In this yere came Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke out of Walis, over Kyngston brige to the Blak heth, withe grete power, to clere hymself ageynst kyng Herry of such things as his adversaries had shewed ageynst hym.
London in grene, rodde to the Blak heth to receyve my lord of Bedford.
This same yere, at Awrastelynge, John Northwold, mercer, was sclayn at the blak heth, wherethorugh aroos a gret discencion and debate among the craftes of London.
And this yere was the duke of Somerset robbid atBlak freris.
After men setten him upon a blak stede, and so men bryngen him to a cheyere fulle richely arrayed, and there thei crownen hym.
Isobel Crawford of the Irvine Coven in 1618 was accused that the devil 'come to hir awin dur in similitud of ane blak man, and prommeist, gif sche wold be his servand, sche sould have geir aneuch, and sould not want.
Efterwart again, at ther meting be nycht at the kirk of Northberick, wher the deuell, cled in a blak gown with a blak hat vpon his head, preachit vnto a gret nomber of them out of the pulpit, having lyk leicht candles rond about him.
In 1658 an Alloa witch named Jonet Blak declared that he appeared to her first as 'a dog with a sowis head'.
That thair cam tua men to her ane cled in blak and the uther with ane grein tartane plaid about him And that the man with the plaid said to her she was ane prettie And he wald lerne her to ken and sie ony thing she wald desyre.
At North Berwick in 1590, 'the deuell, cled in a blak gown with a blak hat vpon his head, preachit vnto a gret nomber of them.
In 1661 Jonet Watson of Dalkeith said that 'the Deivill apeired vnto her, in the liknes of ane prettie boy, in grein clothes, and went away from her in the liknes of ane blak doug'.
Shoe was at a Meitting in Newtoun-dein with the Deavill, who had grein clothes vpone him, and aneblak hatt vpone his head'.
And the Devill start vp in the pulpett, lyke ane mekill blak man, haifand ane blak buik in his hand, callit on ewerie ane of thame, desyring thame all to be guid serwandis to him, and he sould be ane guid maister to thame.
And seth that he came of hys owne fre wyll withowt ony comandment of ony man or desyir, I seyd I wold not send hym ageyn to preson, so that he wold abyde yowyr rewyll when ye came home.
As for the gentylwoman that ye wrote to me for yn youre lettere, I .
He offyrd me to be rewlyd as ye and I wold have hym, and if I wold comand hym, to go ageyn to preson, whedyr I wold to the Castyll or to the Gyld Hall, he wold obey my comandment.
To my right worchepful hosbond, John Paston, be this letter deliveryd in hast.
Item, a dobelet of blak fusteyn, a hers harnys, vjs.
Item, a syde morrey gowne, a dobelet of blak satyn, a payre hosyn, a jakks, the polronds of a payr bryganders of rede sateyn ffugr.
And [if] the blak hose be payid for he wyll send me the roset un payd for.
Item, my master gaff here a longe gowne of blak velvet furred with martrys and purfeled with marteres.
This is the court of lusty folk and glad, And wel becometh their habit and array: O why be som so sorry and so sad, 1095 Complaining thus in blak and whyte and gray?
The day passit, and Phebus went to rest, 400 The cloudis blak ourquhelmit all the sky; God wait gif Cresseid was ane sorrowful gest, Seeing that uncouth fair and herbery.
Thomas Brampton at the Blak Fryers in London wyth syche other as he and I apoyntyd wyll helpe yow to aspye on for me on ther part.
Also, that it lyek yow to spek with your apotycary, whyche was som tyme the Erle of Warwykes apotycary, and to weet of hym what the wedow of the Blak Freiris is woorthe, and what hyr husbondes name was.
Johnne Fien blew up the duris, and blew in the lychtis, quhilkis wer lyke mekle blak candillis, stiking round about the pulpett.
Bot sche, that wolde make an ende, As therto which I was most able, A Peire of Bedes blak as Sable Sche tok and heng my necke aboute; Upon the gaudes al withoute Was write of gold, Por reposer.
A skillful doktor in attendance who understands sowing up tares in the flesh, and removeing blak and blue spots.
Fury iz the tornado ov the inner man, a thunder shower, a blak kloud phull ov litening, a tiger out ov hiz kage, a maniak armed, a bull in fli time.
The bobalink iz a blak bird with white spots on him.
The blak snaix iz the only one i kno ov who kan klimb a tree without boosting, and take the yung birds out ov their nests oph from the topmost limb.
Blak kats hav a way ov gitting on the top ov the wood-house when other folks hav gone tew bed, and singing dewets till their voices spile, and their tails swell till it seems az tho they must split.
Thare ain't a shu blak on the face ov the earth but what beleaves he kan "shine em up" a leetle better than enny one else.
They are spotted red and blak for color, are about the size ov a double B shot, and don't look unlike a drop ov red sealing wax.
They hav a koal blak eye, which revolves on its axis, and shines like a glass bead.
The blak snaix iz about 5 feet in length, and sumtimes haz a white ring around hiz nek.
Kats with blak eyes, no whiskers at all, and sharp pointed ears, are liabel tew phitts.
To 'Thomais Brews, esquiyer, my crampe ryng, with blak innamel and a part sylvir and gilt.
In another part of his will he bequeaths to "Thomais Brews, esquiyer, my crampe ryng with blak innamel, and a part silvir and gilt.
With blak froggis all helit thai The armouris at thai on thame had.
And yheit haf I herd oftsis tell, That he so gretly dred wes than 535 That quhen wiffis wald thar childir ban, Thai wald with rycht ane angry face, Beteche thaim "to the blak Dowglas.
The long peper men clepen sorbotyn; and the blak peper is clept fulfulle, and the white peper is clept bano.
And there is 3 maner of peper, all upon o tree; long peper, blak peper, and white peper.
To gud trew men he gaiff full mekill wage; His brothir sone put to his heretage; 850 To the blak crag in Cumno past agayne; Fol.
At the Blak Rok, quhar he was wont to be, Apon that sted a ryall hous held he.
Red hewit or ellis blak with small spraingis of spottis, and ar callit be the peple sleuthhundis.
No more unto you at this tyme saffe we have desired of the Maire and Aldermen to have an answere hereof by Fryday ix of the clokke at the blak ethe.
Go bye a courser, blakor whyte, And pay therfor; than art thou quyte.
Thy nailes blak if thou mayst see, Voide it awey deliverly, And kembe thyn heed right Iolily.
Exalationys or vapouris blak and laith Furth of that dedly golf thrawis in the air, Sik wys na byrd may thiddir mak repair; Quharfor Grekis Avernus clepis this sted, The place but fowlis, to say, or pyt of ded.
Ye shull each have your own part, A blak arrow in each blak heart.
With the spelling somewhat bettered, this is how they ran: "I had four blak arrows under my belt, Four for the greefs that I have felt, Four for the nomber of ill menne That have opressid me now and then.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blak" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.