majesty That even now he cries aloud for him.
But for the grandeur of line and solemn feeling in the flock of sheep, and the figures of the latter work, I doubt if all its glow and depth of tone could support its overcharged green and blue against the open breezy sunshine of the Fleming.
None but their lightest and least essential excellences have been proved, and, therefore, the enthusiasm with which I speak of them must necessarily appear overcharged and absurd.
Of this fitting of light to shadow Fielding is altogether regardless, so that his foregrounds are constantly assuming the aspect of overcharged local color instead of sunshine, and his figures and cattle look transparent.
I do not think that I have mixed aught foreign with the play, or overcharged a single feature of it.
The well-fed figure in the desk may perhaps be meant as an overcharged portrait of Whitfield.
One can go to a cellar lodging-house, and live for from twenty to forty cents a day, but he will find himself overcharged for the accommodation given him.
The examples most popular in England do not always commend themselves to Scotsmen, who find one and another aspect of their character overcharged to move the sighs or grins of barren readers.
Her servants and farmers seem as natural as her baronets and ministers, all of them indeed ordinary human beings, not the freaks and monsters of the overcharged art that for the moment has thrown such work as hers into the shade.