The orbit may be invaded in operations on the ethmoid; the external muscles of the eye may be injured in the frontal sinus operation; and optic atrophy may be due to plugging of the ophthalmic vein.
The relative value of the various operations apart from their indications is a matter of opinion amongst ophthalmic surgeons; therefore the various types of operations which are performed are given below.
It is the aim and object of every ophthalmic surgeon to make such wounds into the globe as will become rapidly shut off from the conjunctival sac.
Sometimes a tuberculous animal that fails to react to those tests shows evidence of the disease upon the application of the ophthalmic test.
The ophthalmic tuberculin is placed in one eye and the other eye is used as a check.
Indeed, it is doubtful whether this complication should not be regarded as a consequence, as should also the boils, gangrenous processes, and ophthalmic conditions which have been mentioned under Symptomatology.
But the practical part of their treatises, referring to ophthalmic affections, is specially loaded with collyria—professedly of use in almost every stage of every disease of the eye.
But, perhaps, few of these monographs describe a larger number of ophthalmic diseases than was professed to be known and discriminated in those distant times when Galen wrote and practised.
On this account some authors have not inaptly described them under the special designation of Roman Ophthalmic or Oculist stamps.
But the term was also used to designate other forms or varieties of ophthalmic inflammation.
There is no lasting means of living for more than one-fifth of the population, and almost no chance at all for the Russians.
At present there is scarcely a nation in the world that will take in the unfortunate Russians unless they are possessed of material means.
In the harbour in Constantinople in the morning a bright sun shone on four hulks packed from stem to stern with Georgians, the latest comers to Imperial City.
But a people with a language so like Russian could hardly cling to that deception.
The stupid Bulgarian hates and intractabilities are ignored, and the new European partisans would raise and strengthen her again, some being even ready, in opinion, to set her flying against Greece once more.
Is it not a characteristic paradox of life that babies should keep coming into a world that cannot find room for the parents?
Even his country home was not solitary enough for the broken-hearted lover, so he resolved to cross the ocean and seek a new home in his wilderness land in America.
Here they at once landed and marched inland, greedy to reach and grasp the spectral image of gold which floated before their eyes.
The arrow was poisoned, and his wound proved mortal.
The dorsal one takes a course parallel to the ophthalmic branch of the seventh nerve, and forms, according to the nomenclature already adopted, the portio profunda of the ophthalmicus superficialis of the adult.
The superficial ophthalmic branch is clearly equivalent to the ophthalmic branch of the seventh.
The auditory nerve is probably to be regarded as a specially differentiated part of a dorsal branch of the seventh, while the ophthalmic branch may not improbably be a dorsal branch comparable to a dorsal branch of one of the spinal nerves.
This branch is usually called the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve, but Marshall rightly prefers to call it the communicating branch between the fifth and third nerves[177].
This branch of the seventh nerve appears to bear the same sort of relation to the superior maxillary branch of the fifth nerve, that the ophthalmic branch of the seventh does to the ophthalmic branch of the fifth.
He has shewn that it arises "just below the root of the ophthalmic branch," and "runs downwards and forwards, lying parallel and immediately superficial to the maxillary branch of the fifth nerve.
It has not only been of incalculable service to the poor of the town and neighbourhood, but it has founded an important school of ophthalmic science in the Midland district.
The fact that so many aged blind persons are to be found in Ireland is doubtless due to an ophthalmic epidemic which occurred during the Irish famine.
Ophthalmic hospitals and medical attendance are now available in the larger towns, and the missionary schools have done much to inculcate habits of cleanliness, therefore there is a slight decrease in the number of the blind.
Wright Thomas, ophthalmic surgeon, regarding the eyesight of school children, which includes the following passage.
Anteriorly the palatines form the posterior boundary of a large foramen through which the ophthalmic branches of the fifth and seventh nerves pass to the olfactory organs.
Anteriorly it is pierced by a pair of small foramina through which the ophthalmic branches of the trigeminal nerve pass out.
For two years and a half out of the four he was house surgeon at the Westminster Hospital and the Ophthalmic Hospital, having received, at the age of twenty-one, the diploma from the Royal College to practise surgery.
He was appointed ophthalmic surgeon at St Mary's hospital at the age of 28, and occupied various other posts, introducing into ophthalmic practice some modifications since widely adopted.
