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Example sentences for "obstetrics"

Lexicographically close words:
obstante; obstetric; obstetrical; obstetrician; obstetricians; obstinacy; obstinate; obstinately; obstreperous; obstruct
  1. For the increase of obstetrics increases the incapacity for bearing children of future generations.

  2. In so far as the latter is the case, obstetrics contributes towards the diffusion of this incapacity.

  3. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynæcology of the British Empire, 1907, xii.

  4. Both in this country and abroad it is recognized as the most satisfactorily written and clearly illustrated work on obstetrics in the language.

  5. Professor of Obstetrics in the Jefferson Medical College and Philadelphia Polyclinic; Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Philadelphia Hospital.

  6. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rush Medical College.

  7. Assistant Professor of Obstetrics in the University of Pennsylvania.

  8. Schäffer and Edgar's Labor and Operative Obstetrics #Atlas and Epitome of Labor and Operative Obstetrics#.

  9. Professor of Obstetrics in the University of Pennsylvania.

  10. As a true model of what a modern text-book on obstetrics should be, we feel justified in affirming that Dr.

  11. Hirst's volume are far more numerous and far better executed, and therefore more instructive, than those commonly found in the works of writers on obstetrics in our own country.

  12. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rush Medical College, in affiliation with the University of Chicago.

  13. I felt like doing the same, because I knew why Bimmie had been studying those obstetrics books.

  14. Edgar, in a manual of obstetrics which is widely regarded as a standard work, states that this is "yet a mooted question.

  15. Professor of Obstetrics in the Medical Department of Washington University of Baltimore, Maryland.

  16. Byrd, Professor of Obstetrics in the Medical Department of Washington University of Baltimore, has asserted that he has 'every reason for believing that fecundation or impregnation is always an electrical phenomenon; .

  17. For this reason a celebrated teacher of obstetrics insists upon classing them among nervous diseases.

  18. In the Report on Obstetrics of the Illinois State Medical Society for 1868, it is stated that Quincy, Ill.

  19. The laws of Exodus do not teach embryology, physiology, or any other part of physical science; and no authority worth a hearing holds that the Scriptures were intended to be infallible treatises on obstetrics or astronomy.

  20. Broadhead, professor of obstetrics at the Postgraduate School of Medicine in that city, after observing seventy-two cases confessed[208] several failures where the child was concerned.

  21. Hegar estimated that there is one of these abortions to every eight normal parturitions, and specialists in obstetrics find as many as one abortion to four deliveries at term.

  22. Hirst, professor of obstetrics in the University of Pennsylvania, tried the scopolamine treatment in the maternity hospital of the university in about 300 cases at three different times.

  23. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, lxix, 6.

  24. The case has long been decided in favor of the views I advocated, but, at the time when I wrote two of the most celebrated professors of Obstetrics in this country opposed my conclusions with all the weight of their experience and position.

  25. Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children," vol.

  26. Secondly, they must realize that real progress in the science of obstetrics can be expected to proceed only from well equipped clinics connected with strong universities, and in charge of thoroughly trained and broad-minded men.

  27. It is well known to physicians who practice obstetrics that the kidneys fail in their work more frequently during the winter than the summer.

  28. Although there have been notable advances in the science and in the art of obstetrics since the middle of the eighteenth century, a great many fundamental facts must yet be learned.

  29. Everyone familiar with the practice of obstetrics knows that women who gratify enormous appetites during pregnancy, especially if they also fail to take exercise, give birth to large children.

  30. Anyone who practices obstetrics in these days appreciates how careful he must be, especially of the cleanliness of his hands.

  31. In obstetrics it finds a particularly wide field of application, and its practice is responsible for removing many of the former terrors of childbirth.

  32. His professional reputation was fully won by great work in obstetrics and gynaecology, and by the introduction of methods and instruments which contributed to the saving of countless lives.

  33. In obstetrics and gynaecology his skill arose not only from his unrivalled experience, but also from his power of rapid diagnosis, and his promptness and boldness in treatment.

  34. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.

  35. Professor Bedford reports a case in his work on obstetrics which is as sad as it is instructive, he says: “I was requested to visit a lady who was residing in the State of New Jersey, about thirty miles distant from New York.

  36. American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, February, 1887.

  37. Good authorities in obstetrics have insisted that they could pick out of a group of women in evening dress, those who had borne children, from the appearance of their necks.

  38. Bumm, in his text-book of obstetrics (Grundriss zum Studium der Geburtshuelfe von Dr.

  39. As little progress had been made in obstetrics as in other branches of applied medicine or surgery.

  40. Educated accoucheurs were called only in extraordinary cases; but with progress the prejudice which excluded educated physicians from the practice of midwifery gradually gave{166} way, and there was opened for obstetrics a new era.

  41. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, delivered at the same time a special course of lectures upon diseases of the eye.

  42. By ford, of Chicago, who wrote on both obstetrics and gynaecology.

  43. He traveled extensively, and his skill in surgery and obstetrics rendered him celebrated even among the Arabs, whose midwives sent for him in consultation from great distances.

  44. The first practitioner of obstetrics in New England was Dr.

  45. In fact, nearly every text-book on obstetrics gives some space to the subject of pseudocyesis.

  46. Such a course with such a teacher would not necessitate essential materialization of a student's thought, nor detract from the metaphysical mode of obstetrics taught in my College.

  47. How grateful I am for the obstetrics of this grand Science!

  48. While in Jefferson he taught the Theory and Practice, Materia Medica, and Obstetrics at different periods, and was also engaged as editor of the American Medical Review, a journal devoted especially to the interests of that school.

  49. Richardson, the chair of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children became vacant.

  50. Descriptive Anatomy and Histology; Llewellyn Powell, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; James M.

  51. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; Thomas D.

  52. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; Reverend James Blythe, D.

  53. In 1849, when Doctor Annan was transferred to the chair of Theory and Practice, the chair of Obstetrics was filled by Doctor William M.

  54. Is that "Obstetrics and Gynecology" section?

  55. That's the obstetrics and gynecology section?

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obstetrics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.