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Example sentences for "multiplies"

Lexicographically close words:
multiplicity; multiplie; multiplied; multiplier; multipliers; multiplieth; multiply; multiplying; multipolar; multis
  1. It buries itself in the body of the Paramecium, and, in a short time, multiplies to such a degree, that sometimes fifty of them are found on a single individual.

  2. Each invention, each labor saving device, each substitution of mechanical power that multiplies the productive capacity of industry at the same time increases the surplus at the disposal of the plutocracy.

  3. Changes in the forms of industrial production are rapid; special privilege yields rich returns and is the subject of wide speculative activity; land values increase; labor saving machinery multiplies man's capacity to turn out wealth.

  4. An inexorable fate drives them onward--augmenting their burdens as it multiplies their labors.

  5. But it is then that the mycoderma aceti appears, and multiplies with a facility so much the greater that it draws its first nourishment from the cells of the mycoderma vini.

  6. All the life of the cells of the ferment which multiplies itself indefinitely appears then to take place apart from free oxygen gas.

  7. It is very rare not to find this parasite of turned wine in the deposit of the wine at the bottom of the casks, but the parasite is not troublesome unless it multiplies very largely.

  8. The wild onion multiplies at both ends,--at the top by seed, and at the bottom by offshoots.

  9. We have shown elsewhere how genius multiplies to infinity the joy and power of life by means of the arts; and one of the greatest of the arts is the art of love.

  10. Now comes modern machinery, and multiplies the productive power of the hand laborer by five, by ten, sometimes by a hundred.

  11. On this basis, following Professor Fisher's method of computation, he multiplies the deposits assigned by Professor Fisher to New York by 1.

  12. One multiplies feet by feet to get square feet, and square feet by feet to get cubic feet.

  13. Fisher multiplies "fixed relations" of various kinds, without, so far as very diligent search can tell, offering any argument to support them.

  14. It is plain that this is a quality which as much as, if not more than, any other multiplies good results in practical life.

  15. War not only multiplies widows and orphans but clothes the land in mourning.

  16. Wealth is a real and substantial thing, which ministers to our pleasures, increases our comfort, multiplies our resources, and not unfrequently alleviates our pains.

  17. A tax on German linen encourages home manufactures, and thereby multiplies our people and industry.

  18. And, in the second place, it multiplies the resources of the executive government, and thus renders the country unable, as well as unwilling, to correct the errors of those who are at the head of affairs.

  19. Here he so multiplies sacraments, that all you see becomes sacramental; and here you find, in the father of the faithful, the most perfect representation of your Incarnate God, and the most certain pledge of his resurrection.

  20. Knowledge is always imperfect, or complete only in a prospectively boundless career, in which discovery multiplies doubt, and doubt leads on to new discovery.

  21. It multiplies the evils of drunkenness, and makes the levities of wine to run into madness.

  22. For dead logic would stick at solipsism; yet irrational life, as it stumbles along from moment to moment, and multiplies itself in a thousand centres, is somehow amenable to logic and finds uses for the reason it breeds.

  23. As he increases and multiplies the divine authority is vicariously exercised in the government of the race as a society.

  24. From him is propagated a most numerous people, which multiplies in Egypt, whither a divine disposition of things, redoubling its promises and effects, had carried that family from eastern parts.

  25. It was like a polypus which multiplies itself by generation.

  26. For the heat, which perpetually passes and emanates from it, being mixed with that which preceded it, multiplies the whole.

  27. S: Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.

  28. Nay, even when it has not to encounter the separating conditions of emigration, a nation need not boast itself of multiplying on its own ground, if it multiplies only as flies or locusts do, with the god of flies for its god.

  29. It multiplies its strength only by increasing as one great family, in perfect fellowship and brotherhood.

  30. Whenever much attention is paid to discomfort, the concentration of mind on it multiplies by the law of avalanche the number of cells in the brain affected, and this multiplies the actual discomfort felt.

  31. Mind creates and multiplies them, and the product must be mental.

  32. An amoeba assimilates, grows and multiplies just as long as the environment is favorable.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "multiplies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.