One would expect in such a country as France, with its meticulously exact control of its public offices, that its Mint, the institution in which its money was made, would be a miracle of precision and efficiency.
Strange, too, that both of them should describe meticulously the one white hawthorn that stood among the poplars by the ferry-side.
This was such a fraud as one sees recorded in the papers that meticulously record squalor in paragraphs headed, "Heartless Fraud on Soldier's Wife.
It would have upset him very much not to know exactly what was going to happen, for he was a meticulously careful host and being a creature of habit the unexpected was apt to agitate him extremely.
Manifestly every detail of his habiting had beenmeticulously considered and the total effect carefully calculated.
There we found a meticulously laid-out and perfectly appointed camp, precisely suited to the forty-five hundred of us and our requisitioned mules, wagons and what not.
His three-cornered hat was rakishly set at an angle on his fair hair, which was meticulously rolled in curls above his ears, and the curls were caught at his neck with a black velvet ribbon.
Behind it, along the other side of the long wing, lay a meticulously arranged vegetable garden and a few apple trees.
Then he meticulouslyuntied the wrapping and smoothed the weathered parchment against the top of his desk.
Mukarjee rose and began meticulously replacing the vials in his cloth bag.
There were, however, a few Martians on the floor, wearing their light "robes du convention" and dancing with meticulouslymathematical precision.
The Lensmen, noticing that the place was neatly kept and meticulously clean, sat down and resumed their discussion of two extremely unusual infants.
Though I did not meticulously describe my emotions, I can recall the feelings which surrounded various entries, whether they were of selfishness, anger, fear, or otherwise.
Predictability, under these conditions, is earned; each of life's problematic questions had been meticulously solved, carving daily the beliefs which became the man.
This involved a thorough evaluation wherein one's traits were honestly viewed, after which a commentary was meticulously written for the instructor.
After all, we do not have to separate meticulously what is true in Tolstoy's teaching from what is false in order to acknowledge him as a Voice of his epoch.
Sheer chance had placed us in the presence of this squid, and I didn't want to lose this opportunity to meticulously study such a cephalopod specimen.
I meticulously noted these different depths, obtaining the underwater profile of this upside-down mountain chain that stretched beneath the sea.
The marble floors were covered with antique, and expensive, Persian rugs, and the light tan wallpaper was flecked with gold leaf, giving the feeling it could have been meticulouslystripped from some palazzo in Venice.
They were marble and meticulously cleaned of soot, whose ubiquitous presence in New York meant that eventually everything not regularly scrubbed turned gray.
Jasper Penny dryly thought that the term man was singularly inappropriate in any connection with the meticulously garbed figure before him.
Zu Pfeiffer pinched a cigar tip, lighted it meticulously and considered the roster.
Zu Pfeiffer walked down the line inspecting buttons, bolts, and rifles as meticulously as he had lighted his cigar.
As for manners, even though they may be "unrestrained," they can be meticulously perfect for all that!
It must above all be meticulously trig and compact.
Courtney Barr was a meticulously groomed, meticulously courteous man who had, in slipping into middle-age, lost all traces of the boy and youth he must have been.
He then squatted down, licked himself meticulously clean with a long, black, extremely agile tongue, and went on about his enigmatic business quite as though nothing had happened.
Eight bodies, friend and foe alike, were dumped into a manhole; eight creatures squatted down and cleaned themselves meticulouslybefore resuming their various patrols.
Posing as an electronics supplier, he had fully reconnoitered the site two months earlier, meticulously memorizing the location of everything they needed.
As meticulously clean as though he had done nothing all day long except groom himself, tail erect and eyes friendly, but at the same time managing to preserve his own great dignity, he came straight to Andy and arched against his legs.
Once he was positive of that, he meticulously groomed his wet fur and started toward the house.
After that I became just a meticulously faithful retoucher, working in a trance.
The duties of the Abbot and various functionaries under him aremeticulously defined.
Yet does it really matter whether the legend is meticulously faithful to the facts?
More quickly and more meticulously than any other herded group of humans, prisoners pick to pieces those charged with their destinies.
The keynote of reformative harmony is struck in a prison regime that ministers meticulously to marketable knowledge and skill.
But now some primitive instinct perhaps or some subconscious intimation of danger made him meticulously noiseless.
Here he changed his coat andmeticulously washed his hands, to which clung a subtle blend of all the strong-smelling goods that had passed through them.
And of an evening, when the store was closed, he sat over stale English newspapers and a map of the Crimea, and meticulously followed the movements of the Allies.
Her hands, just meticulously washed, had that feeling of being dirty which comes from roughening of the epidermis caused by a day spent in fingering stuffs.
Samuel thought of his own abode, meticulously and impeccably 'kept,' and a hard bitterness against Mrs. Daniel surged up in his soul.
Repulsing the assistance of his wife, he arranged an armchair in front of the fire and meticulously put himself into it.
Freedom of conscience, freedom of creeds, wasmeticulously observed and Christians and Jews lived and prospered side by side with their Muslim brothers.