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Example sentences for "onny"

Lexicographically close words:
only; onlye; onne; onnly; onno; onoma; onomatopoetic; onon; onor; onore
  1. The volunteers prick up their ears, An mak a famos rattle; Thay want ta run ta Wimbleton, Or onny field o’ battle.

  2. Bud aw hev plump fergotten nah What awther on us said; At onny rate we parted friends, An boath went home ta bed.

  3. Then a gutteral voice tried to be heard: "Vee gif up--onny safe us from dis fire!

  4. Aw didn't see onny but that wom't my fault for aw nivver lifted mi heead up except once or twice to see if Billy wor thear an' aw saw he wor still studyin' abaat th' malt.

  5. Well, what says ta," he sed, "are we to goa onny farther or stop whear we are?

  6. Is there onny of my castles broken doun, Or onny of my towers won?

  7. Ey shall be feared at onny rate--ay, feared, wenches, by ye both.

  8. Put me to onny trial ye like, ye shanna get a word fro me.

  9. Ey ha' heerd say hoo be varry comely an kind-hearted, an ey should be sorry onny harm befell her.

  10. Ey should like to fly i' that manner, an change myself into another shape--onny shape boh my own.

  11. After a pause, employed in eating, he added, "Did Mistress Nutter put onny questions to ye about Alizon?

  12. Ey come fro' th' same stock as Alizon, onny how," said Jennet.

  13. Whon ey grow older ey'st may a prottier May Queen than onny on you, an so the lads aw tell me.

  14. Crossing the Onny beside a rushing weir, we get a direction for Plowden Hall from an old fellow in charge of a timber-waggon.

  15. Alighting at Bromfield station we make our way to the village, as picturesque a spot as one could wish to see, situated in a pleasant, fertile vale, close to the place where Onny and Teme unite.

  16. Noa, an' ther niver will be onny peace wol tha pays for yond winder!

  17. Aw dooant say onny fellies has been;--tha should know th' best, but awm nawther blind nor gaumless.

  18. Does ta meean to say 'at ther's onny fellies been to awr haase when th' husband's been off?

  19. He likes 'em cuz he onny paid a quarter fer 'em an' a glass pitcher, at an auction, some miles up the road.

  20. I'm proud of that room, but we onny use it Sundays, when Sarah plays the melodian and we sings hymns.

  21. But this crazy Kit was onny nineteen, with no fam'ly, er no payin' job, so she hired out to take keer of the kid.

  22. Ef he'd onny a said he wanted the old tray he'd cud have had it an' welcome.

  23. Ef I onny had some other old things you'd like to get, I would almost have enough money to buy a swell glass lemonade set I saw down to Stamford one day.

  24. My friends, I doubt their doin' yo onny good.

  25. Though as to master,' said he, glancing again at Rachael, 'not master onny more.

  26. Sundy passed someway, but nawther schooil nor sarmon did him onny gooid.

  27. It didn't tak her long befoor shoo'd made as temptin an comfortable a meal as onny reasonable chap could desire, an then shoo set daan to wait wi as mich patience as shoo could.

  28. Ha the dickens could aw bring onny when aw tell thi aw couldn't find th' shop!

  29. If tha thinks it'll do thi onny gooid aw'll slip aght an get thi a tooithful.

  30. Then that's ninepence tha'd nivver ha saved if it hadn't ha been for Jerrymier, soa tha connot say he's gooid for nowt onny moor.

  31. Shoo's older nor me bi ivver soa mich, an shoo could have onny chap i'th street if shoo'd to put her finger up.

  32. If ther's owt abaat thi for onny woman to be praad on awm sewer aw dooant know whear it is.

  33. If tha can find onny sooap an watter onnywhear, goa and gie thisen a gooid swill an then change thi' clooas, an leeav me to tackle this mess.

  34. They'd noa childer, nor onny signs o' onny, but they had a bull pup.

  35. When tha buys onny moor, be sewer they've been laid wi a nice young pullet an then they willn't poison a chap.

  36. If aw tuk onny nooatice o' what tha says, aw should allus be cross.

  37. Seea gret a maund is ne'er confiand, Tiv onny shire or nation; They geean meeast praise weea weel displays A leearned iddicasion.

  38. They'd onny be in the road if we-all have to chase them men," said Bill.

  39. There's not a hair's differ betwixt onny two weemen.

  40. So says I te him, 'There's not a hair's differ between onny two o' them.

  41. Don’t you come for to say I’m telling the least of a lie, for every fool knows a grizzly bear will live an hour with a ball through his heart, if so be he’s onny mad enuff.

  42. Him at fails to drain dry, Be it mug or glass, Binnot woth a pescod, Nor a buss(3) frae onny lass.

  43. A merrier lot than this I name Ne'er met at onny party; All girt grand balls they put to shame, They were sae gay an' hearty.

  44. To him came a man on foot; and, said he: "Have ye seen onny stray cattle i' your travels?

  45. For onny advice on kittle points o' law, ye maun go to counsel, my friend.

  46. But aw hev plump fergetten nah What awther on us said; At onny rate we parted friends, An’ boath went hooam to bed.

  47. Let the hurrican roar, Sall we ivver land onny more.

  48. And what he knows he learned from me when I was votin' an' he was onny in knickers!

  49. The Volunteers prick up thair ears, An’ mack a famos rattle; They want to run to Wimbledon, Or onny field o’ battle.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "onny" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.