There I left him very speedily; but I could never get before him in the mathematical class, in which he was undoubtedly the cleverest lad at the college.
Jacob, leaning forward, drew a plan of the Parthenon in the dust in Hyde Park, a network of strokes at least, which may have been the Parthenon, or again a mathematical diagram.
He noted the slight irregularity in the line of the steps which "the artistic sense of the Greeks preferred to mathematical accuracy," he read in his guide-book.
The laws which govern the material world are sketched in the books on natural science; such are gravitation, affinity, mathematical motion.
Warfare to-day," he answered, "can be determined on mathematical lines.
The end of it is as certain as a mathematical problem.
Nevertheless, for the sake of meeting these criticisms upon their own ground, I will endeavour to show that, even as mathematical calculations, they are quite untrustworthy.
The conditions which such problems involve are so varied and complex, that it is impossible to be sure about the validity of the data upon which a mathematical analysis is founded.
I point this out merely for the sake of remarking that his Independent Generation is exactly the same principle as my Independent Variability, and Delboeuf's Mathematical Law.
Crabtree, to whom Horrox refers as 'his most esteemed friend and a person who has few superiors in mathematical learning,' made preparations to observe the transit similar to those already described.
Milli continued: "Early during your test, when you demonstrated that you couldn't do the very simplest mathematical problems in your head, they began to doubt your boastings that you are a scientist.
Trevitheck's engine will not be forgotten; but it ought to be known and remembered that your reasonings and mathematical enquiries led to the discovery.
Winstanley's mathematical water theatre stood at the lower end of Piccadilly, distinguishable by a windmill at the top.
This exclusion made way for Archimedes, who came forward with a scheme of mathematical figures in his hand; among which, I observed a cone and a cylinder.
For this end I have a mathematical sieve preparing, in which I will sift every page and paragraph, and all that falls through I shall make bold with for my own use.
Can a mathematical number tell the difference between good and evil?
Mathematical calculations, based on mystic numbers transmitted in apocalyptic poetry, are at a heavy discount.
The more one knows of mathematical truth, poetic beauty or moral good, the easier it is, not the harder, for others to know and enjoy as much or more.
His imagination and sentiment are mathematical and ethical instead of asthetic and passionate.
Many theories in natural philosophy have been exploded by the proof of their absurdity, and the correct explanations are accepted on trust by the multitudes incompetent to master their logical and mathematical grounds.
In mental conception man deals with mathematical infinites as easily as with the pettiest objects, dilates a point to the universe and shrinks the universe to a point, condenses eternity into a moment or stretches a moment to eternity.
The movement of the heavenly bodies, that of our little earth round the sun, all operate by virtue of the most profound mathematical law.
As regards mathematical truths, I think it would have taken at least three years before he could have learned higher geometry.
The same Gassendi, in his "Epicurean Philosophy," repeats several times that there is nomathematical evidence of the pure spirituality of the soul.
I am not a mathematician; and everything is arranged in my world according to mathematical laws.
Thus, if one of us had a book to finish and to return to the mathematical master, he could read on without interruption while the other scribbled off his exercise and imposition.
His memory allowed him to recall such facts as might serve to support his statements; he had appended them to each chapter in the form of demonstrations, so as to give to many of his theories an almost mathematical certainty.
My mathematical master was the librarian of the college, and allowed me to help myself to books without much caring what I chose to take from the library, a quiet spot where I went to him during play-hours to have my lesson.
Footnotes: [1] These Fragments were written upon the back of his mathematical papers, during the last year of his life.
The Norman arch," he says, "is never derived from traditional classic forms, but only from mathematical arrangement of line.
But they are related by mathematical laws and the apparent haphazard character is only the result of our lack of knowledge of how to interpret the results.
Shortly afterwards Lord Raleigh undertook a mathematical investigation of the subject and came to the conclusion that the audible effects were caused by the bending of the plates under unequal heating.
The first telescopes colored everything looked at, but by a hundred years of mathematical research, the proper curvature of objectives formed of two glasses was discovered, so that now we have perfect instruments.
My machine, however, is an exact mechanical translation of the mathematical method of integrating y dx, and thus forms a third type of instrument.
Mathematical principles of theology, or the existence of God geometrically demonstrated.
My own case is as peculiar as his: I have proposed to introduce mathematical thought into logic to an extent which makes the old stagers cry: "St. Aristotle!
Poisson, I really wish I had a thousandth part of his mathematical knowledge that I might prove my system to the incredulous.
Not only was he president of the Royal Society (1684), but he was interested in establishing Sir William Boreman's mathematical school at Greenwich.
He is not the only person who has written nonsense by confounding the mathematical infinite (of quantity) with what speculators now more correctly express by the unlimited, the unconditioned, or the absolute.
A Grammar of infinite forms; or the mathematical elements of ancient philosophy and mythology.
Or, a brief attempt to demonstrate, that the Newtonian system is perfectly agreeable to the notions of the wisest ancients: and that mathematicalprinciples are the only sure ones.
In England there is a public to listen to discoveries in mathematical subjects made without mathematics: a public which will hear, and wonder, and think it possible that the pretensions of the discoverer have some foundation.
The truth is that this personal equation, as we call it, in each cannot be made the subject of mathematical calculation.
And the strange, eventful histories of human life will no more be exhausted than the possible arrangements of mathematical numbers.
The great works of architecture, even, which are somewhat determined by mathematical rule, owe their charm to the personal genius of their creators.
The box reminds one of a modern box for mathematical instruments, being divided into a top and bottom half, each of which contains instruments separated from each other by small blocks.
The component parts of this portable outfit so far known to us are as follows: The scalpels of different shapes seem to have been carried in boxes, probably wooden, which opened in two halves like a modern mathematical instrument box.
But we must check up to make sure that it is not only a mathematical manipulation with cleverly chosen figures which this time ensures the smooth progress of accumulation.
The second enlargement of production, and increased production of surplus value, thus follows from the first as a matter of course and withmathematical precision.
And it is this harmless written exercise with mathematical equations which Tugan Baranovski quite seriously considers a demonstration of such a course in real events.
He believes that these mathematical formulae solve the problem of accumulation.
The circle has become a spiral which winds itself higher and higher as if compelled by a natural law in the guise of mathematical terms.
Independent mathematical studies also form a large part of the numerous manuscripts of this period.
But no such planned organisation of the total process exists in a capitalist economy, and things do not run smoothly, along a mathematical formula, as suggested by the diagram.
Is it explained just because we can put the mathematical proportions of accumulation on paper?
With his love of paradox he actually permits himself the joke of submitting a mathematical proof that accumulation of capital and expansion of production are possible even if the absolute volume of production decreases.
The Theory of Natural Selection from a mathematical point of view.
Leybourn's Mathematical Repository (London, 1805), the Essay appears as No.
Clarke's Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning.
John Lawson's Dissertation on the Geometrical Analysis of the Ancients "will be given at the latter end of An Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning, which will soon be published.
With a Mathematical Appendix on Compound Interest and Life Assurance.
His brain grows, or at least the mathematical faculties of his brain grow, and the rest of him only so much as is necessary to sustain this essential part of him.
They check any incipient disposition to other pursuits, they encourage his mathematical bias with a perfect psychological skill.
Had I known then, as I know now, themathematical chances there were against me, I doubt if I should have troubled even to touch the studs to make any attempt.
Sundaysupplement stuff, without the slightest basis of reasoning; not a mathematical symbol or laboratory experiment to back up these fictional nightmares.