Professor Leidy does not mention the ophthalmic ganglia; hence I infer that in Balanus, which is a more highly organised Cirripede, they are fused into the supra-oesophageal ganglion.
In Alepas cornuta the ophthalmic chords run towards each other from the two distant and separate supra-oesophageal ganglia; and the ophthalmic ganglia, (instead of being quite separate, as in L.
In Conchoderma aurita the ophthalmic ganglia are much smaller, and nearer to the supra-oesophageal ganglion, than in L.
But it is not at all certain that the Hawaiians looked upon this ophthalmic redness as repulsive or disgraceful.
The untimely sneeze, the ophthalmic eye, the hunched back were omens to be shunned.
The ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve passes close to its superior and outer wall.
The anterior lies close to the eye, and in front of the commencing mouth involution, and is connected with the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve.
The ophthalmic branch of the fifth lies close to the outer side of its anterior part, the mandibular branch close to the outer side of its posterior part.
In other cases they are due to aneurysm of the ophthalmic artery, to thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, and, in rare instances, to cirsoid aneurysm.
When involving the ophthalmicdivision of the trigeminus, for example, it may cause enlargement of the upper lid and proptosis, with danger to the function of the globe.
If the ophthalmic branch is not involved, neither it nor the ganglion should be interfered with; the maxillary and mandibular divisions should be divided within the skull, and the foramen rotundum and foramen ovale obliterated.
The ophthalmic division should not, however, be treated in this manner, for the alcohol may escape into the orbit and endanger other nerves in this region.
Every ophthalmic surgeon will tell you that he has had a number of such cases.
An anecdote is related of a French ophthalmic surgeon, that a distinguished patient applied to him for relief from a visual defect; the surgeon advised him to go into the country and look out upon the green fields.
The ophthalmicnerve passes from the cranial cavity through the sphenoidal fissure.
Where do the filaments of the ophthalmic branch ramify?
The third, the ophthalmic branch of the fifth and the sixth nerve pass from the brain through the sphenoidal fissure to the eye.
Sometimes the infection spreads to the meninges, and to the ophthalmic vein, and the phlebitis may then extend to the cavernous sinus.
Professor of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery in University College.
Professor of the Queen’s University in Ireland, Surgeon to the Cork Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital.
Ophthalmic Surgeon to King’s College Hospital and Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital.
Ophthalmic Assistant Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Ophthalmology at, Guy’s Hospital.
She then applied to another Ophthalmic Institution, where she was subjected to treatment for four months, but no improvement took place.
Cases in which the vapour of prussic acid was employed for the cure of Ophthalmic disease, by Donald J.
In her infancy fluids of various kinds were injected underneath the eye-lids, and when four months old she was taken for three years regularly to anOphthalmic Hospital, where she was told that the right eye was destroyed.
Her mother said that she took her daughter to an Ophthalmic Institution until she was tired.
He at first had the advice of private practitioners, and subsequently went to two different Ophthalmic Hospitals.
He went to an Ophthalmic Institution, and in two or three days he was seized with a violent attack of ophthalmia, which he attributed to the applications used for his recovery.
He first went to an Ophthalmic Hospital, where he was blistered on the temple and salivated.
She has been a patient at two Ophthalmic Institutions, where she attended for several months without any benefit.
She then went to anotherOphthalmic Institution, where she remained for about two years without deriving any improvement in her sight; but she was relieved from much pain.
He then went to another Ophthalmic Institution, where he was cupped in the temples; the eyes were scarified, aperient medicines were given, and lotions used.
He had been at several Ophthalmic Institutions for nine years previously to his visiting me.
He then applied to one of our Ophthalmic Institutions, where he remained as an out-patient for eight months.
He then went to an Ophthalmic Institution, where he remained as an out-patient for seven weeks.
In addition to the ophthalmic moiety mentioned above, the seventh nerve has a vidian branch (vid.
The veins of the eyeball emerge as four or five trunks rather behind the equator; these are called from their appearance venae vorticosae, and open into the superior ophthalmic vein.
Formerly Senior Ophthalmic Surgeon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and Lecturer on Ophthalmology in the University of Edinburgh.
An ophthalmic surgeon of my acquaintance had a patient who placed irritants under the lid of one eye till the sight was lost and the organ was removed, and the process was begun on the remaining eye before the trick was discovered.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ophthalmic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: eyeball; ocular; optic; visible; visual