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Example sentences for "nothera"

Lexicographically close words:
notes; noteth; noteworthy; nothen; nother; nothin; nothing; nothinge; nothingness; nothings
  1. The seed-vessel of the Œnothera taraxicifolia is at the end of a long tube, some seven inches in length, down which runs the stalk or style of the pistil, and within this tube I have constantly found little black flies and grains of pollen.

  2. Unfortunately, it has since been shown that the Œnothera taraxicifolia, and probably other night-flowers, are deeply marked with veins.

  3. I returned to the bed of Œnothera taraxicifolia, and again I could see no moth of any kind.

  4. This Œnothera is from Chili, but the yellow one comes from North America; and a smaller yellow one, also from North America, may be found naturalized and now quite wild in one or two places in England.

  5. In the case of the large yellow Œnothera the pistil stands out above the stamens, and I suppose it could not be fertilized except by the wind or (more probably) by insects.

  6. But more beautiful still than the yellow Œnotheras is the white Œnothera taraxicifolia, the evening primrose of the dandelion leaf.

  7. Moreover, the pistil and the stamens of this Œnothera are as nearly as possible the same length; so that even before the flower has opened, a stigma or head of the pistil has got well dusted over with the pollen of the stamens.

  8. Somehow or other, however, the yellow Œnothera bears seed much more certainly and abundantly than the white one.

  9. We had no sooner crossed the Platte, than our attention was arrested by the beautiful white primrose (œnothera pinnatifida, N.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nothera" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.