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Example sentences for "past experience"

  • But if there is reason to believe that a proportion are young birds on the verge of carrying out their instinctive routine for the first time, then we cannot appeal to past experience in explanation of their behaviour.

  • There are sequences, as uniform in past experience as any others whatever, which yet we do not regard as cases of causation, but as conjunctions in some sort accidental.

  • I maintain then, first, that uniformity of past experience is very far from being universally a criterion of truth.

  • The test of inconceivability does not represent the aggregate of past experience 296 3.

  • The reflection preceding decision on an end consists in the imagination, by aid of the memory of past experience, of some of the constant results of particular function, to which function, however, the organism is irresistibly moved.

  • Past experience, apart from its monuments, is fled for ever out of mortal reach.

  • As an example of the inapplicability of past experience, I may mention an argument against Republics which has been much used of late by the partisans of monarchy in France.

  • The appearance of Ishtar during each month and for various days of the month was noted, and then interpreted, partly on the basis of past experience, but also by other factors that for the most part escape us.

  • The days were not arbitrarily chosen, but, as there is every reason to believe, selected on the basis of past experience.

  • We can easily invent hypotheses, which are quite likely to be true, as to connections in the brain caused by past experience, and themselves causing the different response.

  • Paris," because of past experience; the past experience is as essential as the present question in the causation of our response.

  • Similarly, the images you have in dreams are all dependent upon your past experience, as well as upon the present stimulus to dreaming.

  • I see the ship with my mind, not with my eyes; for I know that a cloud of smoke out there always has, in my past experience, represented just that.

  • These percepts I combine as a result of past experience (memory) to form my concept, face; and the process of combining is ideation.

  • One such theory held that an object is recognized by recalling its original setting in past experience; an odor would be recognized by virtue of recalling the circumstances under which it was formerly experienced.

  • First, the tests evidently require the use of past experience.

  • This complex series of acts, so essential to the continuance of the species, and seemingly so full of purpose, is nevertheless conducted throughout without reference to past experience, and without any future end in view.

  • This appears in the fact that the various ideas which are necessary to interpret the new problem are to be selected out of larger complexes of past experience.

  • Here the object attracts attention not merely because of its sensuous properties, but because it suggests novel relations within the elements of past experience.

  • No past experience can do other than mislead.

  • The verdict of past experience favorable to its extension.

  • Past experience in industrial arbitration or adjudication is a fertile source of suggestion in this endeavor; although much of it has been rather like a search in the dark for objects not too well described beforehand.

  • How past experience is conserved: Past experience conserved in both mental and physical terms--The image and the idea--All our past experience potentially at our command.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "past experience" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    advanced state; best suited; called the; cent stamp; equal weight; good knights; grated lemon; grows wild; human consciousness; mental prayer; past days; past eight; past eleven; past events; past history; past life; past participle; past tense; past the; past three; past times; paste made; pastoral people; pastry flour; sure enough; white bread