No wonder that this Julian, who had so many nails in his shoes, slipped upon the pavement of the temple, which was smooth, and laid with marble of different colors.
The longitudinal bars are held on the stakes by wire nails bent over and the transverse bars are wired to them at intersections by stove pipe wire.
In this construction lagging boards the full length of the column are used and are held without nails by yokes.
To remove the forms, draw the partly driven nail F; knock off the strip G or loosen it enough to draw the nails in B>; pull the triggers on one beam, and the forms will drop.
To tear down this form requires drawing the nails in the horizontal lagging and the knocking loose of the clamps.
No nails are used in assemblying the parts; the same studding and yokes serve for several sizes of column, the lagging alone being changed.
And my wife, moreover, is wont to pare hernails every Saturday night, but this nail hath not been pared for a month.
Tender, polished and white were her wrists; her fingers long and of great whiteness; her nails were beautiful and pink.
Now in the part that is 1/2 inch have to be drilled three holes to fasten it with nails or screws to the base.
The whole thing is now fastened to the wall in a convenient place, by driving nailsthrough the back, and the double wire is completely hidden by passing it behind furniture, books, etc.
And now his curious majesty did stoop To count the nails on every hoop; And, lo!
I am reasonably fearful, had she heard and seen all this--Poll Acton's nails might have possibly drawn blood from the cheeks of Jonathan Floyd.
And he bit hisnails to the quick, that they bled again: but he never felt the pain.
It did not however come off, but grew up as before, and I had the curiosity to know how often people changed their nails in the course of a year.
Now go on, and if you offend again, you shall have the bastinado till your nails drop off.
The Devilkin bent down, rummaged about with his nailsin the furrow and pulled out three little roots, grown together.
The old Devil sat down by the table, but the deaf and dumb girl seized him by the hands and looked at them to see if they had any blisters, but they were clean and smooth and the finger nails were long.
What had those evil women with manicured nails accomplished in her absence?
Did you not observe that their nails had been manicured?
Instead he would have to greet her with the news that the pocket Venus with the polishednails had turned out to be a cordon bleu.
He presents the cross to Paris, the crown to St. Denis, the threenails to Boulogne.
The people of Bengal had become accustomed to be flogged, just as the fakir grew so fond of his bed studded with pointed nails that he could not sleep comfortably on any other.
He had the little cask of nails to sit on, and he was sure that he could hold the hogshead down so that they couldn't overturn it.
The only things left in the sleigh now were an empty hogshead, a cask of nails and a hatchet.
There seemed to be no end of wolves, and he kept moving on from place to place till all his nails were used up.
Then he threw the nailsand hatchet and empty hogshead out on the ice.
Perhaps, also, a vague desire to placate the "powers that be" had made him pay unusual attention to his face and nails and hair.
As many hairs as have been shaved off, or nails cut, shall not return in such enormous quantities to deform their original places; but neither shall they perish: they shall return into the body into that substance from which they grew.
One is, "I will not believe unless I see the prints of the nails and lay my finger in the marks of the wounds.
Will each one's hairs and nails all be restored to him in the resurrection?
When it was quite cleared he took a chisel, and with it began to withdraw the hooks and shoulder-nails holding the cupboard to the wall.
I went to the outhouse, but instead of opening the oven, I firmly drove in the shoulder-nails that held the cupboard to the wall.
For this purpose and for these reasons they caused skin, hair, and nails to grow at the extremities of the limbs.
Nails were formed by combining sinew, skin, and bone, and were made by the creators with a view to the future when, as they knew, women and other animals who would require them would be framed out of man.
They have no iron to make nails of, and for this reason they use only wooden trenails in their shipbuilding, and then stitch the planks with twine as I have told you.
There are often found coloured tiles and iron nails 1 foot, and even 2 feet long.
Gilbert tore his bosom with his nails to think that here he had kissed the hem of her robe with such reverence.
She clenched her hands till the nails penetrated the tender flesh.
She clasped her hands together, and her nails were hurting her tender skin; but the colour in her face did not alter, nor did her eyes fall beneath her father's gaze.
The lad's eyes happened to rest on the nailswhich usually held his father's duck-gun, and Barbette trembled as she noticed that the gun was gone.
Those men are not ours; their shoes have no nails in them.
She also missed painfully those little daily attentions to her hands and shins, which were rendered necessary in consequence of Tony's activity with his nails and the toes of his boots, to say nothing of his teeth.
A rude sort of ornamentation is produced by pinching up the soft clay of the surface between the nails of the fingers and thumb.
The body was ornamented by pinching up the clay between the nails of the thumb and forefinger.
In some cases the entire surface of the larger vessels is varied by pinching up small bits of the clay between the nails of the fingers and thumb.
These ridges have apparently been made by pinching up the clay between the nails of the fingers and thumb.
The beaver's feet are webbed for the purpose of swimming, and there are nails on his feet, so that he can scratch the earth almost equal to a badger.
The large she-bear can take an ordinary sized dog in her fore paws and crush him to death, and they can strike with such force as to send the sharp nails of their paws fairly through the dog.
Another court order concerned the delivery of a boat, and 3500 six-penny nails lent by John Neale.
Philip Taylor was indebted to William Stevens for one house, four days on a shallop, valued at one pound sterling, six gallons of tar, and 1250 nails of various sizes.