A papilla of the dermis makes its appearance, the outer layer of which gradually calcifies to form the dentine and osseous tissue.
Osseous Fishes are stated to agree with Amphibians in the development of their somites and muscular systems[244], but further observations on this point are required.
Most osseous fishes pass through more or less considerable post-embryonic changes, the most remarkable of which are those undergone by the Pleuronectidae[22].
The dentine in many cases partially or completely atrophies, leaving the major part of the scale formed of osseous tissue; such plates often become parts of the internal skeleton.
Some of the above ossifications, at any rate those of the palatine and pterygoid, seem to be started by dental osseous plates adjoining the cartilage.
The cochlear canal is bounded by three walls, the outer one being the osseouswall of the cochlea.
In all other types it is invariably present in the embryo, but becomes in the adult more or less replaced by osseous tissue.
In all the remaining groups of Fishes there is added to the cartilaginous band, which may wholly or partially ossify, an osseous support composed of a series of membrane bones.
The latter in Mammalia is the membrana capsulo-pupillaris and other vessels of the vitreous humour; in Birds and Lizards it is the part of the original vascular loop, not included in the pecten, and in Osseous Fishes that part (?
Here, then, may we more especially hope to find the osseous remains of these remarkable animals.
These have been removed by Dr Kidd, the professor of medicine, who has made an interesting preparation of both the osseous and tendinous structures.
Since that time, they have been found in the Lower Eocene in England, and the Swiss Alps; and there is reason to believe that osseous relics may be met with in the same deposits which contain the foot-marks.
It was properly not one, but several tables, in each of which the osseous fibres, spread out in the general plane of the scale, lay at a diverse angle from those of the table immediately in contact with it.
The space between the two, filled with the inter-osseous ligament.
How was it proved that there was a constant change in the osseous fabric?
With age, the pulp diminishes; and in a tooth extracted from a very old animal, no positive remains of it will be found--osseous matter filling up the space which the pulp once occupied.
The teeth are situated in the maxillary bones, in which certain osseous cups, like indentations or holes, called the alveolar cavities, are developed for their reception.
In the immediate vicinity of the graves were scattered the osseous remains of a number of horses which had been sacrificed no doubt during the funeral ceremonies.
The cranium is a complex union of a number of flat, curved bones united together by means of certain very complicated arborescent sutures, and forming a hollow osseous cavity of rounded form.
Rickets is a well-defined malady whose special point of attack is the osseous system in course of formation; but it leaves the nervous system and the genital system unimpaired.
The pituitary gland, or cerebral hypophysis, has also functions associated with the general nervous tone and trophism (or nourishment) of the tissues, and especially of the osseous system.
After the various osseous foramina have been closed, the cranial cavity is filled through the occipital foramen with any one of a number of substances (millet, shot, water, etc.
The neural arches in the cervical region of this skeleton are five in number; the two anterior, which are distinctly those of the atlas and axis, have an osseous nodule on each side, where the transverse processes pass off.
This method has the advantage of security against the loss of any important osseous structures, which too frequently happens when the bones require to be macerated.
These three arches are cartilaginous, and present no osseous centres.
From the character of the progress of consolidation of the skeleton the age may be estimated with a reasonable approach to accuracy up to twenty-five or thirty years, which is the stationary period as regards alteration in the osseous system.
Reviewing the signs furnished by the osseous system, it will be seen that the study of the skeleton alone is beyond contradiction more satisfactory and more important in establishing identity than that of all the other organs.
The state of the osseous system and the condition and number of the teeth, which strictly speaking are not bone, are among the surest guides in the determination of age.
Independently of the phthisis, the patient was suspected of aneurism of the aorta; but on this point the osseous symptoms rendered an exact diagnosis impossible.
The left lung had been for eighteen months in a semi-osseous or cartilaginous state, and was, of course, entirely useless for all purposes of vitality.
Osseous matter, osseous matter," I murmured mechanically, and it sounded so like an echo of her words that I am sure she thought me going mad.
It is just at the critical moment that my osseous matter invariably plays me a trick.
There must be some osseous matter behind my dura mater!
The osseous portion of the tusks and teeth of the male elephant, the hippopotamus, wild boar, &c.
It seems highly probable that the more deeply seated osseous elements occurring in these as in the higher groups arose in the course of evolution by the spreading inwards of bony trabeculae from the bases of the placoid elements.
Characterized by osseous Ganoidei and abundance of Catostominae; but no Cobitinae or Barbus.
Characterized by absence of osseous Ganoidei; Cobitinae and Barbus numerous.
Ganoids differ from all the other osseous fishes, and agree with the Plagiostomes, in the structure of the heart.
The progress of the disease was decisively marked in the inferior rim of the orbital cavity, where the osseous matter was being removed, and the morbid structure deposited.
Osseous matter (I judge from the grating of the scalpel upon it) occasionally enters into the composition of the cysts.
The central column in the osseous cochlea of the ear.
Applied to a form of egg cleavage seen in osseous fishes, which occurs only in a small disk that separates from the rest of the egg.
It is remarkable for the number and form of the osseous plates or scales, which cover the body like so many bucklers.
In the chalk, for example, there is found a fish belonging to the highest and the most differentiated group of osseous fishes, which goes by the name of Beryx.
Some have taken it as an independent disease, developed on the basis of a constitutional disposition; some look upon it as a very intense acute form of rachitis; others, as an intense growth of the osseous tissue only.
Larger doses of phosphorus, however, increase vascularization, andosseous tissue is either less rapidly formed or even softened.
The articular nodosities in chronic rheumatoid arthritis are actual osseous enlargements of, or outgrowths from, the articular surfaces, forming part of them, immovable and conserving more or less their form.
In it lime cannot either enter into the composition of the osseous tissue or remain in it.
Sometimes, however, this acute form steadily advances, and in a year or two establishes changes in the cartilaginous and osseous structure of the affected joints.
Sometimes the deposits are still larger, and are apt to change the appearance and weight of the skull considerably after recovery has taken place and eburnation and sclerosis have taken the place of the normal osseous tissue.
In adults syphilitic caries and necrosis are usually due to lesions seated primarily in the osseous or subperiosteal tissues; in the child, at least in this instance, these tissues are involved secondarily.
About that time a defective nutrition with abnormal function of the lymph-ducts was looked upon as the cause of rachitis by many--by others, an undue production of acid, and the softening of the osseous tissue thereby.
While these subjects are still youthful very little bone-earth is deposited, or at least remains in the very thin layer of osseous tissue that subsists.
The medulla oblongata not growing so hard as the spinalis, was doubtless owing to its not being confined in an osseous theca, but surrounded with soft parts, which allowed it room to spread.
Various operations have been devised for the treatment of osseous anchylosis of the hip-joint when in a bad position.
The author has in a case of osseous tumour removed the whole body of the scapula, leaving glenoid, spine, acromion and anterior margin with excellent result and a useful arm.
Excision for osseous anchylosis in the extended position of the joint may be sometimes rendered very difficult by the density, firmness, and extensive hypertrophy of the bones, which become fused into one solid mass.