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Example sentences for "nomber"

Lexicographically close words:
nomadism; nomads; nomarch; nomarchs; nomas; nombre; nombres; nombreux; nombro; nome
  1. How often I pray you, do we heare things affirmed as true, which afterward proue most false: as that one was caried away bodie and soule, that an other was put to death, and an infinit nomber of such like reports.

  2. For you doo all complaine, that the nomber of the Catholikes is verie small, the greater part of men being diuided into sundry sectes, and the multitude of Epicures daily increasing.

  3. Here was a question moved concernynge the takinge in of certayne pˀsons into the clothinge but the house did not think good to take in anye for that the nomber is alredy fyftye.

  4. I praie you shewe me by what occasion or meanes, this huge nomber of Beggers and Vacaboundes doe breede here in Englande.

  5. Hereby growes the greate and huge nomber of Beggers and Vacaboundes, which by no reasonable meanes or lawes could yet be brought to woorke, being thus idely brought vp.

  6. But most famous and Eloquente men, doe place descripcion, in the nomber of these exercises.

  7. And, of two sortes, yf the tone shold be conserved, I thynke yt mete the moste nomber be served.

  8. This nomber is smale, there lacketh twayne of ten, And yet, by the masse, amonge ten thousand men No one thynge could stande more wyde from the tother; Not one of theyr sewtes agreeth wyth an other.

  9. Also for the more part the staues stand rather vpon the euen nomber of verses then the odde, though there be of both sorts.

  10. The king vnderstoode Hannibal, that he had meant of the nomber of his souldiours, and of their brauerie.

  11. Whereunto hee willingly agreed, with a great nomber of other like protestations, prompte and redy in them which meane deceipt.

  12. Then the Senate gaue order, that the same shoulde be addressed with great pompe and triumphe: whereunto through th’instigacion of Accius, a greate nomber of the Volscians resorted.

  13. The principall and chiefe of which nomber was Appius Claudius, who committed no lesse filthy facte, then was done by Tarquinius, for the rape of Lucrece.

  14. Whereupon Virginius retourned home, and in poore and vile apparell, repaired to the Forum, after whom followed a great nomber of matrones and aduocates.

  15. Illustration: Of other Foles a nomber yet I fynde Which by theyr bablynge wordes and langage Can nat kepe close the secrete of theyr mynde.

  16. There is great nomber that fayne wold be aborde.

  17. Some swymmeth after: other as thycke doth rowe In theyr small botes, as Bees about a hyue The nomber is great, and eche one doth stryue For to be chefe as Purser and Capytayne Quarter mayster, Lodesman or els Boteswayne.

  18. After them folowed a greate nomber of archers and then wagons laden with their stuf.

  19. And a greate nomber of Gentlemen on fote, in russet satyn and yealow, and yomen in russet Damaske and yealow, all the nether parte of euery mans hosen Skarlet, and yealow cappes.

  20. The nomber of Gentlemen and yomen a fote, appareiled in russet and yealow was clxviii.

  21. Efterwart again, at ther meting be nycht at the kirk of Northberick, wher the deuell, cled in a blak gown with a blak hat vpon his head, preachit vnto a gret nomber of them out of the pulpit, having lyk leicht candles rond about him.

  22. At North Berwick in 1590, 'the deuell, cled in a blak gown with a blak hat vpon his head, preachit vnto a gret nomber of them.

  23. Shipwrights in some nomber to be employed on the timber.

  24. M225) In the ninth leafe yt followeth: Wee founde there a greate nomber of pepper trees, the pepper beinge yet greene and not ready to be gathered.

  25. And so to conclude, what in the nomber of thinges to goe oute wroughte, and to come in unwroughte, there nede not one poore creature to steale, to starve, or to begge as they doe.

  26. God wotteth) no such nomber as at firste you did ymagine.

  27. This towne hath a nomber of Indians and Symerons to their enemyes.

  28. I dare truly affirme, that if the nomber in this realme were as greate as all Spaine and Ffraunce have, the people beinge industrious, I say, there shoulde be founde victualls ynoughe at the full in all bounty to suffice them all.

  29. And the subsequent entries in the book appeared to have little concern with Room 6, Ward School Nomber Seventh.

  30. And on the next mornyng after Mr. Phylyp and the Baylly of Cosshay com to Haylysdon with a grete nomber of pepell, that ys to say viij.

  31. And theise or lettres shalbe yor sufficient warrant for the levyenge of the said nomber of two hundred and fyftie men accordinglie.

  32. The Quenis army, boyth in nomber and manhead, far surmounted his, and yitt he took no fear; for he was assured of the most parte of thame that war with the Quene, as the ishew did witness.

  33. The reparatioun would be according to the possibilitie and nomber of the Churche.

  34. And gif it happinis ony of the said sevin chosin be the Kyng and Quene to deceis, thair Majesties sall choise ane uthir furth of the said nomber of xxiv.

  35. Above the whiche nomber of three, (as appereth,) thay passed not, for avoiding of confusioun.

  36. And so thei did: so that they that fled keapt thame selfis apart frome the few nomber that war marching upoun foote in ordour.

  37. Estaitis deis, the remanent foirchosen be thame sall name are uther of the said nomber of twentie foure.

  38. Ye shall answer, the nomber being expressed, and money be in reddenes to seld[129] thame, thei shall have sufficientlie.

  39. For a man that of long tyme had bene of our nomber in professioun, offered (as himself did confesse) his service to the Quene Regent, to travaill betuix hir Grace and the Congregatioun for concord.

  40. The crewell murthar and oppressioun usit be thame quham now sche fosteris, is till us ane sufficient argument, quhatt is to be luikit for, quhan hir nomber is sa multipleit, that oure force sall not be abill to gainestand thair tyranie.

  41. When the nomber is mean to resist thame, than rage thay as bloody wolvis; bot a party equall or able to resist thame in apperance, doeth brydill thair fury.

  42. Sidenote: Neither Centurion nor Peticapitaine, ought not to ride; What carriages the Capitaines ought to have, and the nomber of carrages requisite to every bande of menne.

  43. Legion, so that the Romain horse, in every Consulles armie, passed not the nomber of vi.

  44. And yet thei were not contented with this, but made every souldiour to have written in his Targaet, the nomber of the ranke, and the nomber of the place, in whiche ranke he was appoineted.

  45. Da men to taka your job come to-night on da Nomber Twent'.

  46. No odder peoples on da Nomber Twent' disa day at night.

  47. We will turn da old switch, Nomber Twent' she run on da old track--an' swoosh!

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nomber" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.