Reasoning thus, Richard raised his opera glasses and swept those many superimposed ranges of waxen cells.
It will then be seen that in the middle all the superimposed formations are present; but in consequence of some of them thinning out, No.
That region had already acquired in some degree its present configuration before any volcanoes were in activity, and before any igneous matter was superimposed upon the granitic and fossiliferous formations.
Dundry Hill in Somersetshire, we behold eight groups superimposed one upon the other, comprising all the strata from the inferior Oolite, No.
In such a case till without marine shells may first accumulate, and then, if the climate becomes warmer and the ice melts, a marine deposit may be superimposed on the till without any change of level being required.
There are three superimposed masses of gypsum in the neighbourhood of Paris, separated by intervening deposits of laminated marl.
The way in which the octagon has been superimposed on the square may be observed from the interior.
Usually it is represented with a grotesque face, beneath four superimposed capitals, with a necklace round its neck, a long robe hiding the base of the column in its folds, and the whole surmounted by the familiar Osirian emblems.
These, in each revolution, revolve once around the solar disk superimposed on the mean synodic-lunar disk, and also around the lunar disk.
On the surface it seems difficult in Calcutta to get even an occasional glimpse of the old India upon which we have superimposed a new India with results that are still in the making.
Murchison's great work on Russia, what wide gaps there are in that country between thesuperimposed formations; so it is in North America, and in many other parts of the world.
The bed uprights had male and female ends which permitted the building of as many superimposed bunks as seemed practicable.
It being entire, the ends of the superimposed ones had to be lifted to allow of its withdrawal.
Many interesting effects are found on the boldly marked eggs, where the large brown blotches are superimposed on the drab undertones.
Caribou track in 2-inch snow; hind foot superimposed on track of front foot.
In walking, the print of the hind foot may be superimposed on that of the other (fig.
The walls are thickened, and composed of superimposed layers of laminated connective tissue separated from one another by flat nucleated cells.
Not infrequently a small foreign body acts as a centre of crystallization for feces which become superimposed in successive layers.
Lofty creeds superimposedtoo rapidly on primitive beliefs are apt to get "mixed"; they need time to become assimilated.
The old political order everywhere represented itself as superimposed on man from above, and, thus clothed with a sort of divine sanction, it was exalted above the reach of criticism.
As a consequence of this, the political ideas of our educated classes represent a curious admixture of democratic beliefssuperimposed upon a hardly conscious substratum of eighteenth-century doctrines.
For about two or three hundred years, the French language remained superimposed upon the English; the upper layer slowly infiltrated the lower, was absorbed, and disappeared in transforming it.
The people that now occupies England was formed, like the French people, by the fusion of several superimposed races.
The machine had superimposed aeroplanes, similar to those used by Stringfellow.
I do not mean to tell you that there are no qualifying circumstances, so that, even in very considerable areas, we may safely speak of conformably superimposed beds being older or younger than others at many different points.
If two pictures taken by a stereoscopic camera are placed as indicated by the arrows at the right and the left, they will appear superimposed in the position of the arrow in the rear.
These currents may be superimposed and generally only three wires are used in the transmission.
It has been suggested that the Krishna stratum was superimposed on an earlier Buddhist groundwork at a time when the worship of Vishnu (regarded as being incarnate in Krishna) was in ascendancy.
Four buried cities superimposed one above the other were discovered.
In an excavation made near New Orleans, at a depth of sixteen feet from the surface, beneath four cypress forests superimposed one upon the other, the workmen found a complete human skeleton, and some charcoal.
In a Portrait d'Homme, done in 1889, the background is laid in with a bright green over which are superimposed polka-dots of pure vermilion surrounded by a darker green, the whole striped with yellow and light vermilion flourishes.
The pretty is merely superimposed because of temperamental dictation: instead of functioning, it only attracts.
Its dome is surrounded by a colonnade, and a superimposed round turret with Lombard windows.
The arch superimposed on the architrave has a rich scroll of cherubs and foliage, and it rests on two huge lions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "superimposed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.