The obstetrician must stay by the bedside, and he is to have everything ready for a sudden emergency, which is likely to result in death if not instantly met.
If this infection has been done by a competent obstetrician working in a hospital with sterile instruments, it may be safe to deliver the woman by an extraperitoneal or cervical trans-peritoneal cesarean section.
The obstetrician must be able to diagnose the special cause and treat the indications.
The obstetrician may be obliged to sit by the bed and hold on to the bag for from three to twelve hours.
In some there is much pain or hemorrhage, and these conditions may finally oblige the obstetrician to operate, but the operation should be deferred as long as possible.
A well-known obstetricianin New York has had 3,000 births without seeing a single case.
Any obstetrician of experience will remember many other remedies that have been supposed to be efficacious.
The rachitic pelvis is well known to the obstetrician for the difficulties it gives rise to during parturition.
More Madden, a celebrated obstetrician of forty years' experience, never performed it once.
I once heard a known obstetrician of the old school say: 'I would as lief kill, if necessary, an unborn child as a rat.
It is headed "American Sterility;" I will quote freely from it: "The obstetrician finds his vocation disappearing among the American women from the face of the earth.
When the obstetrician pays his final visit the mother usually has ready a number of questions, most of which anticipate difficulties in the care of the baby.
This service is by no means the least the obstetrician renders his patients.
Since the anesthetic properties of chloroform were discovered by an obstetrician who was searching for a drug with which to lessen the pain of childbirth, the facts connected with the discovery have a peculiar interest for mothers.
Every obstetrician has heard patients say that with his arrival the pains died down.
As in the preceding stages, the muscle fibers of the uterus supply the power in question, and because of this role an observant obstetrician once called them, "living ligatures.
Professor of Obstetrics in the Jefferson Medical College and Philadelphia Polyclinic; Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Philadelphia Hospital.
Assistant Obstetrician to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Fellow of the American Academy of Medicine.
She was calm, patient, hopeful, while the old obstetrician shook his head gravely to the house surgeon.
There was a step in the hall and the senior physician or obstetrician had entered.
No careful obstetricianwill deny pregnancy solely on the regular occurrence of the menstrual periods, any more than he would make the diagnosis of pregnancy from the fact of the suppression of menses.
Dawson of Rothes is theobstetrician mentioned in this case.
If a mad cow may blindly play the part of a successful obstetrician with her horns, certainly a skilled surgeon may hazard entering the womb with his knife.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obstetrician" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.