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Example sentences for "begin work"

  • She closed the hospital at once, and put up a notice telling the patients why it was necessary to close, and assuring them that she would begin work again as soon as it was safe to do so.

  • They also supplied her with a small stock of drugs with which to begin work, and she treated something over two thousand patients during the first eight months.

  • Begin work by making the ends of the settee first.

  • Begin work by squaring up the posts to length and beveling the top ends, then trim the back and side boards.

  • Illustration: Complete Wall Shelf] Begin work by squaring the horizontals to size.

  • Begin work on the sides by preparing a joint edge on each piece and from this square up the lower ends and square lines across the inner surfaces to indicate the positions of the lower edges of the shelves.

  • Several minutes before you are ready to begin work, take four or five strands of the cane, and, after having doubled them up singly into convenient lengths and tied each one into a single knot, put them into the water to soak.

  • Begin work by shaping the larger piece of leather as shown in the drawing.

  • Begin work by moistening the leather on the back side with a sponge or cloth.

  • He was glad to leave Italy and all its memories behind, and he hoped to begin work again in his quiet little French home.

  • It is early days to begin work at seven years old, but Andrea thought it was quite as good as play.

  • His own father was a sculptor and his uncle a famous painter, so the child was encouraged to begin work early.

  • Illustration: Rocking Chair Complete] [Illustration: Details of Rocking Chair] Begin work on the posts first.

  • Begin work by shaping the ends of the posts as indicated in the drawing.

  • Begin work by squaring up the ends of the front posts and shaping the rear ones Chamfer the ends of the tops and bottoms slightly so that they shall not splinter through usage.

  • Illustration: Detail of Writing Desk] Begin work by cutting the posts to length and shape.

  • Can it possibly be, Katy," she asked, "that those men are planning to begin work on my room so soon?

  • Now let's go and take Katy into our confidence, and then you shall show me your ideas before I begin work on your proof.

  • We once reached a house at midnight, found a boy with a broken thigh, and had to begin work by thawing out frozen board in order to plane it for splints, then pad and fix it, and finally give chloroform on the kitchen table.

  • A splendid volunteer head teacher will arrive in the spring to begin work.

  • These convictions, anyhow, were the mental assets with which I had to begin work, and no others.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "begin work" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already related; analogous manner; begin again; begin upon; begin with; begin work; beginning with; below white; billion feet; each subject; fifth chapter; five states; glacial action; golden crowns; good qualities; have found; having obtained; large income; little birds; natural size; port towns; raising himself; scale manufacturing; she had never seen; small plain; whose territory