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Example sentences for "oppressiveness"

Lexicographically close words:
oppressing; oppression; oppressions; oppressive; oppressively; oppressor; oppressors; opprest; opprobrious; opprobrium
  1. Some slight oppressiveness was felt immediately before the rains, but speedily disappeared on their occurrence.

  2. January last; neither have we experienced that oppressiveness of the atmosphere which its saturated condition at that season through the sun's direct influence in favoring evaporation in the surrounding seas would lead one to expect.

  3. It was too hot to talk and the oppressiveness of the atmosphere gave them an uneasy feeling.

  4. Ruth, leaning over and patting her aunt's soft cheek; while Miss Stuart, who was indeed feeling the general oppressiveness of the weather, melted at once into a good humor and smiled at her niece tenderly.

  5. To escape, at least for a time, from the oppressiveness of that land--so loved, however!

  6. Before death, to escape the oppressiveness of this existence, ever similar and without egress.

  7. It seems bad but is really good; the oppressiveness of our relations keeps increasing.

  8. The Revolution, which reduced the royal prerogative, removed the oppressiveness of the royal supremacy.

  9. It lost its oppressiveness in proportion as it lost its strength, and it ceased to be tyrannical when divines had been forced to give up its fundamental doctrine, and when its unity had been dissolved by the sects.

  10. In the distance Tad saw the comforting flicker of the camp-fire, about which the cowmen were sleeping undisturbed by the oppressiveness of the night.

  11. Now the lad noticed that there was an oppressiveness about the air that had not been present before.

  12. Then it was that Bradby began to feel absolutely deserted, and the queer oppressiveness of the place descended on him as one shuts down the lid of a box.

  13. The oppressiveness of the summer is more felt in March, perhaps, than in any other month of the year.

  14. The thermometer registers a scale usually associated with personal discomfort, but oppressiveness is neutralised by certain adjuncts of civilisation—lofty houses, cool halls, and shady trees.

  15. A thunderstorm, passing quickly over, and merely sprinkling the trees and bushes with a few drops of Heaven's balsam, had relieved the sultry oppressiveness of the day.

  16. They all felt their breasts oppressed; the presence of the stranger weighed upon them like the sultry oppressiveness which precedes a thunderstorm.

  17. The oppressiveness of the day had decidedly ruffled the atmosphere of Happy House.

  18. Jonathan could not guess that her eyes were bright because, for a few moments at least, she had escaped from the oppressiveness of Aunt Sabrina and her ancestors; his old heart warmed to her infectious smile.

  19. The question whether Miss Aldclyffe were schemer or dupe was almost passed over by Cytherea, under the immediate oppressiveness of her despair in the sense that her position was irretrievable.

  20. She had flung herself down on entering, and succumbed to the unwonted oppressiveness that ever attends full-blown love.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oppressiveness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    closeness; complexity; complication; hairiness; hardness; intricacy; oppression; rigor; severity; stuffiness; toughness