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Example sentences for "marionettes"

Lexicographically close words:
mariner; mariners; marines; marins; marionette; marique; maris; mariscal; marisco; marish
  1. That is not to say, however, that in the use of marionettes the Hawaiians did not hark back to their ancestral homes in the southern sea or to a remoter past in Asia.

  2. Conjectural meaning to point out some one in the audience, as the marionettes often did.

  3. The dog jumped over rocks and ditches as if he had done nothing in all his life but carry marionettes on his back.

  4. His hunger satisfied, he did what marionettes usually do, talked about himself.

  5. I always like to see the marionettes in the streets.

  6. You see, there are two pieces which the marionettes act.

  7. Until 1860 the Boulevard du Temple was noted for a number of little theatres, where marionettes might be seen dancing on the tight-rope, or where pantomimes in the Italian style were performed.

  8. The marionettes were replaced by children playing exclusively in pantomimes.

  9. That night, in the middle of the night, the partner went away, carrying with him all the gold that the little marionettes had earned by their deaths.

  10. Grendel thought her lover the most wonderful man in the world, and it is the truth he was very clever; she kissed him a hundred times, and the little marionettes also.

  11. The marionettes grew bewildered with their new taking; they did not understand the meaning of all the coarse things they had to do.

  12. The two marionettes opened their eyes, and saw daylight; they began moving to and fro softly; every now and then they put their faces together and kissed.

  13. Before he was fast asleep the two marionettes had slipped off his knee and lay in the deep grass looking up at the sky.

  14. And so, still more, as the play went on, the little marionettes trembled and shook with fear.

  15. But the marionettes said nothing; their hearts were very full; now, at last, they found their old happiness return to them.

  16. This could not be done with the life-sized marionettes in Catania, which were all operated from behind, and never came forward.

  17. Any attempt to conceal them would have been a mistake, for what is the use of announcing a performance by marionettes and then pretending there is no mechanism?

  18. They say the marionettes are for the lower orders and accuse them of being responsible for many of the quarrels we read about in the newspapers.

  19. There were more than two hundred marionettes altogether, including Turkish and Spanish soldiers.

  20. If I would come to-morrow he would show me all the marionettes and tell me all the secrets of the business.

  21. It may not be in every detail in complete accordance with the received views of historians, but the marionettes take their history wherever they find it.

  22. There are marionettes with strings to their feet, and though they may do The Story of the Paladins, this is not their usual business, they are more elaborately articulated, and are intended for operas, ballets and other complicated things.

  23. After this we came away, which I have often regretted since, because these marionettes were the best I had seen.

  24. His marionettes are beginning to modulate into flesh and blood, and, like the mermaid of the fairy story, the transformation is a painful one.

  25. They may be called psychical farce, an intellectual comédie rosse--for his people are mostly a blackguard crew of lively marionettes all talking pure Shaw-ese.

  26. The melody to which these marionettes were dancing possessed a strange quality.

  27. Picture to yourselves two hundred blue and golden marionettes jigging to Sir Roger de Coverley or bobbing to Come Lasses and Lads.

  28. The marionettes were an early offshoot of the mimus, and the modern Punch-and-Judy show is a descendant in part of both.

  29. Tony bent low and kissed her hand as he had seen the marionettes do in romantic plays.

  30. But the marionettes were really handsome.

  31. Wherein the bandit expounds a new philosophy, and makes marionettes of the Americans IX.

  32. Then they must all see a show, and they crowded into a tent and saw a play acted by wooden marionettes in a toy theater, like a Punch and Judy.

  33. Except that the showman had a marked preference for the doll who played the husband, the balance of the play was excellently maintained, and the marionettes did exactly as they were bid.

  34. But her voice had neither the range nor the strength which Judy demanded to be successful, and he drew the marionettes off his fingers.

  35. John whispered as the marionettes danced excitedly back and forth.

  36. Marionettes in the plain at Moret; the other, the publication of a libel, still more bitter, upon the distinguished deeds of the fantastic captains.

  37. Because the marionettes were dancing so much.

  38. But he says also that if the Great Father of the Marionettes is angry he will come back.

  39. And they had seen the Father of the Marionettes floating in the sky and making thunder!

  40. The Indians said the Father of the Marionettes was angry because they didn't dance enough to suit him, and that he was making them dance.

  41. Once more a dreamlike succession of brilliant, frosty days; once more the star-studded sky in which always the marionettes danced.

  42. All that night the marionettes danced in Bennie's brain.

  43. It was as though Fraser Leath's ideas, accustomed to hang like marionettes on their pegs, should suddenly come down and walk.

  44. I will play the marionettes for him, I will make him laugh.

  45. Maurice is already at work preparing a splendid performance of marionettes for us.

  46. Her thoughts wandered again to Wood, that splendid figure on horseback, and she sought to identify him there among the black marionettes that gyrated against the red background.

  47. At the news that pardon had been given, the Marionettes ran to the stage and, turning on all the lights, they danced and sang till dawn.

  48. These brave words, said in a piercing voice, made all the other Marionettes cry.

  49. It is greatly to be regretted that the two very different types of puppets are not set apart from each other satisfactorily by the contributor of the article on marionettes in the latest edition of the 'Encyclopedia Britannica.

  50. In Turkey, for example, under the name of Karaguez, there is a Punch and Judy of enormous popularity and of doubtful decency, while in Siam there are marionettes which perform religious plays of traditional appeal.

  51. We look upon Mr. Punch as comic; but the Italians take their pleasure seriously and the marionettes in their puppet-shows to be seen in New York are truly heroic, and not infrequently highly tragic.

  52. Yet if these same plays were reverently performed by marionettes the aroma of irreverence would be removed.

  53. And in Italy to-day the true marionettes have an even broader popularity than the Punch and Judy figures.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marionettes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.