While this nobleman sustained such a mortifying disappointment on the Moselle, the French did not fail to take advantage of their superiority in the Netherlands, where general d'Auverquerque was obliged to stand on the defensive.
This alarm was not so mortifying as the secession of the Wirtemberg troops, amounting to ten thousand men, commanded by their duke in person, who left the French army in disgust, and returned to his own country.
Though this was a mortifying disappointment, he bore it without repining; and, far from abandoning himself to despair, began his march to the castle of Blair, which was threatened with a seige by general Mackay.
The queen began to express her attachment to the tories, by mortifying the duke of Marlborough.
Such a bill must also have been disagreeable and mortifying to the pride of those landholders whose estates were incumbered, because, in consequence of such a register, every mortgage under which they laboured would be exactly known.
This mortifying step, however, he did not take until he saw his ship lie like a wreck upon the water, and the decks covered with carnage.
This misfortune was the more mortifying to the king of Prussia, as it implied a censure on his conduct, for having detached such a numerous body of troops to a situation where they could not be sustained by the rest of the army.
This was a mortifying necessity to a prince of his high spirit, at a time when he saw himself on the eve of reducing the place, notwithstanding the gallant defence which had been made by general Marshal the governor.
After this mortifying check, they encamped a few days in sight of the fort, and, the rainy season setting in, returned to Conjeveram.
But before that there had been some rather mortifying experiences to teach me that though I was done with Higgleston, it was, to a certainty, not done with me.
It was a mortifying certainty that Jerry's ready acceptance of me as a woman of whom his wife could not possibly be jealous, had defined for me, that I didn't in general know how to please and interest men.
This was a mortifying circumstance to our hero, and it did not come unaccompanied.
I now took it for granted that I was once more in the power of Mr. Falkland; and the idea was insupportably mortifying and oppressive to my imagination.
This was a mortifying sight to a hungry stomach, and Robin's humanity yearned at the display.
He awoke, with a mortifying discovery that the crash had been of a somewhat less equivocal nature.
But the controversy was followed by circumstances of a mortifying character.
This meagre verdict under the circumstances is a severe and mortifying rebuke to Cooper, who had everything his own way.
Yet this was the man selected for fĂȘting by the English Governor-General; as though courtesy to a Frenchman could not travel on any line which did not pass through a mortifying slight to Englishmen.
Here then, in this schism of the public affections, and in the mortifying discovery so abruptly made by Pompey, lay the bitter affront which he could not digest--the injury which he purposed to avenge.
I did indeed suppose it would be a mortifying circumstance to you, to see your cousin quite ruined by this infamous creature.
Oral digestion is a mortifying or putting to death of the food.
While Thrall was trying to reassure Sybil and convince her that he had meant no mockery by his laughter, she sat with down-bent face, hiding her mortifying tears.
She dared not molest Margaret, of whose physical powers she had just received such mortifying proof, so she aimed a box at the ears of Lenora.
In order to recover myself from this mortifying thought, I consider that it took its rise from those narrow conceptions which we are apt to maintain of the divine nature.
Their efforts, in consequence, were ill directed or inadequately followed up, and only mortifying failures resulted.
The 29th, however, was very different, being a day of mortifying adventure.
At length the day broke and the major retired to his party and with his led horses returned to camp, where he proceeded to headquarters to inform the general of the disappointment as mortifying as inexplicable.
The evil, though it be a mortifying fact, we are bound to say, arises from a strange notion of caste and color, which measures sympathy according to complexion.
He was just in time to receive the mortifying intelligence that the mayor's court had concluded its sitting, and to see little Tommy, with a pair of handcuffs on his hand, in the act of being committed to jail by a Dutch constable.
If you only knew how awful it is to be different from other girls--how mortifying it is to me to be able to vanish--oh, how I hate and detest it all!
Besides, the mortifying experience at the Paris Exposition has dampened even my perennially youthful enthusiasm.
If they delay it beyond that, it is in effect the most mortifying and the most insulting way of refusing it that they could have adopted; and as such I think you would do right to state it in your letter.
But as it concerned me nearly to remain undiscovered in my character and sentiments, I was under a necessity of mortifying my desire of praise, by confining my works to my own perusal and applause.
A general movement in the party was gladly seized by Charlotte as an excuse to go, and Delafield handed her to her carriage, with the mortifying conviction that she was utterly indifferent to every thing but the civility of the act.
Julia saw the danger of an exposure if she interfered, yet she had the curiosity to go to the window, and see how Antonio would conduct in the mortifying dilemma.
Surely, if any thing can be mortifying to a lover, thought our heroine, it must be to see a rival save the life of his mistress, while imperious duty chains him to another task.
He was doomed to experience still more mortifying indignities.
Footnote 99: The Ascetics (as early as the second century) made a public profession of mortifying their bodies, and of abstaining from the use of flesh and wine.
Aurelian, who considered the war as totally extinguished, received the mortifying intelligence of the escape of the Alemanni, and of the ravage which they already committed in the territory of Milan.