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Example sentences for "mistreated"

Lexicographically close words:
mistral; mistranslated; mistranslation; mistranslations; mistreat; mistreating; mistreatment; mistres; mistress; mistresse
  1. The same took advantage of our race, and mistreated our fathers, and forced them to throw out their babies, so that they wouldn't stay alive.

  2. God spoke in this way: that his seed would live as aliens in a strange land, and that they would be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years.

  3. As it happened the regular clown and the mule were friends, but the mule hated Frozzler, for the circus owner had on more than one occasion mistreated the animal.

  4. I'll be done with Captain Putnam just as soon as I can show him how he mistreated me and how the Rovers are pulling the wool over his eyes.

  5. The women had evidently been abused and mistreated most evilly, as by devils, and then murdered and discarded like playthings to be tossed into the bushes by the wayside.

  6. Master Rababull had never deliberately mistreated either of them, although he was known to deal harshly enough with rightly deserving wrongdoers or habitual slackers if they pushed their luck too far.

  7. Well, I hate to see a horse doped or mistreated in any way.

  8. That horse isn't a bit mean; he's been mistreated and he's a little worried about whom to trust.

  9. The cur had mistreated you in some way, and I could not stand it!

  10. She merely knew that she was going to face a desperate and wicked man who had wofully mistreated her and her father.

  11. I've fooled around diseased and mistreated bodies the most of a lifetime, and I ought to know something, if I don't.

  12. The one naturally evil; the other made so because he knew that in some way the woman he loved had been mistreated and abused.

  13. If it were not for the way in which physicians of the past mistreated the body and neglected the mind, this sect would not exist.

  14. Happy cows give more and better milk than the mistreated ones.

  15. Mrs. Rush says that her young Mistress thought that her husband was being intimate with her and so she constantly beat and mistreated her.

  16. None of them were ever whipped or mistreated in any way.

  17. One unusual feature of this story is that Westbrook who permitted his slaves to be whipped, was a church deacon, whereas Wamble, who never attended church, never whipped or mistreated his slaves.

  18. She did not feel that her Master and Mistress had mistreated their slaves.

  19. All the colored folk on plantations and farms around our plantation were slaves and most of them were terribly mistreated by their masters.

  20. Father was what they used to call "a picked slave," was a good worker and was never mistreated by his master.

  21. But race relations were worse in the white districts where there was a lower class of whites, some of whom mistreated the negro and others encouraged him to violence.

  22. He and his wife never mistreated their slaves.

  23. Some fellows get mistreated because they get out of their place.

  24. I have never been mistreated by a white man in my life.

  25. Are you the boy who is said to have mistreated the American flag on the school grounds at Chestnut Hill?

  26. I mistreated the flag once with my hands and arms and feet and my whole body, and I've got to give my hands and arms and feet and my whole body now to make up for it.

  27. He brought the Captain back and, as he was then our prisoner, his life was safe, for no man with whom I ever served ever mistreated a prisoner.

  28. Either the citizens kept to their closed-up houses or, having run away at the coming of the enemy, they had not yet dared to return, although so far as I might tell there was no danger of their being mistreated by the gray-backs.

  29. She has mistreated you," he cried, in indignation.

  30. Plenty of white folk mistreated they slaves, but ours never mistreated us.

  31. Mistreated you, when you tried to steal the little water and food we had left!

  32. Nor were the Comparini mistreated there, as they tried to prove by the unauthoritative deposition of a servant, who had left the house in anger.

  33. For that reason I came to be continually mistreated by my husband and mother-in-law, though I answered that I was not to blame for that.

  34. According to it, one would think all those killed or mistreated were Radicals.

  35. He was not mistreated except in rare cases which did not become rarer under the Bureau.

  36. When raiders came, the negroes saved the family valuables and concealed the farm cattle in the swamps, and though often mistreated by the plundering soldiers because they had hidden the property, they were faithful.

  37. A sharper who claimed to be connected with the government travelled through some of the black counties, telling the negroes that they were mistreated and must arm themselves for protection.

  38. We knew that our own men had never mistreated any prisoners and had in fact usually done quite the reverse.

  39. The uhlans and infantrymen rushed them with the flat side of their swords and the butts of their muskets; and mistreated them.

  40. I married that girl in good faith, and I'll bet that she has not told you or anybody else that I mistreated her.

  41. They have never got her to lie as they have done, and say that he mistreated her.

  42. Said I to her: 'Orlean, I could never believe you if you said Jean Baptiste abused, mistreated or neglected you.

  43. He had, however, succeeded in explaining and conveying the impression that the man she married had mistreated and neglected her, and that he had been compelled to go and get her in order to save her life.

  44. This old house of ours had been so long mistreated that it was fairly petulant and querulous when I began studying it.

  45. So you see we have had the rare experience of transforming three mistreated old houses into very delightful homes.

  46. When Shaw sees a lonely mistreated kitten or a lonely mistreated theory, his tender heart yearns over it.

  47. Well, you see, he mistreated his wife physically.

  48. The next sentence: "Both my wife and I tried to help poor Marina, who could not speak any English, was mistreated by her husband.

  49. Do you recall saying in your letter, "Both my wife and I tried to help poor Marina, who could not speak any English, was mistreated by her husband.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mistreated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.