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Example sentences for "misunderstands"

Lexicographically close words:
mistus; misty; misunderstand; misunderstanding; misunderstandings; misunderstood; misuse; misused; misuses; misusing
  1. If the Servian Government misunderstands us here, this is done deliberately, for it must be familiar with the difference between "enquĂȘte judiciaire" and simple police researches.

  2. He is likely to be misunderstood, because he so easily misunderstands others.

  3. Once in a great while the subject misunderstands the task and thinks the only requirement is to use all the words given, and that it is permitted to add as many other words as he likes.

  4. If the child misunderstands and gives the day of the month for the day of the week, or vice versa, we merely repeat the question with suitable emphasis, but give no other help.

  5. Any one who misunderstands the depth and the scope of the present political restlessness which is manifested in every section of the country, misunderstands the American instinct for fellowship.

  6. On the one or two points on which she really misunderstands the man's position, it is almost entirely in order to preserve her own.

  7. This shows at the start that he misunderstands human nature.

  8. Well, I'm not sure that the Englishman who misunderstands American things and likes them isn't a little worse than the Englishman who misunderstands them and dislikes them.

  9. Let me not think," said Doctor Brooks, "that I get nothing from the man who misunderstands all my attempts to serve him, and who scorns me when I know that I deserve his sympathy.

  10. Let me not think," said Bishop Brooks, "that I get nothing from the man who misunderstands all my attempts to serve him and who scorns me when I know that I deserve his sympathy.

  11. You thus separate yourself entirely from those you have served--no one misunderstands you--you have declared yourself.

  12. Your enemy is one who misunderstands you--why should you not rise above the fog and see his error and respect him for the good qualities you find in him?

  13. Communism misunderstands or disowns the very nature of man.

  14. The Burdwan translator, as usual, citing the very words of the gloss, misunderstands them completely.

  15. The Burdwan translator misunderstands the word.

  16. Singha mistranslates Kulapatam, and the Burdwan translator misunderstands both Kulaparam and venumivoddhatam.

  17. The Burdwan translator misunderstands it completely and takes it as equivalent to achirena.

  18. Singha translates this verse correctly, the Burdwan translator incorrectly, and, as usual, misunderstands the gloss completely.

  19. The Burdwan translator, with the gloss before him, for he cites copiously from it, misunderstands the negatives.

  20. The Burdwan translator, though citing largely from the gloss, misunderstands both verse and gloss completely.

  21. The Burdwan translator misunderstands the word anavajnata.

  22. It is curious to note how the Burdwan translator, with the commentary before him and from which he quotes, misunderstands the second verse completely.

  23. The Burdwan translator, however, while citing the very words of the commentary, totally misunderstands them and makes utter nonsense of them.

  24. The Burdwan translator misunderstands it although he repeats the exact words of the second foot of the second line.

  25. The Burdwan translator misunderstands the word Linga as used in both 14 and 15.

  26. Mr. CLAY:--I think the gentleman misunderstands the report.

  27. The North misunderstands the South--the South misunderstands the North.

  28. The Burdwan translator misunderstands the second line of the verse.

  29. It is curious to see that the Burdwan translator adheres to the vicious reading and misunderstands the meaning.

  30. On the contrary, this mechanical materialism wholly misunderstands the nature of the problem.

  31. Formal logic now entirely discards this hope of a fantastical world, but at the same time it misunderstands the natural connection between the spirit and the common world.

  32. Applied to natural science, this means that it misunderstands the interrelation of all its fine discoveries.

  33. Whoever worships the spirit, is an idolator, for he worships a part and misunderstands the whole truth.

  34. Whoever is looking for absolute botany or psychology, or for any other absolute science, misunderstands the universally natural character of the absolute as well as the relative special character of the human faculty of understanding.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misunderstands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.