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Example sentences for "obstetricians"

Lexicographically close words:
obstacles; obstante; obstetric; obstetrical; obstetrician; obstetrics; obstinacy; obstinate; obstinately; obstreperous
  1. We have said that the opinion of obstetricians is that the modern woman has more difficulty in delivering herself than did her ancestress.

  2. In this connection I may state that the leading obstetricians believe that the woman of to-day has a harder time in labor than her predecessors.

  3. If this is true (and we may be dealing with the fact that obstetricians are often the ones to see the difficult cases, or that these stand out in their memories) there are several explanations.

  4. It is a quite general impression amongst obstetricians that this is a fact and also that fewer women are able to nurse their babies.

  5. Skilful obstetricians get much better results, but skilful obstetricians are unfortunately rare.

  6. Even if the child is not dying, some obstetricians will do craniotomy.

  7. That the method requires more care in its administration than can be expected outside of the hospital in order to avoid the dangers of fetal asphyxiation--which danger has led not a few obstetricians to abandon it.

  8. Of obstetricians and gynaecologists America has had no lack, and, in fact, the United States may almost be said to be the first home of gynaecology.

  9. The operations of craniotomy and embryotomy are to-day of relatively infrequent occurrence, and many obstetricians of large experience have never performed them.

  10. The majority of obstetricians adhere to the traditional ten days; but there are advocates of a longer period and advocates of a shorter one.

  11. Moreover, slight elevations in the course of the following week are so frequent that obstetricians have agreed to regard as a normal temperature for this period 100.

  12. The only point in which there is any semblance of agreement among obstetricians is this: in cases of complete rupture, in which the fœtus and membranes are extruded from the uterus into the belly, cœliotomy is clearly indicated.

  13. This operation is advocated by some obstetricians in certain cases of eclampsia and placenta prævia.

  14. Practitioners and obstetricians are now becoming familiar with the fact that when a pregnant woman, who has also fibroids in the uterus, complains of sudden acute pain, it may be due to one of the fibroids undergoing red degeneration.

  15. During recent years, nevertheless, there has been an increasingly strong tendency among obstetricians to speak decisively concerning intercourse during pregnancy, either by condemning it altogether or by enjoining great prudence.

  16. The facts brought forward by obstetricians concerning the good results of early pregnancy, as regards both mother and child, have not yet received the attention they deserve.

  17. Obstetricians think that syphilis is the commonest cause of premature labor, and they estimate that from 50 to 80 per cent.

  18. In 1903 the chief obstetricians in several of the leading American and German universities tried the drugs, but they quickly abandoned the method because they found it dangerous and unscientific.

  19. The high mortality reported by many good obstetricians is a proof that the treatment of cardiac conditions requires an experience in clinical medicine and a skill lacking, as a rule, in specialists who are not internists.

  20. Now some obstetricians of authority extend the measurements to 8 cm.

  21. Only a few obstetricians of authority advise an expectant treatment.

  22. These figures are far above those given by later obstetricians of skill.

  23. The tendency with obstetricians is to deliver the child as soon as the diagnosis has been made.

  24. Most obstetricians advise the removal of an ovarian tumor in pregnancy as soon as diagnosed, provided it is of a size to cause difficulty in parturition, but such a removal causes abortion in over 20 per cent.

  25. The vaginal douche as a routine treatment is not used now by obstetricians in these cases.

  26. Many obstetricians feel that the babies who weigh much more than the average of seven pounds have probably been delayed in the uterus for a lunar month beyond the time when they should, or at least could have been normally born.

  27. Many obstetricians of wide experience now teach that most of these cases of vomiting in pregnancy are merely neurotic and are to be treated entirely {456} as if they were hysterical.

  28. It has been the growing opinion, however, among the great German obstetricians for the last generation.

  29. Other cases with similar results have been reported by obstetricians quite as distinguished as Professor King.

  30. Any number of theories have been suggested and even now our best obstetricians are not agreed as to the reason for this action on the part of the uterus.

  31. Obstetricians and Gynæcologists attached to the Public Hospitals in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin.

  32. Obstetricians know further that if motherhood be begun at a considerably later date, there is less local adaptability than when the bones and ligaments are younger.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obstetricians" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.