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Example sentences for "prussic acid"

  • Prussic acid is then generated and passes through the tube to the recipient vessel, which is to be charged with liquor potassae.

  • But beyond all others, the quickest of poisons is hydrocyanic or prussic acid.

  • The cyanide present as hydrogen cyanide or prussic acid (HCy) is practically useless as a gold solvent.

  • If this has to be reported it is best done as "prussic acid equivalent to .

  • Further, Prussic Acid acts on the superficial nerves as an Anodyne when applied externally, which it can hardly do by displacing iron.

  • Prussic acid, dropped in a concentrated state into the eye of a dog, causes speedy death.

  • It has been wrongfully extolled as a panacea in Phthisis; but is in fact of no greater use in that disorder than Hyoscyamus, Prussic acid, and other medicines which reduce the pulse.

  • The breathing of Prussic acid, causing its vapour to be applied to the pulmonary surface, is sufficient to kill.

  • I see him lay on the ground, and I helped to lift him up, and there was that smell of prussic acid that I knew what he had been and done just the same as when the doctor came and told us.

  • The oil which first comes over, and which falls to the bottom of the water, has so pungent and penetrating a smell, that it is more like cyanogen gas than hydrocyanic or prussic acid.

  • The last is the only one of importance in a manufacturing point of view, since from it prussic acid is made.

  • Oil of bitter almonds is very costly, which is the excuse for substituting the much cheaper article, prussic acid.

  • This is a pleasant nutty-tasted liqueur; but from the large proportion of prussic acid which it contains, a small quantity only should be taken at a time.

  • It is essentially the hydride of benzoyl, but it always contains a portion of hydrocyanic or prussic acid, to which it owes its very poisonous properties.

  • The fruit is wholesome; but the flowers and kernels contain prussic acid, and are poisonous.

  • Carbon unites with azote, and forms cyanogen, the base of Prussic acid.

  • Prussine, cyanogen, or carburet of nitrogen, the radical of prussic acid, may also be generated by the union of carbon and nitrogen or azote, in the same manner.

  • Prussic acid is so very feebly energetic that even water decomposes potassium cyanide.

  • A solution of potassium cyanide has a powerfully alkaline reaction, a smell like that of bitter almonds, peculiar to prussic acid, and acts as a most powerful poison.

  • So much as this cannot be said of arsenic, prussic acid, or strychnine.

  • But on this day Palmer went to Mr. Hawkings’s shop, and, producing a bottle, informed the assistant that he wanted two drachms of prussic acid.

  • Rees) have this day finished our analysis, and find no traces of either strychnia, prussic acid, or opium.

  • He first asked for two drachms of prussic acid, for which he had brought a bottle.

  • Prussic acid is a compound of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of cyanogen.

  • He showed that cyanogen is one of the constituents of prussic acid; succeeded in determining the composition of cyanogen, and showing it to be a compound of two atoms of carbon and one atom of azote.

  • He succeeded in demonstrating that prussic acid, the name at that time given to the colouring principle, was a compound of carbon and azote.

  • The sweets were simply loaded with prussic acid.

  • That paralysis of the muscles of the throat is one of the symptoms of prussic acid poisoning, you must remember.

  • There was one drop of liquid at the bottom, which even before Mr. Gryce lifted the bottle to his nose we recognised by its smell to be prussic acid.

  • Your father has not died from an overdose of chloral as I had at first supposed, but from a deadly dose of prussic acid.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prussic acid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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